A simple property wrapper that offers observing a value over time.
This is just me playing around and this should probably not be used in production.
Add this library as a SwiftPM dependency:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/bearjaw/Observely", .branch("master")),
Consider the following counter class that can increment and decrement an Int
by 1.
class Counter {
@Observable private(set) var counter = 0
// MARK: - Basic functionality
func increment() {
counter += 1
func decrement() {
counter -= 1
// MARK: - Observe and react to changes
func start(onChange: @escaping (Int) -> Void) {
_counter.observe(self) { value in
os_log(.debug, "Step: %@", "\(value)")
deinit {
os_log(.debug, "Gone. Bye 👋")
Now we can observe our counter simply by accessing the wrapper and calling the observe(observer:, option:, onChange:)
function. The Counter wraps this call in it's own function start(onChange:)
- [] Thread safety
- [] Add possibilty to provide a queue to receive the updates from
- [] Further improvements along the road