This is a short coding assignment, which implement a REST API that calls an external API service to get information about a book as well as Create, Read, Update, Delete books locally.
- Ensure you have php installed on your machine or you are using Xampp Appache server which comes with PHP by default
- Ensure you have composer installed on your machine aswell (composer in a php dependency manager just like npm in Node )
Clone the repository git clone <repo-url>
After cloning,
cd estate-intel-book-api
After that
run this command to install all dependencies composer install
We need to setup up a database but for us to do that we have to create a .env
Git ignores this file when files are pushed to github, so to create it
run this comman in your terminal cp .env.example .env
This command will create a .env file and copy the content of .env.example to it.
You can manually create a .env
file in the root directory and copy the content of .env.example
into it.
In this project I am used SQLITE therefore we are going to setup a sqlite database
Open .env file
that you just created and locate the DB_CONNECTION
section of the code
edit the code as stated below or your can copy and replace
open your terminal make make sure you are inside the application root directory/folder
then run touch database/database.sqlite
this command will create a database.sqlite file
inside the database directory/folder.
once that is done
run php artisan migrate
to migrate your database.
If the touch command
didn't work for you, you can manually create a database.sqlite
file in the database root folder.
you can then run your migrations.
After the migration, the application is good to go, all you have to do is run php artisan serve
to start up you local server and test out the API using postman or any API testing tool.
Getting External books by name
GET /api/books/name?=:nameOfBook (:nameOFbook represents that name of book varies)
Search Local books by name or publisher or country or release_date
GET /api/books/search?name=:nameOfBook (:nameOFbook represents that name of book can varies)
GET /api/books/search?publisher=:publisher (:publisher represents that publisher value can varies)
GET /api/books/search?publisher=:country (:country represents that country value can varies)
GET /api/books/search?publisher=:release_date (:release_date represents that release_date value can varies)
Gets all locally created books from the local database
GET /api/books
Returns a Single book
GET /api/books/:id
Create a new book
POST /api/books
Updates a particaular book
PUT /api/books/:id
Delete a particular book
DELETE /api/books/:id