- Squamish, BC, Canada
- https://visualscience.ca/
pematon / adminer
Forked from vrana/adminer🛠️ Database management in a single PHP file
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire
Formats JSON strings in ProcessLogger for improved readability.
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
A PHP library for communicating with the Twilio REST API and generating TwiML.
Chrome extension to share your Garmin Connect workout with your friends
A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development 🚀
Add custom attributes to Inputfields in ProcessWire, FormBuilder, etc.
Experience macOS just like before
An unofficial Google Nearby Share/Quick Share app for macOS
Run and manage ProcessWire from a desktop application. WIP.
Automatically expands the next adjacent page when moving a page in Page List.
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
End-to-end encryption plugin for Mattermost
PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more!
Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
Sets a float value by selecting a star rating.
Make any web page a desktop application
Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
PHP Sentiment Analyzer is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool that is used to understand sentiments in a sentence using VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sentiment Reasoner).