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The following events occurred in March 1976:

March 16, 1976: British Prime Minister Harold Wilson resigns five days after surviving vote of confidence in Commons[1]
March 9, 1976: Forty-three skiers killed in Italy when aerial cable car falls 200 feet
March 15, 1976: First "carpool lanes" in the United States are inaugurated

March 1, 1976 (Monday)


March 2, 1976 (Tuesday)

  • A TAM – Transporte Aéreo Militar IAI Arava 201 (registration TAM-76) on a military flight crashed in the Bolivian jungle, killing 19 of the 22 people on board. The plane's wreckage was found two days later.[5]
  • Steam locomotive train service ended permanently in Japan after more than a century, as the last steam engine, a Japanese National Railways D51 was retired.
  • Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter temporarily lost his front-runner status in the race for the 1976 Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. presidential election, as U.S. Senator Henry M. Jackson of Washington won the Massachusetts Primary, finishing ahead of Alabama Governor George C. Wallace of Alabama and Congressman Morris K. Udall of Arizona. Carter finished in fourth place. In the Republican primary, U.S. President Ford won uncontested, although one-sixth of the voters cast a write-in ballot for former California Governor Ronald Reagan.[6]

March 3, 1976 (Wednesday)


March 4, 1976 (Thursday)

  • The Maguire Seven, members of a family resident in West Kilburn, London, UK, were found guilty of possessing explosives used in IRA terrorist activity; their sentences would eventually be reversed in 1991.[9]
  • Winegrowers in the French village of Arquettes-en-Val rioted over the importation of "cheap Italian and Spanish wines" by France, and fought a gun battle with police that killed one civilian and one policeman; 29 people were injured, most of them police.[10] The funeral for Emile Pouytes, a 52-year old winemaker who was killed in the gunfight, was attended by 10,000 people.[11] The policeman killed was Captain Joel Ligoff.
  • The United States Senate narrowly voted, 47 to 46, to reject a resolution that would have declared the 1974 U.S. Senate race for Oklahoma in doubt, clearing the way for Henry Bellmon, a Republican, to begin a second term, after nine Democrats join the Senate's 37 Republican Senators. Oklahoma had had only one U.S. Senator since January 1975 because of doubts over whether Bellmon or Democrat Ed Edmondson had won the race.[12]
  • In the first criminal indictment of an airline on charges relating to an accident, a federal grand jury in New York brought charges against Pan American World Airways and four other companies for the November 3, 1973 crash of a Boeing 707 cargo plane, in which the three-man crew was killed.[13]
  • The United Nations Statistics Division announced that the number of people on Earth would reach a population of almost eight billion by the year 2010 if the present 1.9% annual growth rate continued, more than double the population of 3,890,000,000 reported for 1974.[14] In the 35 years that followed, the growth rate would be slowed somewhat by increased education on and availability of contraception, and the United Nations Population Fund would record the world's population at 6.9 billion people in 2010, with recognition of reaching 7,000,000,000 people as of October 31, 2011[15] and a forecast of 2027 as the year to top eight billion people.
  • The Medal of Honor was presented to three American officers who had been prisoners of war during the Vietnam War, U.S. Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale, U.S. Air Force Captain George "Bud" Day, and, posthumously, to U.S. Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Lance Sijan.
  • Born: Mohsen Namjoo, Iranian film score composer; in Torbat-e Jam, Razavi Khorasan Province
  • Died: Walter H. Schottky, 89, German physicist

March 5, 1976 (Friday)

  • For the first time in history, the value of the British pound sterling was worth less than two United States dollars. At 2:39 in the afternoon, the milestone was crossed on the London Stock Exchange and as of closing, the worth of £1.00 was $1.975.[16]
  • On the final day of the 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the composition of the ruling Communist Party Politburo was changed by vote of the Central Committee. The most notable alteration was the removal of the Soviet Minister of Agriculture, Dmitry Polyansky, from the 15 full members of the Politburo, apparently because of the failure of the 1975 grain harvest.[17] New full members, both promoted from candidate member status, were General Dmitry Ustinov and 53-year-old Leningrad Party Secretary Grigory Romanov, raising the number of Politburo members to 16.
  • Mohamed Lamine Ahmed was named as the first head of government for the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic, declared in February by Polisario Front guerrillas who were fighting for independence of the area, recently annexed by Morocco after the withdraw of Spanish colonial forces.[18]
  • With the inflation rate in Argentina now equivalent to 240% per annum, the government of the South American republic announced a new devaluation of the Argentine peso. Formally valued at 76 pesos to a dollar, the new rate was 250 pesos.[19]
  • Toni Innauer of Austria set a world record for the longest ski jump, at 571 feet (174 m) in West Germany at Oberstdorf. Two days later, he broke his own world record with a jump of 577 feet (176 m).

March 6, 1976 (Saturday)

  • All 111 people on board Aeroflot Flight 909 were killed when the airplane crashed while flying from Moscow to the Armenian SSR capital at Yerevan. The Ilyushin Il-18 jet crashed at night near Verkhnyaya Khava in the Soviet Union after an electrical fault caused the failure of several major instruments, including the compass, the main gyroscopes and the autopilot, causing the crew to lose control.[20]

March 7, 1976 (Sunday)

  • India's government released opposition leader Charan Singh, who had been under house arrest for more than eight months since Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had declared a state of emergency.[23] Singh would later become the Prime Minister of India for a brief period in 1979 and 1980.
  • Eight high school students from Minster, Ohio, were killed and four injured when a car plowed into a them while they were walking on a road in Mercer County. The dead and injured had been among 50 students from Minster High School who had been traveling together in several cars to go to a dance.[24]
  • The nucleus of Comet West, which had made its closest approach to the Sun on February 25, split into two fragments while being observed from the Earth by astronomers, apparently having been affected by the Sun's gravitational field.[25][26]
  • Born:
  • Died:
    • Wright Patman, 82, the oldest member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Congressman for Texas since 1929.[27]
    • General Nam Il, 60, Vice Premier of North Korea and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a car accident
    • Jacques Duboin, 97, French economist who pioneered the theory of "distributive economy"
    • Ivan Borkovský, 78, Ukrainian-born Czechoslovakian archaeologist

March 8, 1976 (Monday)

  • A meteor shower of over 100 extraterrestrial objects took place over China with large meteorites falling over an area of 193 square miles (500 km2) in the Jilin province in Manchuria, with one weighing 3,894 pounds (1,766 kg), the largest ever to have been observed during its descent.[28]
  • Researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City announced that asbestos fibers been discovered in nine of 19 brands of baby powder and body powder made from talc. According to the research team, ZBT Baby Powder and four body powders concentration of asbestos fibers ranging from 8% to 20%, and one powder taken off the market, Bauer & Black Baby Talc, had a 15% concentration.[29]
  • South Korea's President Park Chung-hee ordered the arrest of two of his most vocal critics, Kim Dae-jung (who had run against Park in the 1971 South Korean presidential election) and former Foreign Minister Jeong Il-hyeong, after both had signed a declaration a week earlier calling on President Park to restore democracy, free political prisoners, and then to resign. In a statement, the government declared that "By publicly agitating for the subversion of the Government, they have infringed upon the basic constitutional order."[30]
  • Several hundred thousand workers in Spain's Basque provinces walked off of their jobs in the largest protest in Spain since the Spanish Civil War ended in 1939. One Spanish news agency estimated that 325,000 laborers walked off of their jobs in the provinces of Álava, Guipuzcoa, Vizcaya and Navarre.[31]
  • Three construction workers were killed while preparing for the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal while working on the Olympic Stadium, when a concrete slab broke from its supporting cables and caused them to fall 100 feet (30 m) to their deaths.[32] A construction accident the year before had killed another construction worker.
  • Born: Freddie Prinze Jr., American film actor, in Los Angeles[33]
  • Died:

March 9, 1976 (Tuesday)

The aerial cable car before the disaster

March 10, 1976 (Wednesday)

  • New Mexico's popular scuba diving location, the Blue Hole, was closed permanently to tourists after two student divers became separated from the rest of the group while in the underwater caverns. Both were later found dead, having run out of oxygen while deep inside the cave system.[40]
  • British Prime Minister Harold Wilson's proposed budget, which featured a cut in public spending of three-billion pounds ($6 billion USD), failed to pass the House of Commons, with a vote of 256 for and 284 against, after 37 left-wing members of Wilson's Labour Party abstained from voting and two others joined Conservative Party members of parliament to vote against the measure. When the result was announced, Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher called upon Wilson to resign and was joined by fellow MPs who chanted "Out! Out!" as Wilson walked out of the chamber.[41]
  • Died:

March 11, 1976 (Thursday)

  • British Prime Minister Harold Wilson survived a vote of confidence, 297 to 280, after 37 left-wing members of his Labour Party abstained from the vote. The night before, Wilson's economic program had been rejected by a margin of 28 votes, leading to the second vote on whether the House of Commons still had confidence in his government.[42]
  • The government of Israel published its eminent domain plan for government annexation of lands in territories captured from Jordan in 1967 in the Six-Day War.
  • Lebanese Army Brigadier General Abdel Aziz al-Ahdab attempted a military coup, appeared on national television, and proclaimed himself to be the "Military Governor of Lebanon", demanding the resignations of both the Christian President and the Muslim Prime Minister within 24 hours.[43] President Suleiman Franjieh refused to step down, and Genearal Ahdab made no effort to overthrow him.[44]
  • A second explosion at the Scotia mine in Letcher County, Kentucky, killed a further 11 workers. The second group killed had volunteered to enter the coal mine to remove the bodies of 15 miners who had been killed two days earlier.[37][45] For more than eight months, the bodies of the last 11 victims of the Scotia mine explosion would remain entombed until November 19, when the remains were brought to the surface.[46]
  • Oil was discovered in the Philippines after undersea drilling off of the coast of Palawan Island
  • The State University of Surakarta (Universitas Negeri Surakarta or UNS), was founded in the city of Surakarta in Indonesia. Forty years later, it would have an enrollment of 34,000 students.[47] It would later be referred to as "Sebelas Maret" (literally "Eleven March") University.
  • In the aftermath of the February 13 assassination of Nigeria's President, General Murtala Muhammed, 31 Nigerian military officers were convicted of conspiracy and executed by firing squad, including the former Defense Minister, Major General Illiya Bisalla.[48][49]
  • Died: Samuel R. Quiñones, 72, Puerto Rican politician, former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico and former President of the Senate of Puerto Rico

March 12, 1976 (Friday)

  • The government of India took control of the state of Gujarat, placing it under President's Rule and suppressing the last or India's 22 states that had had a government opposed to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.[50] The takeover followed a no confidence vote against Gujarat's Chief Minister, Babubhai Patel.
  • King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, a 29-year old bachelor, announced his engagement to a commoner from West Germany, Silvia Renate Sommerlath.[51]
  • Born: Zhao Wei, Chinese singer and actress; in Wuhu, Anhui province

March 13, 1976 (Saturday)

  • In Lebanon, members of the Chamber of Deputies voted, 66 to 0, to remove President Suleiman Franjieh from office, with the other 33 members not present. At the presidential palace, Franjieh told a seven-man delegation from the parliament that "I will leave only if they carry me out dead." [52] Franjieh would remain in power until the expiration of his six-year term on September 22.
  • A magnitude 5.4 earthquake killed four people and injured 50 in Guatemala, five weeks after a deadlier quake.[53][54]
  • Born: Danny Masterson, American actor and convicted rapist; in Long Island, New York[55]
  • Died: Ole Haugsrud, 76, American professional sports executive who had been the owner of the Duluth Eskimos in the National Football League in the 1920s, and later became a co-founder of the NFL's Minnesota Vikings and 10% owner in 1961.[56]

March 14, 1976 (Sunday)


March 15, 1976 (Monday)

  • Beginning at 6:00 in the morning local time, the city of Los Angeles became the first in the U.S. to designate a high-occupancy vehicle lane (commonly called a "car-pool lane" or the "diamond lane") during the "rush hour" periods (6 am to 10 am and 3 pm to 7 pm), beginning with the Santa Monica Freeway, where the "fast lane" of the east and west freeways were off limits to vehicles that were occupied only by a driver.[64] The objective of the program, which was soon followed on other multi-lane highways, was to encourage people to use public transportation or go to and from work with fellow employees as part of a private carpool.
  • An attempt to overthrow the government of the West African nation of Niger failed as Sanoussi Jackou led a coup attempt against President, General Seyni Kountché. Jackou was arrested on May 20 and imprisoned for 11 years until after the death of President Kountché in 1987.
  • In Argentina, the Montoneros terrorist group detonated a bomb at Army headquarters, killing one person and injuring a further 29.[65]
  • The hard rock band KISS released their hit album Destroyer, their fourth and their best-selling album up to that time, selling half a million copies within one month (and being certified "gold" by the RIAA on April 22).[66] The album included the band's heavy metal classic "Detroit Rock City" and its biggest commercial hit song, the ballad "Beth".
  • Born: Lee Min-woo, South Korean television actor; in Seoul

March 16, 1976 (Tuesday)


March 17, 1976 (Wednesday)


March 18, 1976 (Thursday)

  • After an emergency meeting between Prime Minister Aldo Moro and leaders of Italy's other political parties, the Italian government announced increased taxes and restrictions on money lending as part of a program of austerity measures in order to fight a 12% annual inflation rate and a 25% decline in the Italian lira in the first two months of 1976.[74]
  • After two attempts by the Irish Republican Army to explode bombs in London's underground subway, Scotland Yard assigned 1,000 police to patrol the train cars and the stations of the Underground. The move came days after nine people were injured and a train engineer shot dead in an attack at the West Ham railway station in East London.[75]
  • For the first time in the history of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, women were appointed to the formerly all-male institution. The Academy announced the names of seven females as the first 247 students to be admitted for the 1976-1977 term, to begin on July 6. The U.S. Secretary of the Navy has authorized appointment of 80 women to be among the expected 1,250 plebes for the class of 1980. In alphabetical order, the women named were Elizabeth Belzer, Donna J. Bueter, Peggy S. Derry, Maureen P. Foley, Bonnie J. Schaefer, Patricia A. Thudium and Barbara A. Webb.[76]
  • The U.S. state of Kentucky ratifies the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, more than 110 years after the amendment, abolishing slavery, had become effective in all states.[77][78] The resolution (which also gives Kentucky's ratification to the 14th and 15th Amendments), sponsored by state representative Mae Street Kidd, one of three African-American members of the state legislature, passed 77 to 0 in the state house and by voice vote in the state senate, before being signed by Governor Julian Carroll. Mrs. Kidd had filed the resolution during debate over whether to rescind the state's ratification of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment, after discovering that Kentucky had never approved the three constitutional amendments. With the ratification by Kentucky, Mississippi was left as the only U.S. state not to have ratified the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments.
  • Born:
  • Died:
    • Emmanuel Lacaba, 27, Filipino poet and dissident, was killed along with three other dissidents by the Integrated Civilian Home Defense Forces paramilitary group near the city of Asuncion, Davao del Norte

March 19, 1976 (Friday)

Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon with the U.S. President and Mrs. Johnson in 1965
  • After a long period of speculation, it was announced from Kensington Palace that Princess Margaret, sister of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, was separating from her husband Lord Snowdon, after 16 years of marriage.[79] Kensington Palace spokespersons state that the couple "have mutually agreed to live apart. The Princess will carry out her public duties and functions unaccompanied by Lord Snowdon. There are no plans for divorce proceedings."[80]
  • Two of the largest American labor unions in clothing manufacture, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ACWA) and the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), agreed to merge to form the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), with 500,000 members.[81] The new organization was the largest clothing workers union in the U.S., surpassing the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), with which it would merge in 1995.
  • An assassination attempt was made on Lebanon's Prime Minister Rashid Karami and other high-ranking officials of Lebanon and Syria, after the Syrian Air Force Yak-40 airplane transporting them was hit by gunfire while preparing to take off from the Beirut airport to fly to Damascus. Others on board the jet were former prime minister Saeb Salam, Syrian Military Police diretor Ali al-Madani, and a member of the Syrian-backed Palestinian guerrilla organization As Saiqa. The group escaped the burning plane, which had been hit by incendiary bullets or a rocket-propelled grenade fired from the adjacent village of Ouzai.[82]
  • The 67th Milan–San Remo cycle race was won by Eddy Merckx.[83]
  • Born:
  • Died: Paul Kossoff, 25, English rock guitarist, from a drug-related pulmonary embolism sustained while on an airplane flight from Los Angeles to New York. Afterwards, Kossoff's father David Kossoff would work for charity in memory of his son.[84]

March 20, 1976 (Saturday)


March 21, 1976 (Sunday)


March 22, 1976 (Monday)


March 23, 1976 (Tuesday)


March 24, 1976 (Wednesday)

Field Marshal Montgomery

March 25, 1976 (Thursday)

  • The government of South Africa announced that it would be withdrawing its military forces from neighboring Angola over the next two days. Defense Minister P. W. Botha said in a statement that the Angolan government had guaranteed protection of resources on the border between Angola and Namibia (still referred to at the time as South-West Africa and under South African administration. At least 3,000 South African troops had been in Ruacana in Angola guarding the Cunene River hydroelectric and irrigation project.[104]
  • In a new development in the Lebanese Civil War between the Middle Eastern nation's Christians and Muslims, the Baabda Palace, the official residence of President Suleiman Franjieh, came under heavy artillery fired from Muslim military forces. President Franjieh and his staff flee to a Christian stronghold 13 miles (21 km) north of Beirut, while another Lebanese Christian leader, Pierre Gemayel, called on men and women to join a militia "so you may save our homeland before it is too late." Kamal Jumblatt, leader of Lebanon's Druze Muslims had joined with dissident Lieutenant Ahmed al-Khatib in beginning the attack to force Franjieh's resignation.[105] Franjieh soon returned and would finish out his six-year term of office in September.
  • In the first round of voting among Labour Party members of the House of Commons to elect a successor to outgoing Prime Minister Wilson, none of the six candidates for leadership of Labour attained a majority, but three government ministers— Roy Jenkins, Anthony Wedgwood Benn. and Anthony Crossland dropped out after receiving no more than 56 votes. Employment Secretary Michael Foot had 90 votes, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan 84 and Chancellor the Exchequer Denis Healey would be the three candidates when the second ballot was taken on March 30.
  • More than two months after his death, the late Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai was the subject of an attempt to discredit his reputation, as the Shanghai newspaper Wenhui Bao linked him to former Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping. In the article, orchestrated by Jiang Qing, the wife of Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong, Zhou was described as "the capitalist roader inside the Party" who had helped rehabilitate Deng (described as an "unrepentant capitalist roader") after the Cultural Revolution. Far from ruining Zhou's reputation, the article and subsequent attacks would reinforce public sympathy for Zhou.
  • Born:
  • Died: Josef Albers, 88, German-born American artist

March 26, 1976 (Friday)

  • At least 45 guests at a wedding in India were killed at Pune in the Maharashtra state when a tractor-drawn wagon ran off the road and plunged into a deep canal.[106]
  • Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom became the first world leader to send an email from a head of state, after being invited to click upon the command to transmit a message while she and Prince Philip were dedicating the new Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern in Worcestershire. The email, sent via ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the predecessor to the Internet was composed by RSRE director Peter T. Kirstein for the occasion, read "This message to all ARPANET users announces the availability on ARPANET of the Coral 66 compiler provided by the GEC 4080 computer at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, Malvern, England, ... Coral 66 is the standard real-time high level language adopted by the Ministry of Defence."[107]
  • The Toronto Blue Jays baseball team was founded when the American League awarded a franchise to a group consisting of Labatt's Breweries, Imperial Trust, Ltd., and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.[108] In January, Labatt's had entered into a contract to purchase the San Francisco Giants of the National League to be moved to Toronto. The addition of the Blue Jays, along with new Seattle Mariners expansion franchise, brought the American League to 14 teams for the 1977 season.[109]
  • The first store of The Body Shop, a chain of British stores selling cosmetics, skin care and perfume for women, opened in Brighton. More than 40 years later, the company would have 3,000 stores in 65 nations worldwide.[110][111]
  • Nineteen days after 43 skiers were killed in the fall of an aerial cable car in Italy, three people are killed and nine injured at a U.S. ski resort in Vail, Colorado when two gondola cars come off of the overhead cable and fall 100 feet (30 m).[112][113]
  • Died: Lin Yutang, 80, Chinese scholar and philosopher who introduced classic Chinese philosophical texts to the Western nations.[114]

March 27, 1976 (Saturday)


March 28, 1976 (Sunday)


March 29, 1976 (Monday)

  • The Hoosiers of Indiana University completed an unbeaten season (31 wins and no losses) and won the NCAA basketball championship with an 86 to 68 defeat of a fellow Big Ten Conference team, the Wolverines of the University of Michigan, in the title game at Philadelphia.[127][128]
  • The Academy Awards were presented at ceremonies in Hollywood. Actor Jack Nicholson, on his fifth Oscar nomination, won for the first time for Best Actor for his role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which also won the award for Best Picture; Nicholson's co-star and antagonist in the film, Louise Fletcher, won Best Actress.[129] George Burns, 78, received the award for Best Supporting Actor (for The Sunshine Boys) and 82-year-old Mary Pickford was presented a special award for service to the film industry as an actress.
Jorge Rafael Videla swearing the Oath as President of Argentina
  • Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla, the chief of staff of the Argentine Army, was sworn into office as the 39th President of Argentina, followed by a cabinet of six military officers and two civilians.[130] One of the civilians, Jose Martinez de Hoz, a corporate business officer, became the Minister of the Economy and named a nine-man team of economic assistants to attempt to solve the problems of Argentina's large foreign debt and runaway inflation.
  • Australian farmer Alec Brackstone declared his four hectare (9.9 acre) property in the state of South Australia to be the "Province of Bumbunga", a micronation seeking to be a British colony, with himself as its "Governor-General", then made a living by printing and selling Bumbungan postage stamps until Australian law caused him to abandon the business in 1987.
  • Born:
  • Died: Joelito Filártiga, 17, after being kidnapped and tortured in Paraguay by police under the command of by Américo Norberto Peña-Irala. The landmark federal court decision in Filártiga v. Peña-Irala (1980) set a precedent for allowing civil lawsuits for to be filed in the U.S. for crimes committed in a foreign nation, if the defendant has taken up residence in the U.S.

March 30, 1976 (Tuesday)

  • The events which inspired the annual Land Day demonstration took place in Israel. In confrontations with police in towns in the West Bank, six unarmed Arab citizens of Israel were killed and almost 100 other people wounded. A seventh Israeli Arab had been killed the day before.[131]
  • In the second round of balloting in the UK by the 312 Labour Party MPs over the successor to outgoing Prime Minister Harold Wilson, James Callaghan received 141 votes and Michael Foot 133, not enough by either candidate for the necessary majority of 157. The third candidate, Denis Healey, finished with 38 votes and was automatically ineligible for the third round of voting, which would take place on April 5.[132]
  • The West End Gang, a group of five armed robbers in Montreal, overpowered the guards of a Brink's armored car outside of the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada and escaped with $2.8 million in Canadian dollars ($2.76 million U.S. dollars).[133] [134] [135]
  • The Sony corporation of Japan introduced its new product to the U.S., the home videocassette recorder (VCR), with the first advertisements for its Betamax recording system, running a display ad in The New York Times with the headline "Announcing: a new TV recording star!" In the ad copy, Sony told homeowners, "even if you're not there, it records TV programs you don't want to miss, builds a priceless videotape library in no time, $1300."[136] The $1,300 cost of the VCR was equivalent to $6,400 forty-five years later.[137]
  • In the U.S., the National Football League began its annual expansion draft, delayed on this occasion because of a lawsuit brought by the owners of the Seattle Seahawks and Tampa Bay Buccaneers against the players' union.[138]

March 31, 1976 (Wednesday)



  1. ^ attribution: author Allen Warren
  2. ^ "Commons Votes Seat-Belt Bill", by Bernard Weinraub, The New York Times, March 2, 1976, p. 5
  3. ^ McEvoy, Kieran (2001). Paramilitary Imprisonment in Northern Ireland: Resistance, Management, and Release: Resistance, Management and Release. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. p. 217. ISBN 978-0198299073.
  4. ^ "Six die as oil rig is wrecked". The Times. No. 59642. London. 2 March 1976. col D-F, p. 1.
  5. ^ Aviation Safety Network Accident Description
  6. ^ "Jackson Beats Wallace and Udall, Carter Is 4th in Massachusetts Vote; Ford Tops Reagan", by John Kifner, The New York Times, March 3, 1976, p. 1
  7. ^ "Two Are Killed in Basque City As Police Battle Demonstrators", The New York Times, March 4, 1976, p. 2
  8. ^ «Masacre del 3 de marzo en Vitoria-Gasteiz (1976)», Biblioteca i Centre de Documentació de l'Artium, Vitòria. (Spanish)
  9. ^ "House of Commons". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Commons. 12 July 1990. col. 436–441.
  10. ^ "French Riot Over Wine Imports", The New York Times, March 5, 1976, p.1
  11. ^ "10,000 in France Attend Funeral Of a Winegrower Killed in Clash", by Flora Lewis, The New York Times, March 7, 1976, p. 2
  12. ^ "Senator Bellmon Retains His Seat", The New York Times, March 5, 1976, p. 8
  13. ^ "Pan Am Indicted in Boston Crash", by Max H. Seigel, The New York Times, March 5, 1976, p. 1
  14. ^ "Nearly Eight Billion Population By 2010 Projected by the U.N.", The New York Times, March 5, 1976, p. 4
  15. ^ "Day of Seven Billion", United Nations Population Fund
  16. ^ "Value of the Pound Drops Below $2 for First Time", by Peter T. Kilborn, The New York Times, March 6, 1976, p.1
  17. ^ "Soviet Agriculture Chief Is Ousted From Politburo", The New York Times, March 6, 1976, p.1
  18. ^ "Group in Sahara Names Government", The New York Times, March 6, 1976, p.6
  19. ^ "Argentina Announces and Emergency Economic Plan", The New York Times, March 6, 1976, p.6
  20. ^ Aviation Safety Network Accident Description
  21. ^ "Puerto Rican youngest ring champ at 17", San Francisco Examiner, March 7, 1976, p. 1C
  22. ^ "Nigeria Arrests Leader of Coup", The New York Times, March 7, 1976, p.7
  23. ^ "Gandhi Regime Frees An Opposition Leader", The New York Times, March 8, 1976, p.6
  24. ^ "Students Stop, Hit By Car", AP report in Lexington (Ky.) Leader, March 8, 1976, p. 1
  25. ^ "C/1975 V1 (West)", Gary W. Kronk's Cometography
  26. ^ "Comet Expected in Sky for Week— Maximum Visibility Would Be in East Before Sunrise", The New York Times, March 2, 1976, p. 17
  27. ^ "Wright Patman, 82, Dean of House, Dies", by Eileen Shanahan, The New York Times, March 8, 1976, p.1
  28. ^ "A Meteor Shower Hits Rural China", by Fox Butterfield, The New York Times, April 22, 1976, p. 15
  29. ^ "Asbestos Found in Baby Powders", Los Angeles Times, March 9, 1976, p. I-1, I-13
  30. ^ "Seoul Arrests 2 Top Foes of President", The New York Times, March 9, 1976, p.3
  31. ^ "Spain Hit by Biggest Strike Since Civil War", Los Angeles Times, March 9, 1976, p. I-1
  32. ^ "Slab at Olympic tower gives way; 3 workers killed", Chicago Tribune, March 9, 1976, p. 1
  33. ^ "Freddie, Jr. Prinze Biography (1976–)". Filmreference.com. Retrieved 2010-03-18.
  34. ^ Postiglione, Venanzio (4 February 1998). "La maledizione del Cermis comincio' 22 anni fa". Corriere della Sera (in Italian). Retrieved 30 July 2012.
  35. ^ "42 Skiers Are Killed in Italy When Cable Car Falls 200 Feet", The New York Times, March 10, 1976, p. 1
  36. ^ "Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention - A Chronology of Main Events". CAIN web service. Retrieved 8 March 2018.
  37. ^ a b "Scotia Coal Company Scotia Mine Explosions". Mine Disasters in the United States. Retrieved 8 March 2018.
  38. ^ "15 Die in Mine Blast", The New York Times, March 10, 1976, p. 1
  39. ^ "15 Miners Found Dead After Kentucky Explosion", The New York Times, March 10, 1976, p.53
  40. ^ "The little-known tragedy of the Blue Hole", Guadalupe County Communicator (Santa Rosa, NM), September 16, 2010, reprinted in Route66News.com
  41. ^ "Labor leftists lead rebuff of Wilson's social welfare cuts", by Robert Merry, Chicago Tribune, March 11, 1976, p. 1-3
  42. ^ "Wilson Survives a Vote of Confidence", by Peter T. Kilborn, The New York Times, March 12, 1976, p.3
  43. ^ "Beirut General Acts to Oust the Leaders; Commander of Garrison Proclaims Himself the Military Governor", by James M. Markham, The New York Times, March 12, 1976, p.1
  44. ^ "Lebanon's Chief Defies General, Refuses to Quit", by James M. Markham, The New York Times, March 13, 1976, p.1
  45. ^ "Kentucky Mine Toll Is 26 As 11 Die in Second Blast", by Wayne King, The New York Times, March 13, 1976, p. 1
  46. ^ "Bodies of 11, Entombed in Mine 253 Days, Recovered", The New York Times, November 20, 1976, p. 10
  47. ^ "Sejarah UNS" ("History of UNS"), Indonesian language
  48. ^ "Nigeria Executes 30 for Coup Role; Ex-Defense Minister Among Them— Britain Is Asked to Extradite Gowon", The New York Times, March 13, 1976, p.1
  49. ^ "Col. Dimka's Failed Coup Attempt of February 13, 1976", by Dr. Nowa Omoigui, Urhobo Historical Society
  50. ^ "New Delhi Takes Control of Last State Foes Ruled", by William Borders, The New York Times, March 13, 1976, p.1
  51. ^ "Swedish King's Fiancee— Silvia Renate Sommerlath", The New York Times, March 15, 1976, p.9
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  56. ^ "Haugsrud, 'father of pro football in Minnesota,' is dead at 75", Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 14, 1976, p. 1
  57. ^ "That New Race Face Is a Woman's— Arlene Hiss in Phoenix Field", by Shav Glick, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1976, p.III-1
  58. ^ "Bobby Unser Wins Opener; Arlene Hiss Finishes 14th", by Shav Glick, Los Angeles Times, March 15, 1976, p.III-1
  59. ^ "Sadat Acts to Cancel Egypt-Soviet Treaty", Los Angeles Times, March 15, 1976, p.I-1
  60. ^ "Soviet Navy Loses Right To Use Egyptian Ports", by Flora Lewis, The New York Times, April 5, 1976, p. 1
  61. ^ Alain Lancelot, Les élections sous la Ve République, PUF, Paris, 1988
  62. ^ "French Leftists Gain in Elections", by James F. Clarity, The New York Times, March 15, 1976, p.1
  63. ^ Palm Springs Cemetery District, "Interments of Interest"
  64. ^ "Controversial Experiment: Freeway Car Pool, Bus Lane Will Open Monday", by Ray Hebert, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1976, p. I-1
  65. ^ a b Lewis, Paul (2002). Guerrillas and Generals. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0-275-97360-3.
  66. ^ David Leaf and Ken Sharp, KISS Behind the Mask: The Official Authorized Biography (Warner Books, 2003) pp. 67–68.
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  72. ^ "Italian Communists Consulted by premier First Time Since '47", The New York Times, March 18, 1976, p.4
  73. ^ "Murdered by the Glenanne gang: ‘Patrick lived till the ripe old age of 13’", by Susan McKay, The Irish Times (Dublin), May 2, 2015
  74. ^ "Italy Announces Austerity Steps to Ease Inflation", The New York Times, March 19, 1976, p.1
  75. ^ "1,000 Policemen Assigned to London's Subway After Bombings", The New York Times, March 19, 1976, p.4
  76. ^ "First 7 Women Named To the Naval Academy", The New York Times, March 19, 1976, p.12
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  125. ^ "Gymnast Posts Perfect Mark", by Robin Herman, The New York Times, March 28, 1976, p. 5-3
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  127. ^ "Indiana Wins Title", The New York Times, March 30, 1976, p. 1
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  129. ^ "'Cuckoo's Nest' Wins Top Oscars", The New York Times, March 30, 1976, p. 38
  130. ^ "Argentine Chief, Videla, Sworn In", by Juan de Onis, The New York Times, March 30, 1976, p. 7
  131. ^ "5 Israeli Arabs Killed in Protest Riots; 70 Hurt as Strike Flares Into Clashes With Police and Security Forces", by Terence Smith, The New York Times, March 31, 1976, p. 1
  132. ^ "Contest in Britain Is Narrowed to 2", by Robert B. Semple, Jr., The New York Times, March 31, 1976, p. 1
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  141. ^ George, Edward The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991, Frank Cass, London, New York, 2005, ISBN 0-415-35015-8 Page 114
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