English: Some of the first images of Iapetus clearly showing the two-tone appearances of the Moon. Taken by Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980 at a distance of 3.2 million kilometers (1.9 million miles)
The NASA website hosts a large number of images from the Soviet/Russian space agency, and other non-American space agencies. These are not necessarily in the public domain.
The SOHO (ESA & NASA) joint project implies that all materials created by its probe are copyrighted and require permission for commercial non-educational use. [2]
Some of the first images of Iapetus clearly showing the two-tone appearances of the Moon. Taken by Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980 at a distance of 3.2 million kilometers (1.9 million miles)
Uploaded a work by NASA / JPL from https://scontent.fmnl14-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/247848119_10158332048407918_8018926912152620989_n.png?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_eui2=AeEqgFwSCdyXLnVxR-KNYVWuWn7e7nGAPLZaft7ucYA8tq4VHPRMArUbAURkbvl5qDWmKGys5u59falw2qqeUJ_2&_nc_ohc=KxUDu_i5i9oAX-ioaaH&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl14-1.fna&oh=00_AfAF_tYrru4m2ckWIdTrBo681-sMSdFx80ehx3fs2pneKg&oe=65A8AC64 with UploadWizard