This project is an Android app developed by me in my Master's (2014) for a biomedical electronic dynamometer with Bluetooth interface. I decided to make it open-source since I have the option.
Using the implemented dynamometer and the app, for the first time, the force exerted by the hand's lumbrical muscles were measured. I also checked that the analysis of the grip strength was better and more easily achieved with the app.
The development was done in Eclipse ADT starting late-2012 until mid-2014. Unfortunately Eclipse ADT was discontinued in 2015, so I updated the app to be functional with Android Studio and Gradle.
Therefore, just clone or download and open it as a project in Android Studio.
The entire project was done at Sao Paulo State University's LIEB (Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering Laboratory) under Professor Dr. Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho supervision. You can find additional info about the results by reading my Master Thesis (Portuguese) at Sao Paulo State University Website