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Justin Winsor Prize (library)

The Justin Winsor Prize is awarded by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association for the year's best library history essay. The award was established in 1978 and named for the American Library Association's first president, Justin Winsor. Winsor (1831–1896) was a prominent writer, historian, and the long-time Librarian at Harvard University.

The Library History Round Table also sponsors the Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award.[1]

The Library History Round Table official peer-reviewed journal is Libraries: Culture, History, and Society.[2]

LHRT News and Notes is the blog of the Library History Round Table.[3]

The Library History Round Table publishes the "Bibliography of Library History" database.[4]

The Library History Round Table, was established in 1947. Historical articles appeared on the 50th anniversary in the journal, Libraries & Culture [5] and the 75th in the journal, Libraries: Culture, History, and Society .[6][7]

Justin Winsor Prize Date Title
Alex H. Poole 2024 ”If I’m fighting for myself, it is so that whoever stands on my shoulders can go further than I”: The Intellectual Community of Black Women Children’s Librarians in the mid-Twentieth Century United States.”
Madison Ingram 2023 "Chief Hope of Democracy: Educational Influences on the Segregated Carnegie Libraries of Atlanta."
Alex H. Poole 2022 “Will the day ever come when we will be judged on our merit and not on our blackness?” The Rise of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, 1970-1975.” [8]
Jennifer Burek Pierce 2021 More Than a Room with Books: The Development of Author Visits for Young People in Mid-Century U.S. Public Libraries.[9]
Julie Park 2020 Infrastructure Story: The Los Angeles Central Library’s Architectural History.[10]
Steven Knowlton 2019 A Rapidly Escalating Demand: Academic Libraries and the Birth of Black Studies Programs.[11]
No Award 2018
Alexander Ames 2017 The 'Spirit of The Fatherland': German-American Culture And Community in the Library and Archive of the German Society of Pennsylvania, 1817-2017.[12]
Steven A. Knowlton 2016 Since I was a citizen, I had the right to attend the library: the key role of the public library in the civil rights movement in Memphis.[13]
Sharon McQueen 2015 The Feminization of Ferdinand: Perceptions of Gender Nonconformity in a Classic Children’s Picture Book.[14]
Kate Stewart 2014 The Man in the Rice Paddies Had Something to READ: Military Libraries and Intellectual Freedom in the Vietnam War.[15]
Nicola Wilson Boots 2013 Book-Lovers' library, the Novel, and James Hanley's The Furys (1935).[16]
Ashley Maynor 2012 All the World’s Memory: Implications for the Internet as Archive and Portal for Our Cultural Heritage.[17]
Cody White 2011 Rising from the Ashes: Lessons Learned from the Impact of Proposition 13 on Public Libraries in California.[18]
Pamela R. Bleisch 2010 Spoilsmen and Daughters of the Republic: Political Interference in the Texas State Library during the tenure of Elizabeth Howard West, 1911-1925.[19]
Richard LeComte 2009 Writers Blocked: The Debate Over Public Lending Right in the United States During the 1980s.[20]
Jeremy Dibbell 2008 A Library of the Most Celebrated & Approved Authors: The First Purchase Collection of Union College.[21]
Jean L. Preer 2007 Promoting Citizenship: Librarians Help Get Out the Vote in the 1952 Presidential Election.[22]
No award 2006
Donald C. Boyd 2005 The Book Women of Kentucky: The WPA Pack Horse Library Project, 1935-1943.[23]
Joyce M. Latham 2004 Clergy of the Mind: William S. Learned, the Carnegie Corporation, and the American Library Association.[24]
No award 2003
Marek Sroka 2002 The Destruction of Jewish Libraries and Archives in Crakow (Krakow) During World War II.[25]
No award 2001
No award 2000
Christine Pawley 1999 Advocate for Access: Lutie Stearns and the Traveling Libraries of the Wisconsin Free Library Commission, 1895-1914.[26]
No award 1998
Cheryl Knott Malone 1997 Houston's Colored Carnegie Library, 1907-1922.[27]
Wayne A. Wiegand 1996 The Amherst Method: The Origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.[28]
No award 1995
No award 1994
No award 1993
Joanne E. Passet 1992 Men in a Feminized Profession: The Male Librarian, 1887-1921.[29]
Margaret Stieg 1991 Post-War Purge of the German Public Libraries, Democracy, and the American Reaction.[30]
John V. Richardson Jr. 1990 Teaching General Reference Work: The Essential Paradigm, 1890-1900.[31]
Frederick J. Stielow 1989 Librarians, Warriors, and Rapprochement: Carl Milam, Archibald MacLeish, and World War II.[32]
Brother Thomas O'Connor 1988 Library Service to the American Committee to Negotiate Peace and to the Preparatory Inquiry, 1917-1919.[33]
Rosalee McReynolds 1987 American Nervousness and Turn of the Century Librarians.[34]
Ronald Blazek 1986 Adult Education and Economic Opportunity in the Gilded Age: The Library, the Chautauqua, and the Railroads in DeFuniak Springs, Florida.[35]
No award 1985
Lawrence Joseph Yeatman 1984 Literary Culture and the Role of Libraries in Democratic America: Baltimore, 1815-1940 [36]
Robert S. Martin 1983 Maurice F. Tauber’s ‘Louis Round Wilson’: An Analysis of a Collaboration [37]
Pamela Spence Richards and Wayne A. Wiegand. 1982 Richards: “‘Aryan Librarianship’: Academic and Research Libraries under Hitler.”;[38] Wiegand: "British Propaganda in American Libraries, 1914-1917."[39]
Mary Niles Maack 1981 Women Librarians in France: The First Generation Maack,[40]
No award 1980
Dennis Thompson 1979 The Private Wars of Chicago’s Big Bill Thompson.[41]


  1. ^ JuliaSkinner (2012-01-13). "Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award". Round Tables. Retrieved 2024-02-22.
  2. ^ LHRT Journal Libraries: Culture, History, and Society American Library Association. Library History Round Table.
  3. ^ LHRT News and Notes American Library Association. Library History Round Table.
  4. ^ Bibliography of Library History American Library Association, Library History Round Table, April 24, 2024.
  5. ^ Wertheimer, Andrew B., and John David Marshall. “Fifty Years of Promoting Library History: A Chronology of the ALA (American) Library History Round Table, 1947-1997.” Libraries & Culture 35, no. 1 (2000): 215–39.
  6. ^ Greenberg, Gerry (2023), "On LHRT's Seventy-Fifth Anniversary. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 7 no.1:77-79.
  7. ^ Lear, Bernadette A. "LHRT Leadership, Programs, and Awards, 1998–2023."Libraries: Culture, History, and Society. 7, No. 2, 2023: 181-215.
  8. ^ Poole, Alex H., “’Will the day ever come when we will be judged on our merit and not on our blackness?’ The Black Caucus of the American Library Association and the Long Freedom Struggle in the United States, 1970-1975,” in Isaac Sserwanga et al. (eds.), Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023), 485–500. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-28035-13_6
  9. ^ UI professor wins award for essay exploring library outreach services. Daily Iowan.April 26, 2021.
  10. ^ The Library History Round Table (LHRT) announces the winner of the 2020 Justin Winsor Library History Essay. American Library Association. June 30, 2020.
  11. ^ Knowlton, Steven. "A Rapidly Escalating Demand: Academic Libraries and the Birth of Black Studies Programs. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society. 4 no. 2 2020: 178-200.
  12. ^ Aimes, Alexander Lawrence.The 'Spirit of The Fatherland': German-American Culture And Community in the Library and Archive of the German Society of Pennsylvania, 1817-2017. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (2018) 2 (2): 103–126.
  13. ^ Knowlton, Steven A. 2018. "Since I was a citizen, I had the right to attend the library: the key role of the public library in the civil rights movement in Memphis:" 203-227.In An Unseen Light: Black Struggles for Freedom in Memphis, Tennessee. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press.
  14. ^ McQueen's essay on Ferdinand and gender nonconformity wins 2015 Winsor prize. American Library Association. April 27, 2015.
  15. ^ LHRT awards Winsor Prize for essay exploring library services, military and intellectual freedom American Library Association. April 14, 2014.
  16. ^ Wilson, Nicola. 2014. “Boots Book-Lovers’ Library and the Novel: The Impact of a Circulating Library Market on Twentieth-Century Fiction.” Information & Culture 49 (4): 427–49.
  17. ^ Ashley Maynor receives the 2012 Justin Winsor Essay Award from the Library History Round Table. American Library Association. June 5, 2012.
  18. ^ White, Cody (2011). Rising from the Ashes: The Impact of Proposition 13 on Public Libraries in California." Information & Culture A Journal of History 46(4):345-359. DOI:10.1353/lac.2011.0025
  19. ^ Bleisch, Pamela R. 2010. “Spoilsmen and Daughters of the Republic: Political Interference in the Texas State Library during the Tenure of Elizabeth Howard West, 1911-1925.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 45 (4): 383–413. doi:10.1353/lac.2010.0018.
  20. ^ LeComte, Richard. 2009. “Writers Blocked: The Debate over Public Lending Right in the United States during the 1980s.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 44 (4): 395–417. doi:10.1353/lac.0.0098.
  21. ^ Dibbell, Jeremy B. 2008. “‘A Library of the Most Celebrated & Approved Authors’: The First Purchase Collection of Union College.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 43 (4): 367–96. doi:10.1353/lac.0.0046.
  22. ^ Preer, Jean. 2008. “Promoting Citizenship: How Librarians Helped Get Out the Vote in the 1952 Presidential Election.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 43 (1): 1–28. doi:10.1353/lac.2008.0012.
  23. ^ Boyd, Donald C. 2007. “The Book Women of Kentucky: The WPA Pack Horse Library Project, 1936-1943.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 42 (2): 111–28.
  24. ^ Latham, Joyce M. 2010. “Clergy of the Mind: Alvin S. Johnson, William S. Learned, the Carnegie Corporations, and the American Library Association.” Library Quarterly 80 (3): 249–65. doi:10.1086/652875.
  25. ^ Sroka, Marek. 2003. “The Destruction of Jewish Libraries and Archives in Cracow during World War II.” Libraries & Culture 38 (2): 147–65.
  26. ^ Pawley, Christine. 2000. “Advocate for Access: Lutie Stearns and the Traveling Libraries of the Wisconsin Free Library Commission, 1895-1914.” Libraries & Culture 35 (3): 434–58.
  27. ^ Malone, Cheryl Knott. 1999. “Autonomy and Accommodation: Houston’s Colored Carnegie Library, 1907-1922.” Libraries & Culture 34 (2): 95.
  28. ^ Wiegand, Wayne A. 1998. “The `Amherst Method’: The Origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.” Libraries & Culture 33 (2): 175.
  29. ^ Passet, Joanne E. 1993. “Men in a Feminized Profession: The Male Librarian, 1887-1921.” Libraries & Culture 28: 385–402.
  30. ^ Stieg, Margaret F. 1993. “The Postwar Purge of German Public Libraries, Democracy, and the American Reaction.” Libraries & Culture 28 (March): 143–64.
  31. ^ Richardson, John V. 1992. “Teaching General Reference Work: The Complete Paradigm and Competing Schools of Thought, 1890-1990.” Library Quarterly 62 (January): 55–89.
  32. ^ Stielow, Frederick J. 1990. “Librarian Warriors and Rapprochement: Carl Milam, Archibald MacLeish, and World War II.” Libraries & Culture 25 (September): 513–33.
  33. ^ O’Connor, Thomas F. 1989. “Library Service to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace and to the Preparatory Inquiry, 1917-1919.” Libraries & Culture 24 (March): 144–57.
  34. ^ McReynolds, Rosalee. 1990. “The Sexual Politics of Illness in Turn of the Century Libraries.” Libraries & Culture 25 (March): 194–217.
  35. ^ Blazek, Ronald David. 1987. “The Library, the Chautauqua, and the Railroads in DeFuniak Springs, Florida.” Journal of Library History 22 (October): 377–96.
  36. ^ Yeatman, Joseph Lawrence. 1985. “Literary Culture and the Role of Libraries in Democratic America: Baltimore, 1815-1840.” Journal of Library History 20 (October): 345–67.
  37. ^ Martin, Robert Sidney. “Maurice F. Tauber’s ‘Louis Round Wilson’: An Analysis of a Collaboration.” The Journal of Library History (1974-1987) 19, no. 3 (1984): 373–89.
  38. ^ The Journal of library history 19.2 (1984): 231–258.
  39. ^ Wiegand, Wayne A. “British Propaganda in American Public Libraries, 1914-1917.” The Journal of library history 18.3 (1983): 237–254.
  40. ^ Maack, Mary Niles.The Journal of Library History Fall, 1983, Vol. 18, No. 4:407-44 Issue title: Women in Library History: Liberating Our Past (Fall, 1983).
  41. ^ Thompson, Dennis. “The Private Wars of Chicago’s Big Bill Thompson.” The Journal of library history 15.3 (1980): 261–280.

See also
