The three algorithms compared are The Giftwrap algorithm, The Graham-Scan algorithm and The Monotone Chain algorihtm. These algorithms are compared over a wide range of data sets using pre writen tests. The algorithms were written as an assigment for COSC262-18 at the University of Canterbury.
To run each algorithm individually uncomment the line corresponding to the chosen algorithm and select the chosen
data file then run the file. Lines to uncomment to run the algorithms can be found a the bottom of the
To run the acceptance tests uncomment the line tests.output_tests()
, line 225 of
To run average time tests uncomment the line tests.average_tests(1, True)
line 229 of and/or
the line tests.average_tests(1, False)
line 233 of
To make graphs of the algorithms performance uncomment any of the following lines of 189, 193, 197, 201, 205, 211, 217
. Graphs are made using average times gathered by running each algorithm 200 times over all
data files and taking the average time from each data file.