Then let the merry fun go on,
And blither be each mother's son,
For Youth is short,
And brief is sport,
When once Life's lessons are begun.
And blither be each mother's son,
For Youth is short,
And brief is sport,
When once Life's lessons are begun.
The hearty laugh, the boisterous mirth
Should with this wholesome hour have birth,
Let them ring out,
With joyful shout,
And thus attest good Hall'we'en's worth.
Should with this wholesome hour have birth,
Let them ring out,
With joyful shout,
And thus attest good Hall'we'en's worth.
Many stories are told,
Of the brave days of old,
When bold knights to the combat rode gaily away.
By ladies most fair,
Their colors so rare
Were given the heroes on that parting day.
Of the brave days of old,
When bold knights to the combat rode gaily away.
By ladies most fair,
Their colors so rare
Were given the heroes on that parting day.
Is all this past and gone?
Have all prizes been won?
But no! 'Tis the same in the present as then,
For our knights of to-day,
In the same sort of way,
Fare forth, worlds to conquer, brave men among men.
Have all prizes been won?
But no! 'Tis the same in the present as then,
For our knights of to-day,
In the same sort of way,
Fare forth, worlds to conquer, brave men among men.