A database importer written in Rust for importing specified tables from a remote MySQL/MariaDB server to the local MySQL/MariaDB server over ssh.
dbimport ssh_user@ssh_host.com -d db_name -u db_user -p db_pass table1 table2
The server details can be loaded from a config file. The default location of the config file is $HOME/.config/dbimport.yml
db_name: example_db
db_user: example_user
db_pass: secret
ssh_user: joseph
ssh_host: example.com
db_name: example_db
db_user: example_user
db_pass: secret
ssh_user: mary
ssh_host: example.net
With the above configuration, the usage can be simplied to
dbimport server table1 table2 table2
dbimport anotherserver tablex tabley tablez