Hello, I'm Ayén Bonsoa, a web developer with a passion for new technologies and adventure. I'm Togolese, born in the capital Lomé, but originally from Niamtougou, a town in the north of the country. I'm convinced that we are individually responsible for our actions, that we forge our path through our choices, which produce both our failures and our successes. I trained in applied computer science with an option in Network and Telecommunications software engineering. I then had the opportunity to specialize in web development and web design, more specifically in the advanced working techniques that are common in the industry. I'm available and always enthusiastic to collaborate and study projects related to web development and much more.
🦁 Web: React and major JS frameworks.
🐝 Hosting: Vercel, AWS.
🦚 Text Editor: VS Code, Cursor.
🐙 Browser: Arc, Firefox.
🐯 Editing: After Effect, Premiere pro.
👾 On a solution that intends to improve the landscape of the Togolese digital educational universe.
👾 On a series of integration of landing pages or case studies skilfully retrieved from awesome design websites.
👾 On a series of very relevant blog posts.
👾 On my personal branding.
🐉 On figma and Photoshop to stonks my design skills.
🐉 On the Web 3.0 universe (Cryptos, NFTs, Metaverse) because it's clearly the future.
🐉 Matter of expression and communications (Eloquence is important).
Always available for a coffee or to beat you on the pitch