See the latest download in Releases
If you want to contribute to the payloads available in this project, please go to the ProfileManifests repo:
There is a getting started guite to describe the basics on how to create your own manifest:
ProfileManifests - Getting Started
macOS application to create configuration profiles.
ProfileCreator requires macOS 10.12 or newer.
In order to develop for ProfileCreator, the following pieces of software are required
- Xcode 14 or higher
- macOS 12.0 or higher
In addition to those pieces of software you will also need to clone ProfilePayloads alongside the ProfileCreator repository (The repositories must be adjacent to each other).
In order to compile ProfileCreator, please navigate to where the Xcode Project file is located and run the following command
xcodebuild -project ProfileCreator.xcodeproj -scheme ProfileCreator -configuration Debug
This will compile the application and output the result in the DerivedData path as set by your Xcode preferences. The default DerivedData location will be ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
In addition, please take a look at the ProfileManifests project which supplies ProfileCreator with its payloads is very much active!
Consult the wiki. Join the conversion over in the #profilecreator channel in the MacAdmins Slack.
Icon is created by Katherine M. Ahern:
UI Icons have been taken from the following sites:
Open Source code included in this project: