- Denmark
- http://dahl.photo
Rebus.MongoDb Public
Forked from rebus-org/Rebus.MongoDbπ MongoDB persistence implementations for Rebus
C# Other UpdatedNov 28, 2024 -
RtMidi.Core Public
RtMidi for .Net Standard
HandheldCompanion Public
Forked from Valkirie/HandheldCompanionControllerService
C# Other UpdatedSep 4, 2023 -
RogAllyNotes Public
Just various notes on setting up my ROG Ally, stuff to remember myself if I ever need to reinstall
6 UpdatedJun 22, 2023 -
chai-roughly Public
Forked from Turbo87/chai-roughlydeep equals assertions with tolerance for chai
AutoMapper.Extensions.EnumMapping Public
Forked from AutoMapper/AutoMapper.Extensions.EnumMappingC# MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2022 -
deep-equal-in-any-order Public
Forked from oprogramador/deep-equal-in-any-orderA chai plugin to match objects and arrays deep equality with arrays (including nested ones) being in any order.
IntelliFold Public
Forked from GillesMoris/IntelliFoldCustom folding for JetBrains IDE's
Kotlin UpdatedAug 17, 2021 -
homebrew-cask Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-caskπ» A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 27, 2021 -
DockerBomb Public
Example code to demonstrate an issue with Docker for Windows under high concurrent load
C# UpdatedMar 9, 2020 -
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-coreπ» Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 11, 2019 -
goodhosts Public
Forked from lextoumbourou/goodhostsSimple hosts file management in Go (golang).
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
rtmidi Public
Forked from thestk/rtmidiA set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (ALSA & JACK), Macintosh OS X (CoreMIDI) and Windows (Multimedia)
SlackWebhook Public
Client used to build and send Slack messages to a channel, using a slack incoming webhook which can easily configured
Rebus.AzureStorage Public
Forked from rebus-org/Rebus.AzureStorageπ Azure Storage transport, databus storage, etc. for Rebus
C# Other UpdatedFeb 1, 2019 -
Forked from xinntao/ESRGANECCV18 Workshops - Enhanced SRGAN. Champion PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Super-Resolution (Third Region)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2019 -
homebrew-cask-versions Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-cask-versionsπ’ Alternate versions of Casks
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 13, 2018 -
serverless-reference-implementation Public
Forked from mspnp/serverless-reference-implementationServerless reference implementation guidance
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2018 -
json-log-viewer Public
Forked from gistia/json-log-viewerPowerful terminal based viewer for JSON logs using ncurses.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 23, 2018 -
Vsxmd Public
Forked from lijunle/VsxmdVS XML documentation -> Markdown syntax.
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2018 -
MsTeamsOpenIdAuth Public
Demonstration of authentication against Identity Server from MS Teams using Bot Framework v4
Cake.Docker Public
Forked from MihaMarkic/Cake.DockerCake AddIn that extends Cake with Docker
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2018 -
midi-dot-net Public
Forked from jstnryan/midi-dot-netMy fork of Tom Lokovic's midi-dot-net library, with some enhancements, namely SysEx and NRPN message support.
nvidiaProfileInspector Public
Forked from Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspectorC# MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2017 -
Rebus Public
Forked from rebus-org/Rebusπ Simple and lean service bus implementation for .NET
C# Other UpdatedJul 31, 2017 -
Rebus.AmazonSQS Public
Forked from rebus-org/Rebus.AmazonSQSπ Amazon SQS transport for Rebus
C# Other UpdatedJul 5, 2017