- Vladivostok, Russia
- https://t.me/WinPooh32
Lists (5)
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A 3D printer slicing algorithm that lets you print 90° overhangs without support material.
vimeo / galaxycache
Forked from orijtech/groupcachegalaxycache is a caching and cache-filling library based on groupcache.
Forked from OpenMW/openmwMultiplayer for OpenMW, a reimplementation of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind's engine.
bkw777 / mainline
Forked from shg8/ukuuInstall mainline kernel packages from kernel.ubuntu.com
TokTok / go-toxcore-c
Forked from xbee/go-toxcoreThe golang bindings for libtoxcore (Project Tox).
shadowsocks / go-shadowsocks2
Forked from riobard/go-shadowsocks2Modern Shadowsocks in Go
aarzilli / golua
Forked from afitz/goluaGo bindings for Lua C API - in progress
grumpyhome / grumpy
Forked from alanjds/grumpyGrumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime.
ipfs / bbloom
Forked from gxed/bbloomgo/golang: fast bit set Bloom filter
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
whyrusleeping / mdns
Forked from hashicorp/mdnsSimple mDNS client/server library in Golang
buaazp / fasthttprouter
Forked from julienschmidt/httprouterA high performance fasthttp request router that scales well
Elementum add-on for Kodi. Development of this addon has been stopped!
Flix01 / imgui
Forked from ocornut/imguiDear ImGui Addons Branch = plain unmodified dear imgui plus some extra addon.
decimad / luabind-deboostified
Forked from rpavlik/luabindCreate Lua bindings for your C++ code easily - my improvements