A few lines of code to demo how similarity of sentences can be checked base on their semantics works with Spark, in particular using [Word Mover's Distance] (http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v37/kusnerb15.pdf) algorithm by Kusner.
To submit the job to an existing Spark installation you can package the job with the following command:
sbt package
and then submit it with the following command:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--master $SPARK_MASTER \
--class sentenceAnalyzer.SentenceSimilariyCheck \
target/scala-2.10/sentence-similarity-analyzer-using-wmd_2.10-1.0.0.jar input.txt output.txt stopwords.txt googlew2v.tsv
After running the sbt package
command you'll find the required JARs in your local Ivy cache ($HOME/.ivy2/cache/
You can understand the code in detail on [learningfrombigdata] (http://learningfrombigdata.com)