This repo contains the code to convert pre-trained yolov5 model to run on SNPE Qualcomm chip DSP. It is based on the YOLOv5 repo by Ultralytics, AGPL-3.0 license
- Train the detector using the script
- Export the model to ONNX format using the script
- Convert the model to dlc using Qualcomm's SNPE converter
- Quantize the model using Qualcomm's SNPE converter
- Run the model on the DSP using Qualcomm's SNPE SDK, and the provided C++ code
- Follow the instructions in the YOLOv5 repo
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt # install
# single class
python --data coco128.yaml --weights '' --cfg yolov5s-LeakyReLU_1class.yaml --img 320 --single-cls
# multi class
python --data coco128.yaml --weights '' --cfg yolov5s-LeakyReLU.yaml --img 320
python --weights runs/train/exp/weights/ --include onnx --opset 11 --imgsz 256 320 --export-to-snpe --batch-size 2
- go to and drag your onnx file to the browser
- get the input name there
- Download SNPE-converter from Qualcomm's SNPE Tools
- This code was tested using Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for Linux v2.10.0
- Driver Version: 460.73.01 CUDA Version: 11.3
- Install the SNPE converter to a conda environment using
conda env create -f snpe_environment_clean.yml conda activate snpe_conda2
- Run SNPE env setup
- The script sets up the following environment variables.
- SNPE_ROOT: root directory of the SNPE SDK installation
- ONNX_HOME: root directory of the ONNX installation provided
- The script also updates PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PYTHONPATH.
cd $SNPE_ROOT source bin/ -o $ONNX_DIR where $ONNX_DIR is the path to the ONNX installation. # for example source snpe_2_10_0_4541/bin/ -o /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/snpe_conda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/onnx
- this warning is ok
[WARNING] Can't find ANDROID_NDK_ROOT or ndk-build. SNPE needs android ndk to build the NativeCppExample
- The script sets up the following environment variables.
- Run SNPE extractor on example input to dlc
python3.6 snpe_2_10_0_4541/bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-onnx-to-dlc -i runs/train/exp/weights/best.onnx -d 'images' 1,3,256,320
- If you get the following error
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- try running the following command
sudo apt-get install libpython3.6
pip3 install pyyaml
- try running the following command
- This error is OK
* WARNING_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_ONNX: Unable to register converter supported Operation [GridSample:Version 16] with your Onnx installation. Got: No schema registered for 'GridSample'!. Converter will bail if Model contains this Op.
- Create a set of example inputs. Change this code to include a set of real inputs
import torch
import numpy as np
data = torch.rand(1, 3, 256, 320)
# Convert the tensor to a NumPy array and save it to a binary file
with open(r"float_data.bin", 'wb') as file:
np.array(data.numpy(), dtype=np.float32).tofile(file)
- create a txt file with the path to all the example inputs see
- Run the quantization script
- The script will create a quantized dlc file
snpe_2_10_0_4541/bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-dlc-quantize \
--input_dlc=runs/train/exp/weights/best.dlc \
--output_dlc=runs/train/exp/weights/best_quantized.dlc \
--input_list=examples/target_raw_list.txt \
- update the C++ following the instructions in this yolov5 issue
Dnn::BBoxesSortedByConfidence DecodeOutput(tcb::span<Math::Scalar> dnn_output, const YoloV5Config &config)
Dnn::BBoxesSortedByConfidence bboxes;
// modified from
for (size_t c = 4; c < dnn_output.size(); c += 6) {
if (dnn_output[c] >= config.confidence_threshold_before_nms) {
float cx = dnn_output[c - 4];
float cy = dnn_output[c - 3];
float w = dnn_output[c - 2];
float h = dnn_output[c - 1];
int gridX, gridY;
int anchor_gridX, anchor_gridY;
const auto &anchor_x = config.anchor_x;
const auto &anchor_y = config.anchor_y;
const auto &filter_size_y = config.filter_size_y;
const auto &filter_size_x = config.filter_size_x;
const auto &num_filters = config.num_filters;
int stride;
int ci = (int)(c / 6);
if (ci < num_filters[0]) {
gridX = (ci % (filter_size_x[0] * filter_size_y[0])) % filter_size_x[0];
gridY = (int)((ci % (filter_size_x[0] * filter_size_y[0])) / filter_size_x[0]);
anchor_gridX = anchor_x[((int)(ci / (filter_size_x[0] * filter_size_y[0])))];
anchor_gridY = anchor_y[((int)(ci / (filter_size_x[0] * filter_size_y[0])))];
stride = 8;
} else if (ci >= num_filters[0] && ci < num_filters[0] + num_filters[1]) {
gridX = ((ci - num_filters[0]) % (filter_size_x[1] * filter_size_y[1])) % filter_size_x[1];
gridY = (int)(((ci - num_filters[0]) % (filter_size_x[1] * filter_size_y[1])) / filter_size_x[1]);
anchor_gridX = anchor_x[(int)((ci - num_filters[0]) / (filter_size_x[1] * filter_size_y[1])) + 3];
anchor_gridY = anchor_y[(int)((ci - num_filters[0]) / (filter_size_x[1] * filter_size_y[1])) + 3];
stride = 16;
} else {
gridX = ((ci - num_filters[1]) % (filter_size_x[2] * filter_size_y[2])) % filter_size_x[2];
gridY = (int)(((ci - num_filters[1]) % (filter_size_x[2] * filter_size_y[2])) / filter_size_x[2]);
anchor_gridX = anchor_x[(int)((ci - num_filters[1] - num_filters[0]) / (filter_size_x[2] * filter_size_y[2])) + 6];
anchor_gridY = anchor_y[(int)((ci - num_filters[1] - num_filters[0]) / (filter_size_x[2] * filter_size_y[2])) + 6];
stride = 32;
cx = (float)(cx * 2 - 0.5 + gridX) * stride;
cy = (float)(cy * 2 - 0.5 + gridY) * stride;
w = w * 2 * w * 2 * anchor_gridX;
h = h * 2 * h * 2 * anchor_gridY;
float left = cx - w / 2;
float top = cy - h / 2;
float right = cx + w / 2;
float bottom = cy + h / 2;
float confidence = dnn_output[c];
cv::Rect2f bbox{ left, top, right - left, bottom - top };
Dnn::DetectionResult result{ config.keyboard_class, confidence, bbox };
bboxes.emplace(confidence, result);
return bboxes;
- Build the C++ code
/data/local/tmp/dnn-test/snpe2.10 # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=arm64-v8a ./run-dnn --native-library-dir arm64-v8a --dnn ../best_quantized.dlc --input-layer images --width 320 --height 256 --channels 3 --iterations 100 --batch-size 1
- The runtime should be around 13ms for a single image with size 256x320