🧠 I have a little knowledge in Computing Biology. The most interested part is Immune System Dynamics!
📖 I am currently learning about Molecular Biology.
2019.03 ~ 2020.07
: Web Development Freelance (specifically in Database infrastructure)2017.05 ~ 2017.08
: Internship at Jerbee Indoensia Inc. (Software Web Development)
2022.07 ~ Present
: Multi-X Transformers - A concise but fully-featured transformer, complete with a set of promising experimental features from various papers.????.?? ~ Present
: And many other private toy projects!
PHP, Python, C, C++, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, Julia
TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Pandas, Spring Boot, Flask, Django, Laravel, CodeIgniter
Docker, Kubernetes
IntelliJ, PyCharm, NetBeans
MySQL, MSSQL, Redis, MongoDB