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Big Daddy

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Big Daddy is a 1999 film starring Adam Sandler as Sonny Koufax, a lazy bachelor who has never had any real responsibilities in his life. When a 5-year-old boy named Julian (who turns out to be his friend Kevin's son) shows up on his doorstep, Sonny takes him in until Kevin gets back from a business trip in China. He and Julian eventually form a strong bond, but Sonny soon gets in trouble when Social Services finds out he's not really Kevin. In the end, Kevin comes forward as the real father and tells the court he's not pressing charges. Sonny takes him to the park to meet Kevin and Sonny and Julian remain good friends.

Nature called. Look who answered. (taglines)

Sonny Koufax

  • Vanessa, you're a HOOTER'S girl?
  • Having a kid is great... As long as his eyes are closed, and he's not moving or speaking.
  • The boy just won't quit peeing and throwing up. He's like a cocker spaniel!
  • [drops a can in a supermarket] Dented cans are half-price. Microsoft went down 3 points. We gotta save some money.


[First lines, spoken during the opening credits. Phone rings]
Sonny: ...Hello?
Lenny: Sonny? It's your dad. Were you asleep?
Sonny: Oh, hey, man, I was–I was exercising.
[Scene shows Sonny half asleep in bed on the phone]
Lenny: Bullshit. You were sleeping.
Sonny: No, I wasn't, I wasn't.
Lenny: [to someone near him] This kid won't stop lying to me. [to Sonny] You still act like you're 6!
Sonny: Oh yeah, okay, dad. I act like I'm 6.
[Cuts to Sonny on his couch with a bowl of cereal, watching cartoons]
Lenny: Any luck finding a job where you can work more than one day a week?
Sonny: Uh...I've been looking.
[Cuts to Sonny sleeping in a rowboat in a pond in Central Park]
Lenny: Looking doesn't pay the rent, kid.
Sonny: Hey, all the money I won from the cab accident is kicking ass in the stock market, so relax.
Lenny: Well, don't blow it all on worthless crap.
Sonny: I won't!
[Cuts to Sonny carrying a fancy surfboard that he apparently just bought]
Lenny: You know what you should spend it on? Your bar exam.
Sonny: You're the lawyer in the family; I ain't taking a damn bar exam. I got too much other shit going on in my life.
[Cuts to Sonny napping on his couch]
Lenny: I don't know what the hell happened to you.
Sonny: Okay.
Lenny: Anyway, how are things going with your girlfriend? What's her name? Vanessa?
Sonny: Things are going fine.
Vanessa: [wakes up suddenly] Shit. [looks at the clock] SHIT!
Sonny: I gotta - I gotta go. [hangs up the phone]
Vanessa: Damn it, you turned off the alarm clock again!
Sonny: No, no, no. I mean, yes, I did, but I thought you needed more sleep, Vanessa.
Vanessa: [rushing to the bathroom to get dressed] I knew I shouldn't have stayed here. That was a real jerk thing to do, thanks a lot!
Sonny: What are you doing? Why are you going to work, anyway? It's Sunday.
Vanessa: I'm not going to work, I'm going to brunch...with some potential clients. That's how a party planner gets business: by meeting people, making contact!
Sonny: Meet with me. Come on, I'll order in from Cozy's, we'll have fun.
Vanessa: I am sick of Cozy's! You order from there all the time, the delivery guy's, like, your best friend.
Sonny: Well, he happens to be pretty damn nice. This is a rough patch of my life right now, alright? Syracuse is 0–3, and I've got those medical problems.
Vanessa: Medical problems? [scoffs] A cab runs over your foot two years ago, you spent one night in the hospital.
Sonny: First of all, that cab was huge. And a jury decided that that one night of pain was worth $200,000, so there you go.
Vanessa: Whatever.
Sonny: What the hell's the matter with you? Why are you being so nuts to me lately?
Vanessa: Because, you refuse to move on to the next phase of your life. I, on the other hand, would like to have a family someday. But, I need someone that I can rely on, not just a playmate.
Sonny: What do you need, a father figure? "Stop pulling your sister's hair!"
Vanessa: You know what? I am going to go to Syracuse to see my mom. I'll be back on Wednesday.
Sonny: What are you talking about?
[Vanessa slides open the door to the apartment and sees Nazo, the Cozy's delivery guy, standing there]
Nazo: [in foreign accent] I have call for delivery in building but I think it was crank call. Want some chocolate cake?
Sonny: It’s a bad time, man. Come back later, I’ll Indian Wrestle ya.
Nazo: You’re going down, sucker.
Sonny: Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.
Nazo: Okay, peace out. [leaves]
Sonny: [to Vanessa] What do you mean you're going to Syracuse?
Vanessa: Because I need time to think, and so do you.
Sonny: What do I need to think about?
Vanessa: Your life. And why there’s any reason for me to be a part of it.
Sonny: Alright.
Vanessa: And while you’re at it, why don’t you think about getting a real job? [leaves]
Sonny: I got a real job!
[Cuts to Sonny sitting in a toll booth]

[Sonny returns home after work. He slides open the apartment door and sees a large party waiting]
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!
Corrine: Shh. Just ignore him. It's only Sonny. It's only Sonny.
Sonny: Yeah, "it's only me, it's only me". [walks over to Tommy, Phil and Mikey] What's going on?
Phil: Corrine's throwing a surprise going away party for Kevin.
Sonny: Why didn't she tell me about it? The roommate has a right to know.
Phil: Because she knew you'd tell him and ruin the surprise.
Sonny: No I wouldn't.
[Kevin walks in on the party, almost no one notices]
Man at party: Hey, surprise!
Everyone: [unexcited] Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.
Sonny: Surprise.
Kevin: [confused] What's going on?
Corrine: [walks to the front of the party and realizes the surprise didn't work; to Sonny] We wasted the good surprise on you!
Sonny: [chuckling] Alright.
[Corrine runs away to the bathroom, crying]
Kevin: [to Sonny] This your handiwork?
Sonny: I guess.
Kevin: See you in three hours.

Kevin: [trying console Corrine who has locked herself in the bathroom] Honey, it was a great surprise! I was totally shocked!
Corrine: No you weren't! And I worked so hard on it!
[Corrine's sister Layla walks over]
Layla: [to Kevin] Need some help?
Kevin: [to Corrine] Honey, your sister’s here!
Layla: [to Corrine] Hey, sweetie.
Corrine: I hate Sonny!

Phil: [discussing a case of his to Sonny, Mike, and Tommy] So, now my client's out $7 million, and all we can sue on is "breach of contract."
Sonny: Maybe you can try suing under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Phil: ...I gotta get back to the office, Sonny, you're the king! Mikey, pleasure. [to Tommy] I'll see you at home.
Tommy: Alright.
[They kiss deeply. Mike is somewhat bothered, Sonny keeps a neutral face]
Phil: I'll walk you out. [leaves with Tommy, holding hands]
Mike: I gotta admit, I’m still a little weirded out when they kiss.
Sonny: Why? They're gay, that's what gay guys do.
Mike: I know, but they were like brothers to us back in school.
Sonny: They're still like our brothers, our very very gay brothers. What are you doing after this? Going to a clan meeting?
[Mikey laughs]

Tommy: [referring to Kevin and Corrine] That relationship's lasted a lot longer than I thought.
Sonny: Yeah, look at his eyes, though. He's bored out of his mind. I give it two more weeks.
Kevin: [stands up in the middle of the party to make an announcement] Hey, excuse me! Everybody! I wanted to thank you all for coming tonight. Or I guess I should say, [speaking Chinese and everyone laughs politely] I'm getting it. Uh, tomorrow I'm leaving for China to represent the fine firm of Morton & Mandel. Yes, me, the same guy who once shaved his ass to win a $5 bet.
[Everyone laughs again]
Tommy: Prove it! [everyone else laughs but Mikey gives him a look] Just kidding.
Kevin: But, uh, I am real glad you're all here tonight because I'm about to do something I never thought I'd have the guts to do...
Sonny: You're not proposing are ya?!
[Everyone turns and looks at Sonny]
Kevin: Uh, yeah, pal, I am.
Sonny: Well, think about it...ya know?
Corrine: [annoyed] God, Sonny! Shut up!
[The room goes silent]
Kevin: [sits down with a sigh] Anyways. Will you?
Corrine: [glares at Sonny, to Kevin] Yeah. [kisses him]
[Everyone applauds]
Tommy: [sarcastically to Sonny] Good call on the two weeks, pal.
[Cut to Sonny putting on the roof. Kevin walks out]
Kevin: Hey Sonny, what was that all about?
Sonny: Hey, congratulations, you and "Big Boobs" McGee are gonna be real happy.
Kevin: Don't call her "Big Boobs" McGee.
Sonny: You want to explain to your children that you met their mother while she was waitressing at Hooters?
Kevin: Sonny, that was five years ago, she's a doctor now. And my fiancé, so from now on...Dr. "Big Boobs" McGee.
Sonny: Congratulations.
Kevin: Thanks, man.
[Kevin and Sonny sit down next to each other]
Sonny: I just got shit going on.
Kevin: What's the matter?
Sonny: Vanessa's gonna break-up with me and I don't know what to do to make her want to stay.
Kevin: Vanessa's just getting older, she wants different things, ya know? Career, stable relationship, a family. That's how they get.
Sonny: I just want things to go back to the way they used to be.
Kevin: Like when we were at Syracuse? And Vanessa worshipped you?
Sonny: Yes, that was nice.
Kevin: Nobody was hassling you to get a job, Tommy and Phil were showering separately. [Sonny chuckles and nods] Those were the days. [Sonny goes to the putting green on their rooftop] What're you doing?
Sonny: If I make this putt, Vanessa will realize she likes me the way I am.
Kevin: Oh, you're gonna putt? Remember, the roof breaks to the right.
Sonny: [makes a putt] Yes! That's what I'm talking abou- [a rat comes out of the hole] GOOD GOD!!!
Kevin: That can't be good.

[Corinne is cleaning the decorations from the party the previous night, Sonny staggers out of bed]
Sonny: [walking down the steps from his bedroom] Where's Kevin?
Corinne: Oh, he already left. I guess he forgot to say goodbye to you.
Sonny: Why are you here then?
Corinne: I'm cleaning because you're useless.
Sonny: And then what? You're gonna go to your Hooters reunion? You guys sit around and talk about whose ass hangs out of their shorts the most?
Corinne: At least I can still fit my ass into my shorts, fatty.
Sonny: [pulls a container of Chinese leftovers out of the fridge] Speaking of fatty, whose is this?
Corinne: I don't know.
Sonny: I'm eating it, then.

[Sonny, Nazo, and Julian watch TV. Sonny notices the action figure Julian has]
Sonny: What's this guy's name?
Julian: Scuba Steve.
Sonny: I like his flippers. Does he ever take them off?
Julian: No.
Sonny: How about when he goes bowling? They don't make him wear bowling shoes, let him wear the flippers?
Julian: Yes.
Sonny: Really?
Nazo: I had a doll like that one time. But, my cat, he bite its head off.
Julian: [confused] What kind of cat would do that?
Nazo: [turning confrontational] You calling me a liar?!
Sonny: Hey! Take it easy. Anyways, Monday Night Football's tonight, the Jets are playing. We're gonna go to the Blarney Stone. [to Nazo] You wannna come with us?
Nazo: I have more deliveries on the bicycle.
Sonny: Well, maybe you could finish that piece of turkey on your lip. [Nazo finds a piece of his turkey sandwich stuck to his lip and eats it; laughs] There ya go.
[Cut to Sonny and Julian at the bar watching tv. Blue Collar Man (Long Nights) by Styx is playing in the bar]
Sonny: Yeah! Let's crank up the Styx!
Mr. Hurley: No music during the game.
Sonny: It’s halftime. Relax, Mr. Hurley.
Mr. Hurley: God damn Jets.
Waitress: [walks by and notices Julian] What are you doing in here, cutie?
Julian: Watching football.
Waitress: Who do you want to win?
Julian: The god damn Jets.
Waitress: [laughs] Have fun.

Cashier: Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get for you?
Sonny: What do you want?
Julian: Cheerios.
Sonny: Cheerios, they don't got Cheerios, what else?
Julian: Lasagna.
Sonny: Lasagna? What the hell's the matter with you? [to cashier] We'll take hotcakes and sausage-
Cashier: Sorry, sir. We stopped serving breakfast.
Sonny: [looks at the clock on the wall] What are you talking about? We're, like, 4 seconds late.
Cashier: No, you're 30 minutes and 4 seconds late. We stop serving breakfast at 10:30.
Sonny: Ohh, HORSESHIT!!! [Julian starts crying] No, no, no. Don't cry, I'm sorry. I wasn't cursing at you. I was cursing at the lady.
Customer: [sarcastically] Nice parenting.
Sonny: [also sarcastic] Hey, thanks. Are you my therapist? [throws the man's fries] Take a walk! [to Julian] Do you want a Happy Meal? Can I get you one of those Happy Meals? You got a Happy Meal? Can we get a Happy Meal? [Julian screams loudly while crying] WILL SOMEBODY GET THE KID A HAPPY MEAL?!?!
[later, Sonny and Julian leave McDonald's; they meet up with the homeless man again]
Homeless Man: Hey, man, where's my Egg McMuffin?
Sonny: Breakfast is over at 10:30.
Homeless Man: Really?
Sonny: Yeah.
Homeless Man: I thought it was 11:00.
Sonny: I thought that too.
Homeless Man: Total mind blower.

[Sonny sits on his couch, preparing to watch a hockey game. Julian comes in bouncing on a hippity-hop, then keeps bouncing in front of the TV, blocking Sonny's view of it]
Sonny: How're you doing?
Julian: How're you doing?
Sonny: You like hockey?
Julian: You like hockey?
Sonny: This is a big important game.
Julian: This is a big important game.
Sonny: Cut the crap.
Julian: Cut the crap.
Sonny: I'm being serious, don't do that.
Julian: I'm being serious, don't do that.
Sonny: [Very fast] How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? [Julian stops bouncing, unable to repeat him] Yeah, that's what I thought, shut up.

[Julian hands Sonny a video cassette]
Sonny: What's this?
Julian: The Kangaroo Song.
Sonny: All right. Great. That's terrific. And we're gonna watch this after the game, okay?
Julian: But after my nap, I always watch The Kangaroo Song.
Sonny: It's overtime right now, and there's a penalty shot about to take place. This happens, like, once every 10 years.
Julian: Kangaroo Song. Kangaroo Song. Kangaroo Song! KANGAROO SONG!
Sonny: ALL RIGHT!!! God! You were normal yesterday!

[Julian and Sonny are walking down the canned foods aisle at the grocery store. Julian is scratching his arm]
Sonny: What are you doing scratching so much?
Julian: I have ecza, ecza..
Sonny: Eczema? Gross!
Julian: How do I make it stop itching?
Sonny: I don't know. You...scratch it. Hey, SpaghettiOs! You like SpaghettiOs? [Julian smiles and nods] Yeah? [takes a can off the shelf and throws it on the floor] Dented cans are half price, Microsoft went down three points We gotta save some money. [takes another can off the shelf and throws it on the floor] Here, give it a shot. [gives a can to Julian who throws it on the floor] That's it, boy! Put it in there. Feels good, huh?
Corrine: [walks down the same aisle as Sonny and Julian; to Sonny, flatly] Hi, Sonny. [to Julian, more happy] Hi, Sonny's friend!
Sonny: His name's Frankenstein.
Corrine: Hi, Frankenstein! Remember me?
Julian: [pretending to be in trouble like Sonny taught him to use as a pick-up line] Help me, I'm lost. I don't know where I am.
Sonny: [laughs] You don't gotta do that anymore. [notices Corrine's crop-top] Look at that! You guys where the same size t-shirt! That's cool.
Corrine: Mmm-hmm. So what's this I hear about you doing laundry with my sister?
Sonny: Did she say I was doing laundry with her? Because where I come from it's called doing the "hibbidy, dibbidy" [Corrine smacks him] Ow!
Julian: I got eczema. [showing her his rash on his arm]
Corrine: Oh. well then you shouldn't scratch it.
Sonny: Don't tell him what to do. He can scratch if he wants to scratch. Scratch!
Corrine: [placing a bag of frozen peas on Julian's arm] Is that better?
Julian: Thank you. [smiles and walks away]
Corrine: You're welcome.
Sonny: I didn't know you knew anything about kids. I thought you were a foot doctor.
Corrine: It's not doctor stuff, stupid, it's common sense; scratching spreads rashes.
Sonny: Oh so this is something you learned at Hooters.
[Corrine gives Sonny an unimpressed look. Julian takes a can off the shelf and throws it on the floor]
Corrine: What the hell is he doing?
Sonny: He's shopping.
Julian: Microsoft went down three points.
Corrine: [sarcastically to Sonny] That's real good. [happily to Julian] See you later, Frankenstein.
Sonny: Stay away from the frozen food section! Your boobs'll harden!
[Corrine flips Sonny off as she walks away]

[Layla and Sonny are discussing Phil and Tommy’s relationship while walking home from their date in Little Italy]
Layla: So two guys you were best friends with in law school fell in love with each other?
Sonny: Yeah.
Layla: Is that strange for you?
Sonny: No, I mean, nothing changed, really. They watch a different kind of porno now, but that’s it.
[Layla laughs]

[Sonny's meeting with his family and friends at Hooter's for his surprise birthday party]
Julian: Sonny, I beat you so bad at basketball yesterday.
Sonny: Well, then, I guess I better stop letting you win.
Kevin: I stopped letting him win six weeks ago, he still beat me.
Sonny: Well, that's because you suck.
Kevin: Oh, yeah, that's it.
Sonny: Hey, Corinne. Put on a tank-top for old times' sake, huh? C'mon!
[Corinne gives Sonny a look]
Julian: What's he talking about, Mommy?
Corinne: [smiles knowingly to Sonny] NOTHING....
[Everyone laughs]

Sonny: [to a passing Hooters waitress] Hey, can we get some curly fries? [the waitress turns to Sonny, showing it's...] Vanessa?
Vanessa: ...Hi, Sonny.
Sonny: You're a Hooters girl? What happened to Sid's five-year-plan? [Vanessa glances over to the kitchen. He looks at sees Sid working there. He waves to them] Hey. Maybe it's a ten-year-plan.
Julian: Is that the guy with the old balls?
Sonny: [laughs] Yeah, I guess it is. [Vanessa gives an angry look and walks away] Oh, come on, I bet they're nice. Awww... [to Julian] Next time, don't say "balls". "Testicles", alright?


  • Nature called. Look who answered.
  • Once you adopt a kid, you've got to keep him.


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