This README is old. If you want to use my config, don't use it directly!
My own config for i3wm.
Don't use this config file directly without seeing what's actually in the config file!
You can get more information about how to create your own config on the Documentation.
- You must have i3 installed.
- You must have font
FiraCode Nerd Font
installed. (or you can also edit the config file and use other font you love) - You must edit the quick start and change it to your own software.
- It's recommend to use this with my i3-status config.
# Delete the old folder
rm -rf ~/.config/i3
# Clone this repositories to your computer
# use the depth=1 to clone without the history
git clone --depth=1 ~/.config/i3
# Read and edit the config file and the autostart script
vim config
# Restart the i3 with `Super + Shift + R`
# Enjoy it!
- nm-applet
- fcitx
- compton
- udiskie
- variety
- Script
I use the
win key
as the Super key
Key | Operation |
mod + Return | i3-sensible-terminal |
mod + t | st |
mod + z | firefox |
mod + s | dmenu_run |
mod + d | i3-dmenu-desktop |
mod + m | netease-cloud-music |
mod + x | chrome |
mod + c | code |
mod + n | nautilus |
mod + a | gnome-control-center |
mod + Shift + q | kill focused window |
mod + Ctrl + l | i3lock-fancy |
gnome-screenshot |
Key | Operation |
mod + h | focus left |
mod + k | focus down |
mod + i | focus up |
mod + l | focus right |
mod + Left | focus left |
mod + Down | focus down |
mod + Up | focus up |
mod + Right | focus right |
mod + Shift + j | move left |
mod + Shift + k | move down |
mod + Shift + i | move up |
mod + Shift + l | move right |
mod + Shift + Left | move left |
mod + Shift + Down | move down |
mod + Shift + Up | move up |
mod + Shift + Right | move right |
Key | Operation |
mod + 1 | workspace number $ws1 |
mod + 2 | workspace number $ws2 |
mod + 3 | workspace number $ws3 |
mod + 4 | workspace number $ws4 |
mod + 5 | workspace number $ws5 |
mod + 6 | workspace number $ws6 |
mod + 7 | workspace number $ws7 |
mod + 8 | workspace number $ws8 |
mod + 9 | workspace number $ws9 |
mod + 0 | workspace number $ws10 |
mod + Shift + 1 | move container to workspace number $ws1 |
mod + Shift + 2 | move container to workspace number $ws2 |
mod + Shift + 3 | move container to workspace number $ws3 |
mod + Shift + 4 | move container to workspace number $ws4 |
mod + Shift + 5 | move container to workspace number $ws5 |
mod + Shift + 6 | move container to workspace number $ws6 |
mod + Shift + 7 | move container to workspace number $ws7 |
mod + Shift + 8 | move container to workspace number $ws8 |
mod + Shift + 9 | move container to workspace number $ws9 |
mod + Shift + 0 | move container to workspace number $ws10 |
mod + Ctrl + n | workspace next |
mod + Ctrl + p | workspace prev |
mod + Tab | workspace next |
mod + Shift + Tab | workspace prev |
mod + Ctrl + Right | workspace next |
mod + Ctrl + Left | workspace prev |
Key | Operation |
mod + Shift + c | reload i3 |
mod + Shift + r | restart i3 |
mod + Shift + e | exit i3 |
Key | Operation |
mod + r | enter resize mode |
Key | Operation in resize mod |
j | resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt |
k | resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt |
i | resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt |
l | resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt |
Left | resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt |
Down | resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt |
Up | resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt |
Right | resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt |
Return | exit the resize mod |
Escape | exit the resize mod |
mod + r | exit the resize mod |