Creating a bootable USB with kindd. [more]
- Provide a modern/simple/safe UI for
command. - Create bootable USB withouth worrying!
sudo xbps-install -S kindd
Release version:
- kindd
Git version:
- kindd-git
First Install these dependencies first:
build dependencies:
- git
- cmake
- pkg-config
- qt5-devel
- qt5-svg-devel
- qt5-declarative-devel
- qt5-quickcontrols2-devel
runtime dependencies:
- qt5-svg
- qt5-quickcontrols
- qt5-quickcontrols2
- qt5-graphicaleffects
Then clone and build the project:
git clone
chmod +x ./build/tools/linux/sh/
./build/tools/linux/sh/ build_release
And finally, run it:
./build/tools/linux/sh/ run_release
kindd uses pkexec internally. For most Desktop environments, there is a pkexec agent already installed. Like these:
- xfce-polkit
- polkit-gnome
- pantheon-agent-polki
- mate-polkit
- polkit-kde-agent
But users of windows managers(like i3, dwm, awesome, ...) should install an agent. After installing a polkit-agent, paste these lines into your wm's config file.(For instance i3 keeps it's configs here: i3/config):
exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
exec --no-startup-id /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
Hint: I don't have awesome or other windows managers. So you should change above lines according to your agent and your wm.
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