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ManipulaPy is a comprehensive Python package for robotic manipulator analysis and simulation. It offers a range of functionalities, from kinematic calculations to dynamic analysis and path planning, making it a versatile tool for both educational and research purposes in the field of robotics.


  • Kinematic Analysis: Compute forward and inverse kinematics for serial manipulators.
  • Dynamic Analysis: Perform calculations related to the dynamics of manipulators, including mass matrix computation, gravity forces, and velocity quadratic forces.
  • Path Planning: Implement various path planning algorithms for robotic manipulators.
  • Singularity Analysis: Analyze and identify singular configurations of robotic manipulators.
  • URDF Processing: Parse and process URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) files for simulation and analysis.
  • Controllers: Implement various control strategies such as PD, PID, robust, adaptive, and feedforward controllers, along with Kalman filter-based control.
  • Simulation: Simulate robotic manipulator motion using PyBullet.
  • Visualization: Tools for visualizing joint and end-effector trajectories, and analyzing steady-state response.


To install ManipulaPy, run the following command:

pip install ManipulaPy

Getting Started

To get started with ManipulaPy, you'll need to have a URDF file for your robotic manipulator. The following example shows how to initialize the library with a URDF file and perform basic kinematic and dynamic calculations.

from ManipulaPy.urdf_processor import URDFToSerialManipulator
from ManipulaPy.kinematics import SerialManipulator
from ManipulaPy.dynamics import ManipulatorDynamics
from ManipulaPy.path_planning import TrajectoryPlanning as tp
from ManipulaPy.control import ManipulatorController
import numpy as np
from math import pi

# Path to your URDF file
urdf_file_path = "path_to_urdf/robot.urdf"

# Initialize the URDF processor and extract the serial manipulator
urdf_processor = URDFToSerialManipulator(urdf_file_path)
robot = urdf_processor.serial_manipulator
dynamics = ManipulatorDynamics(
    urdf_processor.M_list, urdf_processor.omega_list, urdf_processor.r_list,
    urdf_processor.b_list, urdf_processor.S_list, urdf_processor.B_list, urdf_processor.Glist
controller = ManipulatorController(dynamics)

# Example joint angles
thetalist = np.array([pi, pi/6, pi/4, -pi/3, -pi/2, -2*pi/3])
T = robot.forward_kinematics(thetalist)
print("Forward Kinematics:", T)

Usage Kinematics Perform forward and inverse kinematics for your robot.

# Forward Kinematics
T = robot.forward_kinematics(thetalist)
print("Forward Kinematics:", T)

# Inverse Kinematics
thetalist_sol, success, iterations = robot.iterative_inverse_kinematics(T, thetalist)
print("Inverse Kinematics Solution:", thetalist_sol)
print("Success:", success)
print("Iterations:", iterations)
Calculate mass matrices, velocity quadratic forces, and gravity forces.

Copy code
# Mass Matrix
M = dynamics.mass_matrix(thetalist)
print("Mass Matrix:", M)

# Velocity Quadratic Forces
c = dynamics.velocity_quadratic_forces(thetalist, np.zeros(len(thetalist)))
print("Velocity Quadratic Forces:", c)

# Gravity Forces
g_forces = dynamics.gravity_forces(thetalist)
print("Gravity Forces:", g_forces)

Trajectory Planning

Plan joint space and Cartesian trajectories.

# Joint Space Trajectory
traj = tp.JointTrajectory([0]*6, thetalist, Tf=5, N=100, method=5)
print("Joint Space Trajectory:", traj)

# Cartesian Trajectory
Xstart = np.eye(4)
Xend = np.array([[0, -1, 0, 1.0], [1, 0, 0, 0.0], [0, 0, 1, 0.5], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
cartesian_traj = tp.CartesianTrajectory(Xstart, Xend, Tf=5, N=100, method=5)
print("Cartesian Trajectory:", cartesian_traj)


Implement various control strategies for your robot.

# PD Control
Kp = np.eye(len(thetalist))
Kd = np.eye(len(thetalist))
tau = controller.pd_control(thetalist, np.zeros(len(thetalist)), thetalist, np.zeros(len(thetalist)), Kp, Kd)
print("PD Control Torques:", tau)

# PID Control
Ki = np.eye(len(thetalist))
tau = controller.pid_control(thetalist, np.zeros(len(thetalist)), thetalist, np.zeros(len(thetalist)), 0.01, Kp, Ki, Kd)
print("PID Control Torques:", tau)
Singularity Analysis
Analyze singularities, plot manipulability ellipsoids, and estimate workspace.
from ManipulaPy.singularity import Singularity

# Initialize the Singularity class with the serial manipulator
singularity_analysis = Singularity(robot)

# Perform singularity analysis
is_singular = singularity_analysis.singularity_analysis(thetalist)
print(f"Is the manipulator at a singularity? {'Yes' if is_singular else 'No'}")

# Plot the manipulability ellipsoid

# Define joint limits for the manipulator (example limits)
joint_limits = [(-pi, pi) for _ in range(len(thetalist))]

# Estimate the workspace using Monte Carlo sampling

# Calculate the condition number of the Jacobian
cond_number = singularity_analysis.condition_number(thetalist)
print(f"Condition number of the Jacobian: {cond_number}")

# Detect if the manipulator is near a singularity
near_singular = singularity_analysis.near_singularity_detection(thetalist)
print(f"Is the manipulator near a singularity? {'Yes' if near_singular else 'No'}")


Simulate robotic manipulator motion using PyBullet.

from ManipulaPy.sim import Simulation

# Define joint limits (example limits)
joint_limits = [(-pi, pi) for _ in range(len(thetalist))]

# Initialize the simulation with the URDF file and joint limits
simulation = Simulation(urdf_file_path, joint_limits)

# Define a simple joint trajectory for the simulation
joint_trajectory = np.linspace([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [pi/2, pi/4, pi/6, -pi/3, -pi/2, -pi/3], 100)

# Run the simulation


Visualize joint and end-effector trajectories and analyze the steady-state response.

# Plot Joint Trajectory
tp.plot_trajectory(traj, Tf=5)

# Plot Cartesian Trajectory
tp.plot_cartesian_trajectory(cartesian_traj, Tf=5)

# Plot Steady-State Response
time = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
response = np.exp(-time) * np.sin(5 * time) + 1  # Example response
controller.plot_steady_state_response(time, response, set_point=1)


Check out the examples directory for comprehensive examples demonstrating how to use ManipulaPy for various tasks, including kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, control, and simulation.


We welcome contributions to ManipulaPy! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Ensure that your code adheres to the existing style and includes tests for new functionality.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!