there you will find Javascript basics
, and how DOM mainpulation
working in pig game
, and you will find Javascript deeper
contain examples about scoping
and hoisting
and closure
and more of deepth structures , and Budget App
is a big application by javascript how use all js basics and js deeper in one app and using controllers.
- Variables
- Operators
- if/else statements
- boolean logic and switch
- Functions
- Statements and expressions
- Arrays
- Objects
- Objects and methods
- Loops
- Hoisting
- Scoping
- this keyword
- Function constructor
- Object.create
- Different between Primitives, Objects and Functions
- Passing functions as arguments
- Functions returning functions
- IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
- Closures
- Bind, call and apply
- let and const
- Destructuring
- Blocks & IIFEs
- Strings
- Classes
- Classes and Subclasses
- Spread Operator
- Arrays
- Arrow Functions
- Arrow Functions part 2
- Rest Parameters
- Default Parameters
- Maps
- Proxies
- Promises
- Creational
- Constructor
- Factory
- Abstract Factory
- Singleton
- Builder
- Behavioral
- Structural
Controllers in Javascript and how handle the anonymous functions and function constructor and contain
- Create HTML String with placeholder text
- Replace the placeholder text with some actual data
- Insert the HTML into the DOM
- DOM Mainpulation and how it work
- Get Field input data
- add the item to the budget controller
- add the item to the UI
- Calculate the budget
- Display the budget on the UI