- Russia, Rostov
(UTC +03:00) - https://akiraz2.github.io
📷 Stateless Website Screenshot API containerized in Docker
⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.
The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
myMPD is a standalone and mobile friendly web mpd client with a tiny footprint and advanced features.
Unofficial documentation of Synology Photos API
Configs for a server running Samba V4 and ZFS. Automatically creates user share/time machine via linux users/groups and exposes a public share
The lightweight, user-friendly, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
Powerful and flexible web-based server management control panel
🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
ws-rush / pico-vue
Forked from vuejs/petite-vuepetite-vue fork with plugins
6kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement
PHP SDK для API v2.0 от сервиса интеграции компании СДЭК
YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions
Netmaker makes networks with WireGuard. Netmaker automates fast, secure, and distributed virtual networks.
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
Telegram Bot для технической поддержки пользователей.
Loading buttons demo for x-team article
PHP FileUpload library that supports chunked uploads
Server-side upload service for jQuery-File-Upload written in Golang
Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images