The Socket Chat Application is a real-time messaging platform designed to provide seamless communication between users. This application leverages socket programming for instant message delivery and ensures a smooth user experience with an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.
- User Registration and Authentication
- User List
- Chatting
- Audio Calling
- Video Calling
- Reply to Messages
- Delete Messages
- User Interface
I would like to express my gratitude to the open-source community and the developers who contributed to the technologies used in this project: Node.js, React.js, Socket.IO, MySQL, Sequelize, and Tailwind CSS.
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
React.js: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Socket.IO: A library for real-time web applications.
MySQL: A relational database management system.
Sequelize: A promise-based Node.js ORM for MySQL.
Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
User Registration and Authentication
Registration: New users can register by providing their email, username, and password.
Login: Registered users can log in using their credentials.
Authentication: Secure authentication mechanisms to protect user data.
User List
Active Users: Display a list of users who are currently online.
User Status: Show the online/offline status of users.
Search: Ability to search for specific users in the user list.
Direct Messaging: Users can send direct messages to each other.
Real-Time Updates: Messages are delivered and displayed in real-time using socket connections.
Typing Indicators: Show when a user is typing a message.
Reply to Messages
Message Threads: Users can reply to specific messages, creating a thread for easy conversation tracking.
Delete Messages
Message Deletion: Users can delete their own messages.
Audio Calling
Initiate and receive audio calls with other users.
Video Calling
Initiate and receive video calls with other users.
User Interface
Intuitive Design: A user-friendly interface with easy navigation.
Responsive Layout:
Optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Customizable Themes: Users can choose from different themes to personalize their chat experience.
The Socket Chat Application is a real-time messaging platform that allows users to communicate seamlessly through text, audio, and video messages.
The application is built using Node.js, React.js, Socket.IO, MySQL, Sequelize, Tailwind CSS, HTML, and CSS.
Users can register by providing necessary details on the registration page and authenticate using their credentials on the login page.
Yes, users can delete their messages even after they have been sent.
Users can reply to a specific message by clicking the reply button next to the message.
Yes, the application supports both audio and video calling between users.
Install my-project with npm
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd socket-chat-app
Install server-side dependencies:
cd server
npm install
Install client-side dependencies:
cd client
npm install
Navigate to the server directory:
cd server
Go to the project Start the server:
npm start
nodemon index.js
Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Start the client
npm start
To deploy this project run
npm run build
After generating build you need to upload on netlify to get updated web application.
π I have completed my Bachelor's in Information Technology in 2023.
π I am having 1+ years of Experience in MERN Stack Development..
π± Iβm currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms.
π― Iβm looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects