Small library helping to write react components w/o jsx
! Requires Proxy, for IE and Safari < 9 use polyfills
npm i -S react-factory-elements
Simple elements
import { elements, factory } from 'react-factory-elements'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
const { h1, div, p, ul, li, section } = elements
const Header = factory(({ children }) =>
h1({ style: { color: 'violet' } }, children)
const FlexContainer = factory(({ children }) =>
div({ style: { display: 'flex' } }, children)
const Page = factory(({ items }) =>
Header('Hello world'),
ul({ style: { marginRight: '25px' } }, => li({ key: item }, `Item ${item}`))
p('Oh, wait... what is it?'),
p('Is it still react?')
render(Page({ items: [1, 2, 3, 5] }), document.getElementById('app'))