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De Wikcionario, el diccionario libre
icono de desambiguación Entradas similares:  hast, häst, hašt, Hastt
pronunciación falta agregar

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Contracción del verbo has y el pronombre it.
  • Ejemplo: 

    This learned Athens never could declare.Miscellany poems. Miscellany poems and translations by Oxford hands. 1685.

Nor Ariſtole’s Schole when he taught there :
Apollo in Parnaßu reads not love,
Like one that has’t by inſtinct from above ;
He ſpeaks but coldly, has no voice of fire,
As thoſe whom Love himſelf deigns to inſpire,
Nor can his elevated Fancy riſe
Equal to th’ height of thy grand myſteries.

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