If u are using .bashrc/bash shell then just replace .zshrc to .bashrc in the line 58 of install.sh script.
1)Make Sure go language is installed and set to $PATH.
2)or Download the go language from its official website.
3)Open terminal and move to directory where you downloaded go.
4)Now run tar -c /usr/local -xzf {go .gz folder}.
5)then open sudo nano $HOME/.zshrc or sudo nano $HOME/.bashrc add the following commands.
6)export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/
7) sudo source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc
1) Simply Clone the repository
2) chmod +x install.sh
3) ./install.sh
4) chmod +x script.sh
1) This script will collect all the subdomains using amass, assetfinder, subfinder and crt.sh
2) For subdomain bruteforcing, shuffledns is used in the script.
3) This script will gather all the subdomains and put them in a single .txt file.
4) This script will resolves all the subdomains using shuffledns.
5) And Finally will check http/https services on the given domains using httpx tool.
6) Gf tool and its patterns installation and also will set their path automatically.
7) It will check for the Following Vulnerablities:
a) Subdomain takeover
b) CORS misconfiguration
c) nuclei scan
d) Open Redirect Scanner
e) LFI Scanner
f) Advance XSS Scanner and method used.
g) Sqli Scan
7) This script will collect all the urls using waybackurls and will filter them and store them in single file.
8) ffuf is used in this script to find valid urls.
9) This script will generate target based paths/parameters using unfurl for further attack.
1. SSRF Automation
2. Host Header Injection Automation
3. Hidden and Sensitive Directories bruteforce
4. CRLF Injection
5. HTTP Request Smuggling Automation
- @tomnomnom
- @projectdiscovery
- and other infosec community.