Chip8 Emulator / Interpreter / Virtual Machine written in Java 11 with Swing GUI as front-end
Warning: Prototype quality. Needs improvements.
- Java Dev Kit 11 installed, with env. variables properly configured:
$JAVA_HOME #Linux / Mac
%JAVA_HOME% @REM Windows
Latest package available on releases page should be unzipped in a favourite program location.
Scripts are available in bin/
directory. When executed without parameters, application launches built in Boot-128 ROM (by David Winter) which allows editing of program RAM. File -> Open
menu can be used to open a different ROM. It is also possible to pass a single path argument to the script to request ROM load at startup.
Below instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
chip8-core installed in local maven repository.
./mvnw compile
Install to local repository
./mvnw install
Building app package (available in target/chip8-emulgator
./mvnw appassembler:assemble
- Java 11 - SDK
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Chip8 Core - Emulator Core
- Swing - GUI
- FlatLaf - Flat Look & Feel (Swing Theme)
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details