Automatic test cases generation from an IF specification for distributed testing
This file explains how to use the TestGenIF:
1/ Program Requirements
2/ The TestGenIFx Directory Contents
3/ Edit the test purposes
4/ Generate test cases
=========================================================================================================== 1/ Program Requirements
a. IF2-0 Distribution - You must install libstdc++5 (e.g. by apt-get install), the package m4 and the last version of g++-x.y
- Install IF2-0 following its instructions
b. TestGenIFx Distribution - Extract the to a folder, e.g., /home/nhnghia/
- You must add these lines to your ~/.bashrc:
# TestGenIFx
export TestGenIFx=/home/nhnghia/TestGen-IFx
export PATH=$TestGenIFx/lib:$PATH
and type: $ source ~/.bashrc
=========================================================================================================== 2/ The TestGenIFx Directory Contents
=========================================================================================================== 3/ Edit the test purposes
=========================================================================================================== 4/ Generate Test Cases
Run the command: testgenifx -i input -s strategy -d maxdepth -t testpurpose
- input : is file name of IF model
- strategy : is one of the followings: hoj, dfs, bfs, ran
- maxdepth : is a number
- testpurpose: is file name of test purpose
Example: testgenifx -i obu.if -s hoj -d 4 -t test-purposes.C the output will be found in folder ./obu/