Simple NFT, Sell using ETH gas... with Max suply, authorized withdrawal wallet, configurable baseURI and price
- Node v16.17, NPM 8.18.0
- We provide .nvmrc with node version for convenience (
- An Alchemy account
- A ngrok account
- gpETH in Goerli network wallet
- Configure .env file using .env.sample as base
- Never commit you .env with keys!!
Create an Alchemy account, create a project and grab key and url and set .env
DEV_API_KEY = olD5...
Create a wallet using metamask or whatever) and grab private and public key... DONT USE THIS ACCOUT FOR YOUR REAL MONEY
Set .env variables
PRIVATE_KEY = 5924...
PUBLIC_KEY = 0x7C5...
You will need goETH in your wallet... use these faucets
in ethereum
directory, run:
npm install
npx hardhat compile
node ./scripts/deploy.js
Use the resulting contract address to configure .env variable
You can also run tests to ensure its running
npx hardhat test
You need an etherscan api key and set in in your .env ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
When you deployed early, the script just post how to verify, the command looks like this:
npx hardhat verify --network goerli DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "SimpleNFT", "SNFT" "A_BACKEND_API_URI" "A_WITHDRAWAL_0x_ADDRESS"
in web
directory, run:
npm install
npm run dev
Map it to the internet so you can see the images of your NFT using (follow instructions for installing and running)
./ngrok http 3000
put you public gnrok url in .env NFT_API_URI
Now you can mint an NFT using the mint function, we provided a script to make it easier.
in ethereum
directory, run:
node ./scripts/buyOne.js
You can see all in
Go to
Sign the transaction to login with you wallet in goErli network
go to<your_contract_address>/<token_id>
where <your_contract_address> is the address of the contract you deployed and <token_id> should be the item count, if you mint 1, id=1
If you dont see the image of metadata, you will need to hit the Refresh metadata icon