This is a GUI made using Java Swing. It lets User perform multiple operations like:-
1- User can Create his Personal login for security purposes.
2- User can Add customers and Calculate their Electricity Bill.
3- User can Pay Electricity Bills.
4- User can Generate Bill.
This Java application was created using Intelli J . Additional library was added for the support of JDBC (Required to setup the connection between the Database and Java Application). It contains 9 different classes which works together to create a better user experience .
->Splash Screen class
->Login Screen class
->Main System class
->Add Customer class
->Pay Bill class
->Generate Bill class
->Show Details class
->Last Bill class
->Connection Setup class(JDBC - MySQL)
Database for this Electricity Billing System contains 4 Tables
->Login Table (UserName,Password)
->Bill Table(MeterNumber,Units,Month,Amount)
->Emp Table(Name, MeterNumber, Address, State, City, Email, Phone)
->Tax Table(MeterLocation,MeterType,PhaseCode,BillType,Days,MeterRent,MCB_Rent,ServiceRent,GST)
Java communicates with MySQL tables using JDBC which stands for Java Database Connectivity.