This is either
- A xmonad confiuration
- A windows manager implementation
- that is implemented by xmonad as a window manager buliding library
To build this project, using haskell-stack
$ git clone {this repository} ~/.xmonad
$ cd ~/.xmonad
$ stack install
Add the following this line into your .xinitrc after stack install
exec ~/.local/bin/xmonad-config
Also execute startx
$ ./
$ xmonad-config --replace
The xmonad-config's build script (./build
) finds only a runnable binary 'xmonad-config' from .stack-work.
After the stack resolver version upgraded, we must run 👇
$ rm -rf .stack-work
- standalone: To use conky and dzen2
- with-xfce4: To use xfce4-panel