Multiple hierearchical text classification approaches using the pretrained bert-base-uncased model form Hugging Face. On the amazon reviews dataset
and DBpedia datasets.
This project was built with:
- Python 3.8.5
- CUDA 11.2 (for GPU support)
- pyyaml 5.3.1
- tensorflow 2.4.0
- numpy 1.19.2
- transformers 4.0.0 (Hugging Face pretrained models)
- pandas 1.1.3
- tensorflow_addons 0.12.0
- scikit-learn 0.23.2
- Jupyter lab 2.2.9 (For data analisys and results visualization)
- matplotlib 3.3.3 (Only needed for result comparison)
- tqdm=4.59.0
In the requirements
folder are multiple files used to generate the requiered conda enviroments on different systems (training was done only on ubuntu 20.04)
Use conda env create --name myname --file=requirements_(desired file).yml
to create the conda environment
Amazon downloaded from Rename train_40k.csv to train.csv Rename unlabeled_150k.csv to test.csv
The rest of the files are not needed.
Downloade from Rename DBPEDIA_test.csv to test.csv Rename DBPEDIA_train.csv to train.csv The rest of the files are not needed.
In the Configs
folder are the diferent configurations for all trained models.
model_name: bert-base-uncased #pre-trained model name (in all cases ber-base-uncased was used)
max_length: 100 #Maximal token length used as input
epochs: 60
batch_size: 45
repetitions: 3 #How many times should the model be trained
data_path: amazon # on which dataset
lvl: 2 # Hierarchical lvl
# labels format: list of labels, i.e. [ label1, label2]
# label_i is for no labels (lvl1 or flat):
# label_i is for Target labels (direct from dataset): ['Target','Category name1', 'Category name2', 'Category name3']
# label_i is for predicted labels: ['Path to saved predictions1','Path to saved predictions2',...,'Path to saved predictions n']
# And combinations of both. The order will be label1. label2. Text where for label1 it adds all. e.g. label1: [lb1, lb2] then lb1. lb2. label2. Text.
labels: [['Target','Cat1']] #Examplkes of target labels
# Same as labels but this are used for prediction, i.e. should not be target only predicted labels
test_labels: [['saved_models/bert-base-uncased/amazon/lvl1/trained_flatt__/100T_60e_45b/Run3/tested__/rep_and_histo.npz']] #Examples of predicted labels
hierar: hierarchical #Denotes if it is a hierarchical or flat aproach
lable_type: Target # What kind of labels for training can be: _(flat) ,Target, Predicted or per_label
test_labels_type: Predicted # What kind of labels shoud be used for testing, can be: _(flat) ,Target, Predicted
with the desired configurations from the Configs
folder to train the desired models, e.g. python ./Configs/amazon_config_lvl1_bert-base-uncased.yaml ./Configs/amazon_config_lvl2_per_label.yaml
to do a grid-search over the predifined hyperparameters. Hyperparameters can only be done over amazon and per_lvl, but neither on DBpedia nor on per_label. Give one or more options to search hyperparameters: Flat_lvl1, Flat_lvl2, tgt_pred, tgt_tgt, pred_pred. For runs containing pred (predictions) give the rep_and_histo.npz
path that should be used for the input predictions.
For example python Flat_lvl2 tgt_tgt pred_pred saved_models/bert-base-uncased/amazon/lvl1/trained_flatt__/100T_60e_45b/Run3/tested__/rep_and_histo.npz
For data analysis of the datasets see the Data_analisis.ipynb
notebook and for a result generation and comparison see the Result_table_generator.ipynb
In all cases as average of 3 runs for 100 Tokens
Dataset | Type | Epochs | Batch size | Train Input | Output | Test Input | Cat1 accuracy | Cat1 F1 score macro | Cat2 accuracy | Cat2 F1 score macro | Cat3 accuracy | Cat3 F1 score macro |
amazon | Per_lvl | 60(10) | 45 | Text | Cat1 | Text | 0.828(0.002) | 0.819(0.002) | - | - | - | - |
amazon | Per_lvl | 60(53) | 40 | Text | Cat2 | Text | - | - | 0.622(0.003) | 0.393(0.004) | - | - |
amazon | Per_lvl | 60(60) | 45 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.612(0.000) | 0.400(0.002) | - | - |
amazon | Per_lvl | 60(60) | 45 | Predicted Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.624(0.002) | 0.398(0.002) | - | - |
amazon | Per_label | 60 | 45 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Predicted Cat1 | - | - | 0.624(0.000) | 0.474(0.005) | - | - |
--- | --------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 20(20) | 40 | Text | Cat1 | Text | 0.996(0.000) | 0.994(0.000) | - | - | - | - |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Text | Cat2 | Text | - | - | 0.975(0.000) | 0.968(0.001) | - | - |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.976(0.000) | 0.970(0.001) | - | - |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Predicted Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.976(0.000) | 0.969(0.001) | - | - |
dbpedia | Per_label | 60 | 45 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Predicted Cat1 | - | - | 0.977(0.000) | 0.972(0.001) | - | - |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Text | Cat3 | Text | - | - | - | - | 0.951(0.001) | 0.918(0.007) |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Target Cat1, Cat2, Text | Cat3 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | - | - | - | - | 0.954(0.001) | 0.931(0.003) |
dbpedia | Per_lvl | 40(40) | 40 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | Cat3 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | - | - | - | - | 0.953(0.001) | 0.922(0.005) |
dbpedia | Per_label | 60 | 45 | Text divided per Target Cat2 | Cat3 | Text divided per Predicted Cat2 | - | - | - | - | 0.962(0.000) | 0.957(0.000) |
In all cases as average of 3 runs for 100 Tokens
Type | Dataset | Epochs | Tokens | Batch size | Runs | Train Input | Output | Test Input | Cat1 accuracy | Cat1 F1 score macro | Cat2 accuracy | Cat2 F1 score macro | Cat3 accuracy | Cat3 F1 score macro |
Per_lvl | amazon | 60(10) | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text | Cat1 | Text | 0.828(0.002) | 0.819(0.002) | - | - | - | - |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Per_lvl | amazon | 60(53) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Text | Cat2 | Text | - | - | 0.622(0.003) | 0.393(0.004) | - | - |
Per_lvl | amazon | 60(60) | 100 | 45 | 3 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Target Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.706(0.001) | 0.464(0.004) | - | - |
Per_lvl | amazon | 60(60) | 100 | 45 | 3 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.612(0.000) | 0.400(0.002) | - | - |
Per_lvl | amazon | 60(60) | 100 | 45 | 3 | Predicted Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.624(0.002) | 0.398(0.002) | - | - |
Per_label | amazon | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | - | - | 0.722(0.001) | 0.567(0.004) | - | - |
Per_label | amazon | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Predicted Cat1 | - | - | 0.624(0.000) | 0.474(0.005) | - | - |
=== | === | === | === | === | === | === | === | === | === | === | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 20(20) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Text | Cat1 | Text | 0.996(0.000) | 0.994(0.000) | - | - | - | - |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Text | Cat2 | Text | - | - | 0.975(0.000) | 0.968(0.001) | - | - |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Target Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.979(0.000) | 0.975(0.001) | - | - |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Target Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.976(0.000) | 0.970(0.001) | - | - |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Predicted Cat1, Text | Cat2 | Predicted Cat1, Text | - | - | 0.976(0.000) | 0.969(0.001) | - | - |
Per_label | dbpedia | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | - | - | 0.980(0.000) | 0.977(0.001) | - | - |
Per_label | dbpedia | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat1 | Cat2 | Text divided per Predicted Cat1 | - | - | 0.977(0.000) | 0.972(0.001) | - | - |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Text | Cat3 | Text | - | - | - | - | 0.951(0.001) | 0.918(0.007) |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Target Cat1, Cat2, Text | Cat3 | Target Cat1, Cat2, Text | - | - | - | - | 0.975(0.001) | 0.954(0.003) |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Target Cat1, Cat2, Text | Cat3 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | - | - | - | - | 0.954(0.001) | 0.931(0.003) |
Per_lvl | dbpedia | 40(40) | 100 | 40 | 3 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | Cat3 | Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text | - | - | - | - | 0.953(0.001) | 0.922(0.005) |
Per_label | dbpedia | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat2 | Cat3 | Text divided per Target Cat2 | - | - | - | - | 0.983(0.000) | 0.982(0.000) |
Per_label | dbpedia | 60 | 100 | 45 | 3 | Text divided per Target Cat2 | Cat3 | Text divided per Predicted Cat2 | - | - | - | - | 0.962(0.000) | 0.957(0.000) |
No curves for per-label since there are a lot of classifiers with different categories, it would be a mess. Mean accuracy and f1 macro score with 95% confidence interval
MAX_LENGTH = [64, 100, 256, 512]
BATCH_SIZE = [10, 20, 40, 45, 50, 60]
Amount of appearances for Cat1:
- unique values 6
- Minimal: grocery gourmet food appears 3617 times
- Maximal: toys games appears 10266 times
- in average 6666.67 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat2:
- unique values 64
- Minimal: small animals appears 29 times
- Maximal: personal care appears 2852 times
- in average 625.00 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat3:
- unique values 464
- Minimal: aprons smocks appears 1 times
- Maximal: unknown appears 2262 times
- in average 86.21 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat1:
- unique values 6
- Minimal: baby products appears 698 times
- Maximal: health personal care appears 2992 times
- in average 1666.67 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat2:
- unique values 64
- Minimal: baby food appears 2 times
- Maximal: nutrition wellness appears 904 times
- in average 156.25 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat3:
- unique values 377
- Minimal: aquarium hoods appears 1 times
- Maximal: vitamins supplements appears 665 times
- in average 26.53 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat1:
- unique values 9
- Minimal: Device appears 248 times
- Maximal: Agent appears 124798 times
- in average 26771.33 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat2:
- unique values 70
- Minimal: Database appears 129 times
- Maximal: Athlete appears 31111 times
- in average 3442.03 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat3:
- unique values 219
- Minimal: BiologicalDatabase appears 129 times
- Maximal: AcademicJournal appears 1924 times
- in average 1100.19 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat1:
- unique values 9
- Minimal: Device appears 62 times
- Maximal: Agent appears 31495 times
- in average 6754.89 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat2:
- unique values 70
- Minimal: Database appears 33 times
- Maximal: Athlete appears 7855 times
- in average 868.49 times.
Amount of appearances for Cat3:
- unique values 219
- Minimal: BiologicalDatabase appears 33 times
- Maximal: AcademicJournal appears 485 times
- in average 277.60 times.
Based on
Pretrained models
BERT docu
Hierarchical text classification