- Write Declarative Pythonic layouts.
- Render the layout in Jupyter frontends.
- Serialize layout for rehydration in your web app.
Start with Python code and run it:
from IPython.display import display
from vdom.helpers import h1, p, img, div, b
h1('Our Incredibly Declarative Example'),
p('Can you believe we wrote this ', b('in Python'), '?'),
p('What will ', b('you'), ' create next?'),
Voila! Your layout is served below:
Can you believe we wrote this in Python?
What will you create next?
pip install vdom
git clone https://github.com/nteract/vdom
cd vdom
pip install -e .
Since this project and its API is still a work in progress, we would love to hear your thoughts on the API and suggestions for enhancements. Please take a look at the VDOM spec too.
Take a look at the nteract website to see other projects that we are working on.