Simple command tool to transform iconfont's css/codepoint file to a js mapping moudle .
I'm using the module in react-native-iconic-font to generate the iconic map file
install this tool via npm
npm install iconfont-map-builder -g
now use 'iconmap' command to transform css file
iconmap -f test/font-awesome-v4.4.0.css -p '^\.fa-([a-z0-9-]+?):before$'
this command will generate a js file (...-iconmap.js) in the same folder with css file. You can use it in your project in any way you like.
var getIconChar = require('your-iconmap-file.js');
//react native render
return (
<Text style={{fontFamily: 'fontawesome',fontSize:30}}>
map icon:{getIconChar('map')}