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User:Akashgangaa/Books/Birds of India

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List of Birds of India

List of birds of India
Snow partridge
Szechenyi's monal-partridge
Tibetan snowcock
Himalayan snowcock
Chukar partridge
See-see partridge
Black francolin
Painted francolin
Chinese francolin
Grey francolin
Swamp francolin
Tibetan partridge
Himalayan quail
Japanese quail
Common quail
Rain quail
King quail
Jungle bush quail
Rock bush quail
Painted bush quail
Manipur bush quail
Hill partridge
Chestnut-breasted partridge
Rufous-throated partridge
White-cheeked partridge
Mountain bamboo partridge
Red spurfowl
Painted spurfowl
Blood pheasant
Western tragopan
Satyr tragopan
Blyth's tragopan
Temminck's tragopan
Koklass pheasant
Himalayan monal
Sclater's monal
Red junglefowl
Grey junglefowl
Kalij pheasant
White eared pheasant
Cheer pheasant
Mrs. Hume's pheasant
Grey peacock-pheasant
Indian peafowl
Green peafowl
Fulvous whistling duck
Lesser whistling duck
White-headed duck
Bean goose
Greater white-fronted goose
Lesser white-fronted goose
Greylag goose
Bar-headed goose
Red-breasted goose
Ruddy shelduck
Common shelduck
White-winged duck
Knob-billed duck
Cotton pygmy goose
Mandarin duck
Eurasian wigeon
Falcated duck
Baikal teal
Eurasian teal
Andaman teal
Spot-billed duck
Northern pintail
Northern shoveler
Marbled duck
Red-crested pochard
Pink-headed duck
Common pochard
Ferruginous duck
Baer's pochard
Tufted duck
Greater scaup
Long-tailed duck
Common goldeneye
Common merganser
Tundra swan
Mute swan
Whooper swan
Black-throated loon
Cape petrel
Barau's petrel
Wedge-tailed shearwater
Flesh-footed shearwater
Short-tailed shearwater
Streaked shearwater
Cory's shearwater
Tropical shearwater
Jouanin's petrel
Wilson's storm petrel
White-faced storm petrel
Black-bellied storm petrel
Swinhoe's storm petrel
Little grebe
Red-necked grebe
Great crested grebe
Horned grebe
Black-necked grebe
Greater flamingo
Lesser flamingo
Red-billed tropicbird
Red-tailed tropicbird
White-tailed tropicbird
Painted stork
Asian openbill
Black stork
Woolly-necked stork
White stork
Oriental stork
Black-necked stork
Lesser adjutant
Greater adjutant
Black-headed ibis
Red-naped ibis
Glossy ibis
Eurasian spoonbill
Grey heron
White-bellied heron
Great-billed heron
Goliath heron
Purple heron
Eastern great egret
Intermediate egret
Western reef heron
Little egret
Pacific reef heron
Indian pond heron
Chinese pond heron
Cattle egret
Striated heron
Black-crowned night heron
Malayan night heron
Yellow bittern
Little bittern
Cinnamon bittern
Black bittern
Eurasian bittern
Great white pelican
Spot-billed pelican
Dalmatian pelican
Christmas frigatebird
Great frigatebird
Lesser frigatebird
Masked booby
Red-footed booby
Brown booby
Indian cormorant
Great cormorant
Little cormorant
Oriental darter
Jerdon's baza
Black baza
Crested honey buzzard
Black-winged kite
Red kite
Black kite
Brahminy kite
White-bellied sea eagle
Pallas's fish eagle
White-tailed eagle
Lesser fish eagle
Grey-headed fish eagle
Bearded vulture
Egyptian vulture
White-rumped vulture
Indian vulture
Slender-billed vulture
Himalayan vulture
Griffon vulture
Cinereous vulture
Red-headed vulture
Short-toed snake eagle
Great Nicobar serpent eagle
Crested serpent eagle
Andaman serpent eagle
Western marsh harrier
Eastern marsh harrier
Hen harrier
Pallid harrier
Pied harrier
Montagu's harrier
Crested goshawk
Nicobar sparrowhawk
Chinese sparrowhawk
Japanese sparrowhawk
Eurasian sparrowhawk
Northern goshawk
White-eyed buzzard
Common buzzard
Long-legged buzzard
Upland buzzard
Black eagle
Lesser spotted eagle
Indian spotted eagle
Greater spotted eagle
Tawny eagle
Steppe eagle
Eastern imperial eagle
Golden eagle
Bonelli's eagle
Booted eagle
Rufous-bellied hawk-eagle
Changeable hawk-eagle
Mountain hawk-eagle
Legge's hawk-eagle
Collared falconet
Pied falconet
Lesser kestrel
Common kestrel
Red-necked falcon
Amur falcon
Merlin (bird)
Eurasian hobby
Oriental hobby
Lanner falcon
Laggar falcon
Saker falcon
Barbary falcon
Peregrine falcon
Great bustard
Great Indian bustard
MacQueen's bustard
Bengal florican
Lesser florican
Little bustard
Masked finfoot
Andaman crake
Red-legged crake
Slaty-legged crake
Slaty-breasted rail
Water rail
Corn crake
Brown crake
White-breasted waterhen
Black-tailed crake
Little crake
Baillon's crake
Spotted crake
Ruddy-breasted crake
Purple swamphen
Common moorhen
Eurasian coot
Crane (bird)
Demoiselle crane
Siberian crane
Sarus crane
Common crane
Black-necked crane
Common buttonquail
Yellow-legged buttonquail
Barred buttonquail
Eurasian stone-curlew
Indian stone-curlew
Great stone-curlew
Beach stone-curlew
Eurasian oystercatcher
Black-winged stilt
Pied avocet
Northern lapwing
River lapwing
Yellow-wattled lapwing
Grey-headed lapwing
Red-wattled lapwing
Sociable lapwing
White-tailed lapwing
Pacific golden plover
American golden plover
European golden plover
Grey plover
Common ringed plover
Long-billed plover
Little ringed plover
Kentish plover
Lesser sand plover
Greater sand plover
Caspian plover
Oriental plover
Black-fronted dotterel
Greater painted-snipe
Pheasant-tailed jacana
Bronze-winged jacana
Eurasian woodcock
Jack snipe
Solitary snipe
Wood snipe
Pin-tailed snipe
Swinhoe's snipe
Great snipe
Common snipe
Long-billed dowitcher
Asian dowitcher
Black-tailed godwit
Bar-tailed godwit
Eurasian curlew
Far Eastern curlew
Spotted redshank
Common redshank
Marsh sandpiper
Common greenshank
Nordmann's greenshank
Green sandpiper
Wood sandpiper
Terek sandpiper
Common sandpiper
Grey-tailed tattler
Ruddy turnstone
Great knot
Red knot
Red-necked stint
Little stint
Temminck's stint
Long-toed stint
Pectoral sandpiper
Sharp-tailed sandpiper
Curlew sandpiper
Spoon-billed sandpiper
Broad-billed sandpiper
Buff-breasted sandpiper
Red-necked phalarope
Red phalarope
Cream-coloured courser
Indian courser
Jerdon's courser
Collared pratincole
Oriental pratincole
Small pratincole
Sooty gull
Common gull
Vega gull
Pallas's gull
Lesser black-backed gull
Heuglin's gull
Caspian gull
Brown-headed gull
Black-headed gull
Slender-billed gull
Little gull
Black-legged kittiwake
Sabine's gull
Gull-billed tern
Caspian tern
Lesser crested tern
Sandwich tern
Greater crested tern
River tern
Roseate tern
Black-naped tern
Common tern
Arctic tern
Little tern
Saunders's tern
White-cheeked tern
Black-bellied tern
Bridled tern
Sooty tern
Whiskered tern
White-winged tern
Black tern
Lesser noddy
Black noddy
Brown noddy
White tern
Indian skimmer
South polar skua
Pomarine skua
Parasitic jaeger
Long-tailed jaeger
Brown skua
Tibetan sandgrouse
Pallas's sandgrouse
Pin-tailed sandgrouse
Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse
Spotted sandgrouse
Black-bellied sandgrouse
Crowned sandgrouse
Lichtenstein's sandgrouse
Painted sandgrouse
Rock dove
Hill pigeon
Snow pigeon
Yellow-eyed pigeon
Common wood pigeon
Speckled wood pigeon
Ashy wood pigeon
Nilgiri wood pigeon
Pale-capped pigeon
Andaman wood pigeon
European turtle dove
Oriental turtle dove
Eurasian collared dove
Red turtle dove
Laughing dove
Spotted dove
Barred cuckoo-dove
Andaman cuckoo-dove
Common emerald dove
Nicobar pigeon
Orange-breasted green pigeon
Grey-fronted green pigeon
Ashy-headed green pigeon
Thick-billed green pigeon
Yellow-footed green pigeon
Pin-tailed green pigeon
Wedge-tailed green pigeon
Green imperial pigeon
Nicobar imperial pigeon
Mountain imperial pigeon
Pied imperial pigeon
Alexandrine parakeet
Rose-ringed parakeet
Slaty-headed parakeet
Grey-headed parakeet
Plum-headed parakeet
Blossom-headed parakeet
Blue-winged parakeet
Red-breasted parakeet
Lord Derby's parakeet
Nicobar parakeet
Long-tailed parakeet
Vernal hanging parrot
Jacobin cuckoo
Chestnut-winged cuckoo
Large hawk-cuckoo
Common hawk-cuckoo
Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo
Indian cuckoo
Common cuckoo
Oriental cuckoo
Lesser cuckoo
Banded bay cuckoo
Plaintive cuckoo
Grey-bellied cuckoo
Asian emerald cuckoo
Violet cuckoo
Fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo
Asian koel
Blue-faced malkoha
Green-billed malkoha
Sirkeer malkoha
Greater coucal
Andaman coucal
Lesser coucal
Eastern grass owl
Barn owl
Andaman masked owl
Oriental bay owl
Sri Lanka bay owl
True owl
Andaman scops owl
Mountain scops owl
Indian scops owl
Collared scops owl
Pallid scops owl
Oriental scops owl
Nicobar scops owl
Eurasian eagle-owl
Indian eagle-owl
Spot-bellied eagle-owl
Dusky eagle-owl
Brown fish owl
Tawny fish owl
Buffy fish owl
Mottled wood owl
Brown wood owl
Tawny owl
Collared owlet
Asian barred owlet
Jungle owlet
Spotted owlet
Forest owlet
Little owl
Boreal owl
Andaman hawk-owl
Brown hawk-owl
Hume's hawk-owl
Long-eared owl
Short-eared owl
Sri Lanka frogmouth
Hodgson's frogmouth
Great eared nightjar
Jungle nightjar
Grey nightjar
European nightjar
Sykes's nightjar
Large-tailed nightjar
Andaman nightjar
Jerdon's nightjar
Indian nightjar
Savanna nightjar
Crested treeswift
Glossy swiftlet
Indian swiftlet
Himalayan swiftlet
Black-nest swiftlet
Edible-nest swiftlet
White-rumped spinetail
White-throated needletail
Silver-backed needletail
Brown-backed needletail
Asian palm swift
Alpine swift
Common swift
Pallid swift
Fork-tailed swift
Blyth's swift
Salim Ali's swift
Dark-rumped swift
Little swift
Malabar trogon
Red-headed trogon
Ward's trogon
European roller
Indian roller
River kingfishers
Blyth's kingfisher
Common kingfisher
Blue-eared kingfisher
Oriental dwarf kingfisher
Rufous-backed kingfisher
Brown-winged kingfisher
Stork-billed kingfisher
Ruddy kingfisher
White-throated kingfisher
Black-capped kingfisher
Collared kingfisher
Crested kingfisher
Pied kingfisher
Blue-bearded bee-eater
Green bee-eater
Blue-cheeked bee-eater
Blue-tailed bee-eater
European bee-eater
Chestnut-headed bee-eater
Malabar grey hornbill
Indian grey hornbill
Malabar pied hornbill
Oriental pied hornbill
Great hornbill
Austen's brown hornbill
Rufous-necked hornbill
Wreathed hornbill
Narcondam hornbill
Great barbet
Brown-headed barbet
Lineated barbet
White-cheeked barbet
Golden-throated barbet
Blue-throated barbet
Blue-eared barbet
Malabar barbet
Coppersmith barbet
Yellow-rumped honeyguide
Eurasian wryneck
Speckled piculet
White-browed piculet
Brown-capped woodpecker
Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker
Brown-fronted woodpecker
Fulvous-breasted woodpecker
Freckle-breasted woodpecker
Stripe-breasted woodpecker
Yellow-crowned woodpecker
Darjeeling woodpecker
Crimson-breasted woodpecker
Great spotted woodpecker
Sind woodpecker
Himalayan woodpecker
Rufous woodpecker
White-bellied woodpecker
Andaman woodpecker
Rufous-bellied woodpecker
Lesser yellownape
Greater yellownape
Streak-breasted woodpecker
Streak-throated woodpecker
Scaly-bellied woodpecker
Grey-headed woodpecker
Himalayan flameback
Common flameback
Black-rumped flameback
White-naped woodpecker
Greater flameback
Pale-headed woodpecker
Bay woodpecker
Heart-spotted woodpecker
Great slaty woodpecker
Long-tailed broadbill
Silver-breasted broadbill
Blue-naped pitta
Blue pitta
Hooded pitta
Indian pitta
Mangrove pitta
Blue-winged pitta
Large woodshrike
Malabar woodshrike
Common woodshrike
Ashy woodswallow
White-breasted woodswallow
Common iora
Marshall's iora
Large cuckooshrike
Andaman cuckooshrike
Black-winged cuckooshrike
Black-headed cuckooshrike
Pied triller
Rosy minivet
Ashy minivet
Small minivet
White-bellied minivet
Long-tailed minivet
Short-billed minivet
Orange minivet
Scarlet minivet
Grey-chinned minivet
Bar-winged flycatcher-shrike
Mangrove whistler
Woodchat shrike
Red-backed shrike
Isabelline shrike
Red-tailed shrike
Brown shrike
Burmese shrike
Bay-backed shrike
Long-tailed shrike
Grey-backed shrike
Great grey shrike
Southern grey shrike
Old World oriole
Indian golden oriole
Black-naped oriole
Slender-billed oriole
Black-hooded oriole
Maroon oriole
Black drongo
Ashy drongo
White-bellied drongo
Crow-billed drongo
Bronzed drongo
Lesser racket-tailed drongo
Hair-crested drongo
Andaman drongo
Greater racket-tailed drongo
White-throated fantail
White-spotted fantail
White-browed fantail
Monarch flycatcher
Black-naped monarch
Asian paradise flycatcher
Eurasian jay
Black-headed jay
Yellow-billed blue magpie
Red-billed blue magpie
Cissa (genus)
Rufous treepie
Grey treepie
White-bellied treepie
Collared treepie
Andaman treepie
Eurasian magpie
Spotted nutcracker
Red-billed chough
Alpine chough
Western jackdaw
Daurian jackdaw
House crow
Rook (bird)
Carrion crow
Jungle crow
Indian jungle crow
Eastern jungle crow
Brown-necked raven
Common raven
Bohemian waxwing
Grey hypocolius
Yellow-bellied fantail
Grey-headed canary-flycatcher
Tit (bird)
Coal tit
Rufous-naped tit
Rufous-vented tit
Black-crested tit
Grey crested tit
Cinereous tit
Green-backed tit
White-naped tit
Himalayan black-lored tit
Yellow-cheeked tit
Indian black-lored tit
Yellow-breasted tit
Yellow-browed tit
Sultan tit
Ground tit
Penduline tit
Eurasian penduline tit
White-crowned penduline tit
Fire-capped tit
Singing bush lark
Indian bush lark
Bengal bush lark
Jerdon's bush lark
Black-crowned sparrow-lark
Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark
Rufous-tailed lark
Bar-tailed lark
Desert lark
Bimaculated lark
Tibetan lark
Greater short-toed lark
Hume's short-toed lark
Lesser short-toed lark
Sand lark
Crested lark
Malabar lark
Sykes's lark
Eurasian skylark
Oriental skylark
Horned lark
Greater hoopoe-lark
Crested finchbill
Striated bulbul
Grey-headed bulbul
Black-headed bulbul
Andaman bulbul
Black-crested bulbul
Flame-throated bulbul
Red-whiskered bulbul
White-eared bulbul
Himalayan bulbul
Red-vented bulbul
Yellow-throated bulbul
Flavescent bulbul
White-browed bulbul
White-throated bulbul
Olive bulbul
Yellow-browed bulbul
Ashy bulbul
Mountain bulbul
Black bulbul
Square-tailed bulbul
Nicobar bulbul
Sand martin
Pale martin
Grey-throated martin
Eurasian crag martin
Pale crag martin
Dusky crag martin
Barn swallow
Pacific swallow
Hill swallow
Wire-tailed swallow
Red-rumped swallow
Striated swallow
Streak-throated swallow
Asian house martin
Nepal house martin
White-cheeked bushtit
Black-throated bushtit
Black-browed bushtit
White-throated bushtit
Rufous-fronted bushtit
Chestnut-headed tesia
Slaty-bellied tesia
Grey-bellied tesia
Asian stubtail
Japanese bush warbler
Pale-footed bush warbler
Brown-flanked bush warbler
Chestnut-crowned bush warbler
Aberrant bush warbler
Yellow-bellied bush warbler
Grey-sided bush warbler
Cetti's warbler
Spotted bush warbler
Long-billed bush warbler
Chinese bush warbler
Russet bush warbler
Brown bush warbler
Lanceolated warbler
Grass warbler
Baikal bush warbler
Pallas's leaf warbler
Moustached warbler
Sedge warbler
Black-browed reed warbler
Paddyfield warbler
Blunt-winged warbler
Blyth's reed warbler
Great reed warbler
Oriental reed warbler
Clamorous reed warbler
Large-billed reed warbler
Thick-billed warbler
Booted warbler
Sykes's warbler
Eastern olivaceous warbler
Mountain tailorbird
Common tailorbird
Dark-necked tailorbird
Crested tit-warbler
White-browed tit-warbler
Willow warbler
Common chiffchaff
Mountain chiffchaff
Plain leaf warbler
Dusky warbler
Smoky warbler
Tickell's leaf warbler
Buff-throated warbler
Sulphur-bellied warbler
Radde's warbler
Buff-barred warbler
Ashy-throated warbler
Lemon-rumped warbler
Brooks's leaf warbler
Yellow-browed warbler
Hume's leaf warbler
Arctic warbler
Greenish warbler
Green warbler
Pale-legged leaf warbler
Large-billed leaf warbler
Tytler's leaf warbler
Western crowned warbler
Eastern crowned warbler
Blyth's leaf warbler
Yellow-vented warbler
Green-crowned warbler
Whistler's warbler
Grey-crowned warbler
Grey-hooded warbler
White-spectacled warbler
Grey-cheeked warbler
Chestnut-crowned warbler
Rufous-faced warbler
Yellow-bellied warbler
Black-faced warbler
Broad-billed warbler
Striated grassbird
Bristled grassbird
Indian grassbird
Broad-tailed grassbird
Garden warbler
Common whitethroat
Lesser whitethroat
Desert whitethroat
Hume's whitethroat
Asian desert warbler
Barred warbler
Eastern Orphean warbler
Spectacled warbler
Zitting cisticola
Golden-headed cisticola
Rufous-vented prinia
Swamp prinia
Striated prinia
Hill prinia
Grey-crowned prinia
Rufous-fronted prinia
Rufescent prinia
Grey-breasted prinia
Graceful prinia
Jungle prinia
Yellow-bellied prinia
Ashy prinia
Plain prinia
Old World babbler
White-throated laughingthrush
White-crested laughingthrush
Lesser necklaced laughingthrush
Greater necklaced laughingthrush
Striated laughingthrush
Rufous-necked laughingthrush
Chestnut-backed laughingthrush
Yellow-throated laughingthrush
Wynaad laughingthrush
Rufous-vented laughingthrush
Moustached laughingthrush
Rufous-chinned laughingthrush
Spotted laughingthrush
Grey-sided laughingthrush
Spot-breasted laughingthrush
White-browed laughingthrush
Black-chinned laughingthrush
Kerala laughingthrush
Streaked laughingthrush
Bhutan laughingthrush
Striped laughingthrush
Scaly laughingthrush
Elliot's laughingthrush
Brown-capped laughingthrush
Blue-winged laughingthrush
Variegated laughingthrush
Brown-cheeked laughingthrush
Black-faced laughingthrush
Chestnut-crowned laughingthrush
Red-faced liocichla
Bugun liocichla
Abbott's babbler
Marsh babbler
Buff-breasted babbler
Spot-throated babbler
Puff-throated babbler
Large scimitar babbler
Spot-breasted scimitar babbler
Rusty-cheeked scimitar babbler
Indian scimitar babbler
White-browed scimitar babbler
Streak-breasted scimitar babbler
Red-billed scimitar babbler
Coral-billed scimitar babbler
Slender-billed scimitar babbler
Long-billed wren-babbler
Streaked wren-babbler
Eyebrowed wren-babbler
Scaly-breasted wren-babbler
Nepal wren-babbler
Pygmy wren-babbler
Rufous-throated wren-babbler
Rusty-throated wren-babbler
Bar-winged wren-babbler
Naga wren-babbler
Grey-bellied wren-babbler
Chin Hills wren-babbler
Tawny-breasted wren-babbler
Sikkim wedge-billed babbler
Cachar wedge-billed babbler
Buff-chested babbler
Rufous-fronted babbler
Rufous-capped babbler
Black-chinned babbler
Golden babbler
Grey-throated babbler
Snowy-throated babbler
White-necked babbler
Tawny-bellied babbler
Dark-fronted babbler
Pin-striped tit-babbler
Chestnut-capped babbler
Yellow-eyed babbler
Jerdon's babbler
Common babbler
Striated babbler
Slender-billed babbler
Large grey babbler
Rufous babbler
Jungle babbler
Yellow-billed babbler
Chinese babax
Giant babax
Silver-eared mesia
Red-billed leiothrix
Black-headed shrike-babbler
Himalayan shrike-babbler
Blyth's shrike-babbler
Green shrike-babbler
Black-eared shrike-babbler
Trilling shrike-babbler
White-hooded babbler
Rusty-fronted barwing
Hoary-throated barwing
Streak-throated barwing
Blue-winged minla
Bar-throated minla
Red-tailed minla
Golden-breasted fulvetta
Yellow-throated fulvetta
Rufous-winged fulvetta
White-browed fulvetta
Manipur fulvetta
Brown-throated fulvetta
Rufous-throated fulvetta
Dusky fulvetta
Rusty-capped fulvetta
Brown-cheeked fulvetta
Nepal fulvetta
Rufous-backed sibia
Rufous sibia
Grey sibia
Beautiful sibia
Long-tailed sibia
Striated yuhina
White-naped yuhina
Whiskered yuhina
Stripe-throated yuhina
Rufous-vented yuhina
Black-chinned yuhina
White-bellied erpornis
Fire-tailed myzornis
Spotted elachura
Great parrotbill
Brown parrotbill
Grey-headed parrotbill
Black-breasted parrotbill
Spot-breasted parrotbill
Fulvous parrotbill
Black-throated parrotbill
Pale-billed parrotbill
Rufous-headed parrotbill
Oriental white-eye
Asian fairy-bluebird
Winter wren
Chestnut-bellied nuthatch
Indian nuthatch
Chestnut-vented nuthatch
Kashmir nuthatch
White-tailed nuthatch
White-cheeked nuthatch
Velvet-fronted nuthatch
Beautiful nuthatch
Yunnan nuthatch
Bar-tailed treecreeper
Rusty-flanked treecreeper
Sikkim treecreeper
Hume's treecreeper
Indian spotted creeper
Asian glossy starling
Spot-winged starling
Golden-crested myna
Common hill myna
Southern hill myna
Great myna
Jungle myna
Collared myna
Bank myna
Common myna
Pied myna
Daurian starling
White-shouldered starling
Chestnut-tailed starling
Malabar starling
White-headed starling
Brahminy starling
Rosy starling
Common starling
Thrush (bird)
Common rock thrush
Blue-capped rock thrush
Chestnut-bellied rock thrush
Blue rock thrush
Pied thrush
Orange-headed thrush
Siberian thrush
Plain-backed thrush
Long-tailed thrush
Chinese thrush
Scaly thrush
Long-billed thrush
Dark-sided thrush
Tickell's thrush
Black-breasted thrush
White-collared blackbird
Grey-winged blackbird
Common blackbird
Indian blackbird
Chestnut thrush
Kessler's thrush
Grey-sided thrush
Eyebrowed thrush
Red-throated thrush
Black-throated thrush
Dusky thrush
Song thrush
Mistle thrush
Rusty-bellied shortwing
Gould's shortwing
Lesser shortwing
White-browed shortwing
Nilgiri blue robin
White-bellied blue robin
Malabar whistling thrush
Blue whistling thrush
Purple cochoa
Green cochoa
Old World flycatcher
Brown-chested jungle flycatcher
Nicobar jungle flycatcher
Spotted flycatcher
Dark-sided flycatcher
Asian brown flycatcher
Rusty-tailed flycatcher
Brown-breasted flycatcher
Ferruginous flycatcher
Yellow-rumped flycatcher
Mugimaki flycatcher
Slaty-backed flycatcher
Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher
Red-breasted flycatcher
Taiga flycatcher
Kashmir flycatcher
Snowy-browed flycatcher
White-gorgeted flycatcher
Little pied flycatcher
Ultramarine flycatcher
Slaty-blue flycatcher
Black-and-orange flycatcher
Sapphire flycatcher
Verditer flycatcher
Nilgiri flycatcher
Large niltava
Small niltava
Rufous-bellied niltava
Vivid niltava
White-tailed flycatcher
White-bellied blue flycatcher
Pale-chinned blue flycatcher
Pale blue flycatcher
Blue-throated blue flycatcher
Hill blue flycatcher
Large blue flycatcher
Tickell's blue flycatcher
Pygmy flycatcher
Common nightingale
Siberian rubythroat
White-tailed rubythroat
Indian blue robin
Siberian blue robin
Red-flanked bluetail
Himalayan bluetail
Golden bush robin
White-browed bush robin
Rufous-breasted bush robin
Rufous-tailed scrub robin
Oriental magpie-robin
White-rumped shama
Andaman shama
Indian robin
Eversmann's redstart
Blue-capped redstart
Common redstart
Black redstart
Hodgson's redstart
White-throated redstart
Daurian redstart
Güldenstädt's redstart
Blue-fronted redstart
White-capped redstart
Plumbeous water redstart
White-bellied redstart
White-tailed robin
Siberian stonechat
Blue-fronted robin
Little forktail
Black-backed forktail
Slaty-backed forktail
White-crowned forktail
Spotted forktail
White-browed bush chat
White-throated bush chat
White-tailed stonechat
Pied bush chat
Jerdon's bush chat
Grey bush chat
Hooded wheatear
Hume's wheatear
Northern wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Variable wheatear
Pied wheatear
Red-tailed wheatear
Desert wheatear
Isabelline wheatear
Brown rock chat
White-throated dipper
Brown dipper
Blue-winged leafbird
Jerdon's leafbird
Golden-fronted leafbird
Orange-bellied leafbird
Thick-billed flowerpecker
Yellow-vented flowerpecker
Yellow-bellied flowerpecker
Orange-bellied flowerpecker
Pale-billed flowerpecker
Nilgiri flowerpecker
Andaman flowerpecker
Plain flowerpecker
Fire-breasted flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed flowerpecker
Ruby-cheeked sunbird
Purple-rumped sunbird
Crimson-backed sunbird
Purple-throated sunbird
Purple sunbird
Olive-backed sunbird
Loten's sunbird
Mrs. Gould's sunbird
Green-tailed sunbird
Black-throated sunbird
Vigors's sunbird
Crimson sunbird
Fire-tailed sunbird
Little spiderhunter
Streaked spiderhunter
House sparrow
Spanish sparrow
Sind sparrow
Russet sparrow
Eurasian tree sparrow
Yellow-throated sparrow
Rock sparrow
Pale rockfinch
Tibetan snowfinch
White-rumped snowfinch
Père David's snowfinch
Rufous-necked snowfinch
Blanford's snowfinch
Streaked weaver
Baya weaver
Finn's weaver
Black-breasted weaver
Estrildid finch
Red avadavat
Green avadavat
Indian silverbill
White-rumped munia
Black-throated munia
Scaly-breasted munia
Tricoloured munia
Chestnut munia
Java sparrow
Alpine accentor
Altai accentor
Robin accentor
Rufous-breasted accentor
Siberian accentor
Brown accentor
Black-throated accentor
Maroon-backed accentor
White wagtail
Forest wagtail
White-browed wagtail
Citrine wagtail
Western yellow wagtail
Grey wagtail
Paddyfield pipit
Tawny pipit
Blyth's pipit
Richard's pipit
Long-billed pipit
Tree pipit
Olive-backed pipit
Meadow pipit
Red-throated pipit
Rosy pipit
Water pipit
Upland pipit
Buff-bellied pipit
Nilgiri pipit
Crested bunting
Pine bunting
Rock bunting
Godlewski's bunting
Grey-necked bunting
Ortolan bunting
White-capped bunting
House bunting
Chestnut-eared bunting
Little bunting
Yellow-breasted bunting
Chestnut bunting
Black-headed bunting
Red-headed bunting
Black-faced bunting
Common reed bunting
Tristram's bunting
Corn bunting
Common chaffinch
Plain mountain finch
Brandt's mountain finch
Sillem's mountain finch
Crimson-browed finch
Blanford's rosefinch
Dark-breasted rosefinch
Common rosefinch
Himalayan beautiful rosefinch
Pink-browed rosefinch
Vinaceous rosefinch
Dark-rumped rosefinch
Spot-winged rosefinch
Himalayan white-browed rosefinch
Red-mantled rosefinch
Streaked rosefinch
Great rosefinch
Red-fronted rosefinch
Black-headed greenfinch
Red crossbill
Yellow-breasted greenfinch
Eurasian siskin
European goldfinch
Common linnet
Red-fronted serin
Tibetan serin
Brown bullfinch
Orange bullfinch
Red-headed bullfinch
Grey-headed bullfinch
Black-and-yellow grosbeak
Collared grosbeak
Spot-winged grosbeak
White-winged grosbeak
Golden-naped finch
Spectacled finch
Eurasian crimson-winged finch
Mongolian finch
Trumpeter finch
Desert finch
Scarlet finch
List of birds of South India
List of birds of Tamil Nadu