Interested in medical image analysis, computer vision, artificial intelligence, deep learning, image-based biomarker extraction.
Institute Curie
- Paris
🌱 Educator 💻 Programmer 🌐 Developer 🔥 Motivator 📘 Content creator 📈 Data Analyst |
I create jargon-free, easy to read and understand educational material
Helsinki, Finland
Open Neural Network Exchange
ONNX is an open ecosystem for interoperable AI models. It's a community project: we welcome your contributions!
Louis Rebaud
PhD student in machine learning for medical imaging at Siemens Healthineers and LITO Institut Curie
Siemens Healthineers, Institut Curie Paris, France
Welemhret Baraki
Software Tester | Software Developer | Data Scientist
University of Skövde Sweden
David Haberl
Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna. Medical image analysis and Machine learning
Medical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria