A GitOps approach can be used to deploy Kubernetes applications on one or more Aether clusters. This includes both AMP-related applications like the Aether Runtime Opertaional Control (ROC) and Aether Monitoring subsystem, and connectivity applications like SD-Core and SD-RAN.
This is currently done using Fleet, where this repository contains Fleet bundle specifications for multiple versions of Aether (currently 2.0 and 2.1). These specifications are designed to be used in conjunction with Aether OnRamp, and are intended to serve as an example of how Fleet can be used to install and configure the Aether software stack.
On GitHub, you should first create a public fork of this repo, which you are then free to modify to specify the exact configuration you want to deploy. Note that you will point the instantiation of Fleet running on your target Kubernetes deployment at your forked repo, as described here.