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Talk:Avalon: Web of Magic

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Feel free to share any info available on The Avalon Collection by Rachel Roberts.

I am a very busy college student and any help is greatly appreciated. I am slowly adding to the page when I have time. SunStar85 06:15, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you to Bearcat!

SunStar85 03:13, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]


It's practically like a re-imagined remake. Even titles are the same, like Full Circle. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 20:13, 11 April 2007 (UTC).[reply]

Shouldn't it be rather called now "Avalon series" or something?


Also one would list the connections with the Jewel Riders universe. --Asperchu (talk) 14:21, 22 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I'm going to remove the large creatures section (trivia)


However it's of course still accessible through history in case if someone would like to use them in some wikia or otherwise in Wikipedia (in this or some other articles) or whatever. Also a clean-up, but someone needs to provide some content for the reception section. --Asperchu (talk) 17:34, 11 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Emily Fletcher


Emily is the Healer mage whose magical element is water. Her blue-green, flower-shaped "rainbow jewel" gives her the incredible powers and abilities of healing, empathy, ESP, seeing magical auras, magic-weaving and mind-control. Her jewel changed to a rainbow heart after she bonded with her paladin Indigo, a shape-shifting power crystal. As a healer, she shares a bond with all animals, but is especially close to Ariel, a snowy owl, Phel, a fairy creature, Lorelei, the unicorn, Riannan, a unicorn hoe and Ozzie, an elf-turned-ferret. Emily is described as having auburn hair and hazel eyes.

At the beginning of the series, Emily has just moved to Stonehill with her mother, a recently-divorced veterinarian. Although nervous about starting her new life, she soon finds comfort, companionship, and purpose in helping the magical animal refugees at Ravenswood. Her healing powers are incredibly strengthened and enhanced to even higher levels by her love of animals and musical abilities. In Secret of the Unicorn, she helps the unicorn Lorelei re-grow her horn, and becomes a surrogate mother and teacher to a herd of baby unicorns in Song of the Unicorns. She later finds a paladin and discovers new mind control and magic-weaving powers in Heart of Avalon.

Emily is a kind, helpful, and easygoing person, but can also be shy, timid, and lacking in self-confidence. During Adriane and Kara's fights, she tries to be the peacemaker and avoids taking sides. In the end of book 12, it is evident that Marlin, the mer-prince of Aquatania, has romantic interest in her. One of her fears is that she won't be able to become a Level Two mage, due to not having a bond with a specific animal, failing to save the web and losing herself to the darkess. In book 11, Dark Mage, Emily falls under the spell of the Spider Witch and ultimately fulfills the prophcey of becoming the Dark Mage by "killing" Ozzie. As a dark mage, she has also gained some new magical abilities (mostly offensive). With the help of her friends, she's freed from the Spider Witch's influence in the final novel, Full Circle, and we also learn she did not truly become the Dark Mage because she did not really kill Ozzie. She can be found on the front of Circles in the Stream. She is the girl in the middle.

Adriane Charday


As the gothic Warrior mage with earth magic, Adriane has the powers and abilities of enhanced speed, strength, senses, agility, and an offensive magical energy called "wolf fire". In Ghost Wolf, she learns to turn to mist and world-walk, or travel between the physical world and the astral planes. She is bonded to the mistwolf Dreamer, and the red dragon, Drake. Her wolf paw-shaped jewel evolved from amber-colored to gold-edged silver when Stormbringer, her first bonded mistwolf, became her paladin. Adriane is described as having a tan skin tone with long black hair and black eyes. Adriane was always a loner and her first real friend was Stormbringer, a mistwolf.

Having spent most of her life traveling with her artist parents, Adriane has never experienced strong friendships or a sense of belonging which greatly effects her personality in the series, being described as a cold, scary, and dark person. She moved to Stonehill six months before the start of the series, to live with her grandmother Nakoda, the caretaker of Ravenswood. Misunderstood because of her icy maturity, Adriane is not well liked by her classmates, and the first friend she makes is the mistwolf Stormbringer. Their magical and emotional bond is especially strong, making Adriane all the more devastated when Storm seemingly dies in Trial by Fire. Although she bonds with a new wolf, Dreamer, she is haunted with guilt until Ghost Wolf, when Storm returns and becomes her paladin.

Adriane takes pride in being tough and self-sufficient, and rarely shows any weak emotions. She isn't outgoing or sociable, but in the later books she becomes more tolerant of other people, especially Kara's friends. Adriane's antagonistic attitudes and comments usually start the fights between her and Kara. It is implied that Adriane is annoyed by Kara's easy life, and resentful of her less-than-serious attitude about Ravenswood's problems. She and Kara become friends in the later books, as they develop understanding and respect for one another. She has been very close to Emily since the beginning of the series. She has a crush on Zachariah, a boy she met on Aldenmor.

Her grandmother Nakoda is the caretaker of the Ravenswood preserve. She didn't have any friends before Emily moved. Her Parents are artists, therefore they moved a lot before Adriane was with her grandmother. She can be found on the cover of Circles in the Stream. She is the girl to the left.

Kara Davies


Kara the barbie, she is the Blazing Star and was the last to find her jewel, a silver unicorn horn that gains pink and red highlights when it reaches Level Two, and discover her powers: amplifying other's magic. She can also control a flock of fairy dragons, attract magical animals, emit brilliant flashes of magical power, and briefly had the ability to shape-shift. Her bonded animals are Lyra, a winged leopard, and the fairy dragons - Goldie, Fred, Fiona, Blaze, and Barney - nicknamed Dragonflies. Her magical element is fire, and her paladin is the Firemental stallion, Starfire. Kara is described as having blond hair and blue eyes.

Early in the series, Kara was often in conflict with the other two mages, especially Adriane, because Kara couldn't control her magic and wanted to use it for personal gain. In All That Glitters, she finds and then gives up an uncontrollable jewel, which she later earns back in Trial by Fire. In All's Fairy in Love and War, she discovers the true nature of her powers and learns to control them.

Outgoing and attractive, Kara is one of the most popular girls at school, though she is a bit of a spoiled brat. Her love of fashion (and attention) fuels her desire to perfect her outer image. However, she is less shallow than her popular friends, and seems less willing to belittle and ridicule people who are different from her. She is mostly a girly girl and loves to be treated like a princess. Being used to getting her way, she is frustrated by her lack of a magic jewel, and later, by her inability to control her powers and abilities. Underneath, however, she is kind-hearted and loyal. She can be found on the cover of Circles in the Stream. She is the girl to the right. She can also be found on the cover of All that Glitters where she has rainbow hair do to a "magic accident".

Ozymandius (Ozzie)


Ozzie's golden ferret stone gives him the power and ability over air magic, the power and ability to amplify and alter sound, and allows him to communicate telepathically. Full Circle reveals that Phel is his paladin.

Ozzie lived as an elf on Aldenmor, until the Farimentals transformed him into a talking ferret and sent him to Earth to find three mages, a healer, a warrior, and a bright star. Although knowing little to nothing about magic, he became Adriane, Emily, and Kara's friend and mentor-figure. In Trial by Fire, the Farimentals rewarded him for his services with a magic jewel of his own. He discovered his elemental air powers in Ghost Wolf. Although it seemed that Emily unintentionally killed him Dark Mage, Full Circle reveals that he was only transformed back into an elf. Because Ozzie cannot be corrupted by dark magic, he was the key to the mages saving the web.

Although good-natured and caring, Ozzie is also blunder-prone, easily flustered, and over-confident at times. He adores almost any food, from cookies to dog treats. Of the three mages, he is closest to Emily, and is also friendly with the animal refugees at Ravenswood. In the later books, he often bickers with Tweek, the Experimental Farimental. He can be found on the front of "Circles in the Stream". He is the ferret in front of Emily.

Zachariah (Zach)


Zach's red dragon stone bonds him to Drake, the dragon, and gives him some warrior-type magic such as shooting beams of energy. His magical element is time, though he doesn't have a paladin that can give him Level Two powers.

Zach was born on Aldenmor, to parents who were magic users and friends of Ravenswood's owner, Henry Gardener. Silver Eyes, a mistwolf and mother of the pack leader, raised him after his parents were killed by a manticore. During one of Zach's attempts to take revenge on the manticore, Silver Eyes and other wolves were captured by the Dark Sorceress and presumed dead. Moonshadow, the pack leader, blamed Zach for the tragedy and expelled him from the pack. He was later taken in by elves, and bonded with an orphaned griffin named Winddancer. The pair helped the Farimentals against the Dark Sorceress for several years, until Winddancer was killed in Cry of the Wolf. Later in the same book, Adriane gave Zach the dragon stone, bonding him to a newly-hatched Drake.

When he first appears in Cry of the Wolf, Zach seems moody, pushy, and somewhat paranoid as a result of his difficult life. He is later shown to care deeply for Aldenmor and his friends, and softens up after he befriends Adriane and reconciles with the mistwolves. He shares a special relationship with Adriane (and wants to be her boyfriend), as she was the first human he met and they are both bonded to Drake. His experience in Aldenmor's wilderness has made him independent and resourceful, with good instincts and survival skills.

Lorren (the Goblin/Forest Prince)


Lorren first appears in All's Fairy in Love and War when, disguied as the Forest Prince, he saves Kara from magic hunters. She later meets him as the Goblin Prince, but doesn't recognize him. She discovers his true identity at a fairy rave, when Goldie the dragonfly removes his Forest Prince mask. He later introduces her to Tasha, his friend and goblin sorceror Tangoo's assistant. Kara abandons him on their search for the Blue Rose, believing that he is only using her to gain magic. However, he proves himself to her by helping fight Tangoo and win the power crystals. In Heart of Avalon Lorren is helping construct The Garden on Aldenmore, and joins the mages to search for Emily. In Dark Mage, he helps the mages and Tasha locate the missing power crystals.

He seems to have a crush on Kara, and is friendly with Adriane, Emily, and Zach. He initially dislikes Marlin, but his feelings improve by the end of Heart of Avalon.

Prince Marlin (Prince of Aquatania)


Prince Marlin first appears in "Heart of Avalon," when he argues with seadragon riders and comes off as an arrogant snob. While he and Emily are being whisked around Aldenmore, they become friends and he loses his bratty attitude. At the end of the book, he makes peace with the seadragon riders after he bonds with a seadragon named Niva and six baby seadragons, and becomes a rider himself. He has a crush on Emily, and it seems Emily returns his feelings.

The Dark Sorceress (Miranda)


The Dark Sorceress is an evil, cunning, power-hungry, half animal and half human being who has originally came from Fairy Realms and went to Aldenmor and tried to take over, but she failed and was cast out to the Otherworlds. She escaped with the help of the Spider Witch back into her former lair in the Goblin Realm of the Fairy Realms. Lucinda is her sister and Kara Davies is her distant descendant through Lucinda.

The Dark Sorceress has control over others' thoughts and actions, can let out bursts of dark magic and make shields. She also used magic crystals which she grew to trap and contain magic on Aldenmor (apparently, this magic was supposed to be used to both help her "complete her animal transformation" and to help her gain a foothold in the Web to find Avalon). She first entioned in Circles in the Stream, first appeared officially in All That Glitters (as a mirror image and then as a hooded being), and fully as herself in all her evil glory as of Cry of the Wolf.

The Spider Witch (Sylvan)


A former mage, the healer. She was betrayed by Miranda and turned into a horrid spider creature, giving her the power to weave dark magic. She has a special connection of magic with Emily.

Stormbringer (Storm)


A mistwolf created by the magic of Ravenswood was Adriane's first friend. Storm bonded with her, and they have a long history. In the third book, Cry of the Wolf, Stormbringer went with the rest of the mistwolf pack (whom was currently thought extinct) to Aldenmor. Adriane went after her, meeting Zach and Drake. Storm came back with her to Ravenswood, but it doesn't end there. In Trial By Fire, the Dark Sorceress captured the rest of the mistwolf pack. In the end, the mages recuse the mistwolf pack, expect for Stormbringer, who sacrificed herself to save the mistwolfs. Adriane soon bonded with Dreamer, yet there was a place in her heart that could only be filled by Storm. In Ghost Wolf, Adriane discovers she and Dreamer can 'world-walk' and she finds Storm in the Astral Planes. Storm comes back as Adriane's paladin. He can be found on the cover on Circles in the Stream. He is next to Adriane.



Lyra is a magic cat (a leopard with wings that can be seen by people with magic) who escaped from the Dark Sorceress. She was the first creature Emily healed. She turned out to be Kara's bonded. In All's Fairy in Love and War she was turned into quicksilver by the evil goblin, Tangoo. However, Kara saves Lyra in the end.



Goldie is a gold dragonfly who bonded to Kara. Her and the rest of the dragonflys can pop in and out without the use of a portal, can create a small portal by locking wingtips and forming a circle, and can be used as dragonfly phones to help mages communicate with each other.



Starfire is a fire stallion who is Kara's paladin. He was created by the Goblin sorcerer Tangoo. Kara gave him all her memories when they bonded.

Indigo (Indi)


Indi is the only living power crystal, The Heart of Avalon. At first, he couldn't find out which creature to look like to bond with Emily. He turned into a unicorn. When he used his magic to save the sea dragons, he turned into an 'ugly blob' as he put it. When Indi turned back into a power crystal, the heart broke. Emily healed him, and he came back as the only way he could: her paladin.



Dreamer is Adriane's second bonded mistwolf after the death of Stormbringer. He was an orphaned pup in the mistwolf pack and given to Adriane by Silver Eyes. Dreamer has green emerald eyes and is has a shining, gleaming, black coat. He has a white chest and white paws. Dreamer is a gifted magic tracker, who although is just starting to hone his magic, is quickly learning alongside Adriane.


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