How to create RDD using arrays and some basic api usages
val arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5) val newRDD = sc.parallelize(arr) --> creates RDD newRDD.first() -> first object in rdd newRDD.take(n).foreach(println) -> print first n objects in rdd newRDD.collect() -> get all elements in rdd newRDD.collect().foreach(println) -> print each element in new line newRDD.partitions.size -> gives the number of partitions newRDD is split into
each partition gets executed in each core in a machine. So more the number of cores better parallelization can be achieved
How to create RDD using files
val fileRDD = sc.textFile('path')
RDD transformations
Notes: Spark uses lazy evaluation Every transformation creates a new RDD from the exisitng RDD after applying the specified transformation ## filtering each line in fileRDD and creating a new RDD using filter operation. ## Condition is length of each line should be greater than 20. val filterRDD = fileRDD.filter(line => line.length > 20) # takes each line in fileRDD, splits it by delimiter and returns an array. Final output is array of arrays (first array is number of lines in fileRDD, inner array is created based on split operation) # So map takes an array and creates array of arrays # Map takes each line and applies a given function to it val mapRDD = fileRDD.map(line => line.split(",")) # similar to map, but flattens the array of arrays into a single array val flatMapRDD = fileRDD.flatMap(line => line.split(",")) # to get distinct elements from an RDD val distinctRDD = newRDD.distinct() # Filter lines val filterRDD = fileRDD.filter(line=>line!="some_value") val filterRDD = fileRDD.filter(_!="some_value")
Happy learning!!