This python package is a wrapper of OpenPyXL for easy usage.
You can easily write your data on an Excel(.xlsx) file.
It is especially helpful when used in loops.
Stop wasting your energy by printing your experiment results to a text file and copy-pasting them to an Excel file one by one. Instead, use this package.
I tried to handle possible errors, but if you face one, please report it to Github Issues.
Install this package:
pip install easypyxl
If it does not work, try:
pip install git+
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx") # Excel file to write on. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("MySheet", "A2", 5) # New cursor at sheet "MySheet", starting from "A2", new line every 5 writes.
for i in range(25):
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx", verbose=False) # Use verbose=False if you want this package to print only important messages.
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("MySheet", (2, 4), 4) # You can use (2, 4) in place of "D2".
cursor.write_cell(["Method", "metric1", "metric2", "metric3"]) # You can pass list or tuple for multiple writes.
count = 0
for method in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']:
# Run your code
for i in range(3):
count += 1
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx")
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("MySheet", "B1", 5, move_vertical=True) # move_vertical: Write top to bottom, then move to the next column.
for i in range(25):
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx")
cursor1 = workbook.new_cursor("Sheet2", "B2", 4)
cursor2 = workbook.new_cursor("Sheet2", "H2", 4, move_vertical=True)
for i in range(100):
cursor2.write_cell(i * 10)
if i % 5 == 0:
cursor1.skip_cell(2) # Skip two cells
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx", backup=False)
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("Sheet2", "B3", 4, reader=True) # Use reader=True when you want to read instead of write.
# cursor = workbook.new_cursor(None, "B3", 4, reader=True) # Note that you can use sheetname=None to use the active sheet.
[2, 3, 4, 5]
[None, None, 6, 7]
[[8, 9, 10, None], [None, 11, 12, 13]]
By default, EasyPyXL save the Excel file at every write. If you don't want this behavior, you can disable it by setting auto_save=False.
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx")
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("MySheet", "C2", 4, auto_save=False) # Use auto_save=False when you don't want to save the Excel at every write.
cursor.write_cell(["Method", "metric1", "metric2", "metric3"])
workbook.save_excel() # You should manually save the workbook by calling save_excel().
Another option is to use auto_save_time.
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("my_excel.xlsx")
cursor = workbook.new_cursor("MySheet", "C2", 4, auto_save=True, auto_save_time=10) # Save at every write if the time has elapsed more than 10 seconds since the previous write.
# run your code
SmartCursor can read or write using row_name and col_name. SmartCursor can read or write both.
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("smart_cursor.xlsx")
cursor = workbook.new_smart_cursor(sheetname="Exp1", start_cell="C2", row_names=["big", "medium", "small"], col_names=["mIoU", "AP", "time"])
i = 10
for method in ["big", "small", "medium"]:
for metric in ["mIoU", "AP", "time"]:
cursor.write_cell(method, metric, i)
i += 1
cursor.write_cell("huge", "AP", 100)
print(cursor.read_cell("big", "time")) # 12
cursor2 = workbook.new_smart_cursor(sheetname="Exp1", start_cell="C2")
print(cursor2.read_cell("big", "time")) # 12
print(cursor2.read_cell("huge", "AP")) # 100
print(cursor2.read_cell("huge", "mIoU")) # None
import easypyxl
workbook = easypyxl.Workbook("smart_cursor2.xlsx")
cursor = workbook.new_smart_cursor(sheetname="Exp2", start_cell="B2", corner_name="number of params")
cursor.write_cell("100", "SSIM", 10.5)
cursor.write_cell("1k", "SSIM", 12.5)
cursor.write_cell("1k", "cost", 100)
cursor.write_cell("1M", "cost", 4000)