Tags: Nic30/hwt
hwt v3.8 * support assignment to signal negations (~a=b interpreted as a=~b) * struct val _eq, ==, != * fix various erros with verilog tmp. variables * simplify the API of simulation testscases (Now only SimTestCase) * HdlType_to_Interface, Interface_to_HdlType * hwt.math * cast functions also for StructIntf * various improvements in internal structures of HdlStatement to simplify and improve code coverage * shortened backtrace for common user caused errors to highlight where in user code the error happend
hwt v3.1 * extraction of serializers and HDL AST to hdlConvertorAst * constrain synthesis * rework of serializer API * better support for post translations modifications * improved code sharability between serializers * improved performance * early detection of HDL code sharability * support for externaly defined HDL types * unified behavior of HdlType classes