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Fundamentals for Trainz Trainees

Trainz Asset Maintenance and Creation
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 Mouse use

Trainz Notations

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This special glossary page will assist the new reader in getting the gist of Trainz-speak. It is a terse set of other terms that are usually more fully elaborated on in the Glossary and at times, given topic pages all their own for in depth exposition.

Keypress notations

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Many Trainz functions are accessed using the mouse or hotkeys. The later change depending upon which module of the software suite is active, though commonality of purpose is preserved from application to application when there is overlap. Mostly there isn't—the hotkeys use in one Trainz module is different for the same keys in the other Trainz module. In this work, we often use a graphic CTRL+C - CTRL+V to convey hot-keying actions. In other cases we may use the old all text [CTRL][C] -[CTRL][V] or [CTRL][SHFT][ESC] menomic system to convey the information, particularly when we want to just remind a user and the graphics mess up the flow of the expository prose.  

Mouse notations

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We've written a special slightly larger graphic (e.g. Main Menu) to represent mouse button activities. We have no intention of copying actual mouse button icons, which would likely also be illegal.

Further mouse actions use the Capitalized mnemonic notation system used in the Trainz manuals since Trainz 0.9 development:
 • 'LMB' for left mouse button and 'RMB' for right mouse button
 • LMBh or LMBhold' and RMBh or RMBhold for click and hold activities.
 • For drop down menus, one will often see RMBh+d or RMBh+drag representations; which menuing operations should be familiar to any one comfortable with Windows applications.
 • At times we will emphasize these by using the keypress notation LMB or RMBh+d, etc. as applies.
 • From the Trainz perspective, both mouse buttons see plenty of action in the GUI's for LMBh+d is how we operate controls in both DCC and CAB Driver modes and RMBh+d operates our viewport from the active camera position[note 1], including moving around in the Surveyor world creation module.

Standard Abbreviations

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  • in this book —means may see elsewhere, but this is what is meant here.
  • general shorthand —means seen often on the web forums too.
  • Kc:, Kd:, Ks: Keys, usu. Hotkeys respectively in CM, Driver (DVR) or Surveyor (SUR)
Editor's note: Feel free to put the following table in alphabetical order!

This group of abbreviations actually was compiled on the Auran Forums[1], and as its members also contribute here, one might find them in use in our pages too
  1. TRS - Trainz Railway/Railroad Simulator - a number after indicates version (contributed by PerRock)
  2. TS - Trainz Simulator - a number after indicates version (contributed by PerRock)
  3. UTC - Ultimate Trainz Collection (contributed by PerRock)
  4. Pre-SP3 - Original version of Trainz (contributed by PerRock)
  5. TC - Trainz Classics - a number after indicates version (contributed by PerRock)
  6. OP - Opening Post/Opening Poster - general forum abbreviation (contributed by PerRock)
  7. RW/RS/MSTS - Railworks/Rail Simulator/Microsoft Train Simulator - all competitors to Trainz (contributed by PerRock)
  8. FCT - First Class Ticket
  9. SP - Service Pack
  10. Edit: A number after SP indicates version - contributed by PerRock)
  11. CMP - Content Manager Plus
  12. CM - Content Manager (a number found after this indicates the version number)
  13. TDH - Trainz Download Helper (pre-TRS2006 days)
  14. TDP - Trainz Downloader Pro [note 2]
  15. CDP - Content Dispatcher Pack[note 3]
  16. CMPA - Content Manager Plus Archive - these are used to archive assets.
  17. TAD - Trainz Asset Database
  18. TADdaemon - Database transactions manager[note 4]
  19. DLS - Download Station
  20. DLH - Download Helper
  21. UN - Username
  22. PW - Password
  23. WIP - Work In Progress (contributed by whitepass)
  24. PM - Private Message/Progressive Mesh (contributed by captainkman)
  25. KUID - Koolthingz User ID (contributed by rweber95)
  26. KUID - Koolthingz UNIQUE IDENTIFIER (contributed by fabartus)[note 5]
  27. CMTM - Car Movement and Traffic Management (contributed by rweber95) - a number after this indicates version
  28. ARN - Automatic Running Number (contributed by rweber95)
  29. MIN - Multiple Industry New (contributed by rweber95)
  30. BI - Basic Industry (contributed by rweber95)
  31. HOG - Hand of God (contributed by rweber95)
  32. PL - ProtoLARS (contributed by rweber95)
  1. LARS - Logistics and Resources System (contributed by rweber95)[note 6]
  2. ACS - Active Coupling System (contributed by captainkman)
  3. AWS - Automatic Warning System
  4. TPWS - Train Protection and Warning System
  5. ATLS - Advanced Traffic Light System (contributed by rweber95)[note 7]
  6. ASB - Active Signal Box
  7. CCP - Content Creator Plus (contributed by rweber95)
  8. LOD - Level of Detail (contributed by captainkman)
  9. IM - Indexed Mesh (contributed by captainkman)
  10. LM - Level of Detail mesh reference, to an somename.LM.txt text file.
  11. EK3 - East Kentucky 3 (contributed by captainkman)
  12. HUD - Heads Up Display (contributed by captainkman)
  13. TPR - Trainz Pro Routes (contributed by captainkman) - address is http://www.trainzproroutes.org/
  14. USLW - U.S. Locomotive Works (contributed by captainkman) -address is http://uslw.net/
  15. JR - Jointed Rail (contributed by captainkman) - address is http://jointedrail.com/.
  16. DLC - Downloadable Content (Auran/N3V payware content e.g. Blue Comet,Duchess,SnC) (contributed by captainkman)
  17. SnC/S&C - Settle and Carlisle - a DLC pack (contributed by captainkman)
  18. CoC - Code of Conduct (contributed by captainkman)
  19. SPAD - Signal Passed At Danger (contributed by airtime)
  20. Hardware TL/Hardware T&L - Hardware Transform and Lighting
  21. DEM - Digital Elevation Map/Model
  22. IWBNI - It would be nice if (contributed by mjolnir)
  23. OTOH - On the other hand (contributed by mjolnir)
  24. FWIW - For what it's worth (contributed by mjolnir)
  25. AFAIK - As far as I know (contributed by maruffijd)
  26. MP - Multiplayer
  27. FPS - Frames per second
  28. TFYHW - Thanks for your hard work (contributed by jjanmarine3)
  29. TNI - Trainz Native Interface (contributed by BuilderBob)
  30. IIRC - If I Remember Correctly (contributed by pcas1986)
  31. EDR - Extended database repair (contributed by Bhorton)
  32. UAD - Updating Asset Database (contributed by Bhorton)
  33. DRM - Digital Rights Management

Terms and Acronyms

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Many Trainz Basic terms and notations are duplicated in the glossary as well as here, but the new Trainzer will find we've reserved longer, fuller explanations to exposition in the glossary entry. If this page doesn't satisfy you in getting the gist of a topic page, check the same term in the glossary, which might also lead to a elementary or introduction topic page on the subject.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 These names do the same thing — temporary time dated storage of altered files.   The trash subfolder is a sister-folder of the .\cache folder in the root directory; N3V renamed it in the TS12 releases '.\backup'. Introduced as a feature in TS2009, wherein each retains 'nn' date-coded backups subfolders populated from editing actions. Each holds asset subfolders, just as when they were opened for editing. The Trainz options menu(s) allow the user to specify how many individual edit days' sub-subfolders are retained in the .\trash or .\backup subfolders.

 Root folder 
 .\nameish... pathspecs
 Directory shorthand 'relative' reference; most often meaning the root_folder where the install is loaded into.  The ..\ shorthand is DOS & Windows meaning the directory one up from here (or whatever pathspec or filespec are specified as) behind the slash. If you understand each '\' ('\name') as meaning one level down the '.\name' notation means here in the root... wherever this 'local root' lives in the hard disk hierarchy.

 Trainz cache subfolder—a local root folder:   The cache subfolders hold a collection of busy working semi-temporary utility folders wherein Trainz runtime modules temporarily or semipermanently keeps reference files for further action. The contents in each subfolder change often, and periodically may get purged.
 Semi-Permanent files are for example, saved in the .\libraries sub-subfolder, where user provided scripts are cached for quick lookup and loading sans compression, or the .\bookmarks, .\sessions, .\water or .\thumbnails folders; all of which tend to grow with time and activity.
 Less permanent file caches are for example the .\internet and .\sessions permanent subfolders... where the date-expiring ever changing roster of contents files like downloaded .cdp files reside for a while in the sister-subfolder where saved Driver sessions are stored until deleted.
Another date expiring folder is the ..\cache sister-folder, the ..\trash subdirectory which gets backup copies for those Uh oh, Oopsie edit moments.
 Before TS09/TS10 introduced the 'Install Root'\UserData folder hierarchy, including the modern \cache folder, all Trainz 1.0 through TRS-era (TC3) cache folders lived in the same root folder as the Launcher program and the \bin and \settings sister-subfolders.
 .BMK file 

 Main page: BMK file type
 Link is to extensive discussion in the 'BMK files' section in file_types_by_extensions page.
(Full path: Trainz/file_types_by_extensions#BMK_file

 ALCO American Locomotive Company  A historic conglomerate with earliest member company's founding (1848) in Schenectady, NY as the Schenectady Locomotive Works (SLW) which primarily made steam locomotives, and secondarily rolling stock. SLW later spearheaded the merger of the multiple well established regional companies in 1901 (See : member images etc.) which grew larger and more successful over the years as it absorbed various regional independent steam engine manufacturers, like itself—all servicing rail transport industry as the traincar manufacturing supportive needs of the many short line railroads of the golden age of United States Rail Transport. With it's geographically decentralized locations and ability to combine engineering design activities to custom or semi-custom specifications, AlCo became a very popular provider of popular steam locomotives and over the decades invented or improved many components and standards adopted world-wide. AlCo produced many designs as it grew, of which many have been subsequently used as prototypes for digital and physical Model Railroading models. A victim of deiselization, unlike its few other principal competitors like Philadelphia's Baldwin Locomotive Works the company didn't archive designs with a University research library and its blueprints were only sporadically kept, so the variations of prototypes available to the modeling world vastly under represents the majority of its historic Locomotives and traincars (rolling stock).

 API   Application Program Interface
 See API on Wikipedia
Several Trainz modes use specific input screens, API's to control things. The Options menu and the Session editor are the two most important. The CM Options menu (Alt+F7) is a third, as are the run-time GUI options menus for adjusting mouse modes, the environment, and the graphics settings in the Surveyor (Ctrl+O) and Driver Trainz modules.


 Asset folder
 Edit folder
 Asset's edit folder 
 Opened for edit folder 
 An asset data folder extracted from the data base by the Content Manager. Center Stage during any kind of asset editing  the 'Opened for edit folder}' is generally presented with the combination of parts files (textures, text, thumbs, meshes, and other virtual object components), plus their controlling Config file with the unique KUID identifier and operations and capabilities characterizing KIND defines. (See below joke too)
A config with parts but no kuid nor kind is meaningless. Adding the kind tells Trainz how to process the collection of data, taking it from junk files to an valuable orchestrated possession. Add the kuid, and now the rest of trainz have a handle to manipulate it and make it manifest in the virtual universe, while we humans can keep track of the aggregate with said unique handle. Change a username, and nothing operates differently but alphabetic lookups. Change a kuid, or have one missing, and there is a loss of function, even upto breakage of the run time simulation.
 Asset source folder   The Start of every asset, assembly required outside Trainz in an offline operating system folder by the content creator.
 1) Read the above Asset Folder. 2) Every Kinds and its defining legal 'value' sits in a config file[note 8] which needs a home. That Home is the asset source folder, in which the content creator assembles all the parts making up that specific implementation of his vision. Generally, even simple assets consist of a number of files—the more complicated the model, the more files there will be. Each digital model is a collective design incorporating multiple component pieces, all taken together and integrated, aimed to simulate a prototype—make a virtual model, often with animated or interactive 'abilities' mirroring the prototype modeled.
The term 'Source folder' here is meant literally as the archive of the creation, kept safe by the Content Creator somewhere outside the compressed existence inside a Trainz data base. That place cannot be the .\editing folder because when an asset is committed,[note 9] the edit folder is deleted, were it opened for editing.[note 10]
When ready, the Content Creator drags & drops the source folder over onto Content Manager, or uses the menu to input from the directory where he keeps the source materials. From there, it is usually in compressed form, as cdp files, or within a Trainz data base (TS09, TS10, TS12, TANE, or now, the latest, TRS19.
 AssetX   3rd Party Software Tool   Freeware asset fixing & updating tool written by Andi06, with How-To help by PCAS1986 (Paul Cass) and which can be used with Ian Woodmore's AssetX fixer TARDIS scripts to update and fix assets in conjunction with PEVtools freeware.
Tip: Strongly NOT Recommend for NEW TRAINZER's who have enough learning curves to surmount. Wait until you've familiarized yourself with Trainz data models by manually fixing 250-500 asset problems before tackling the learning curve on this one! After that, it's great for updating assets and making sure they're in compliance with TS09-TS12 asset validation needs... which are pretty much good for TANE as well.
 baggage car       when rails were king, luggage and freight carrying cars.
 Built-in asset
  or BI asset
  or 'BI'  
 for Built-Ins 
 All the built-in items of your Trainz retail release version. Before-TANE versions these CAB(inet) files were located in JA files which are configured for rapid upload into the game and tightly organized. Post-TANE security measures adopted a new file type, the .tzarc files which include improved built-in data security.
 • Certain items, such as thumbnails are often stripped from the JA's (when they aren't using a texture.txt file referencing them) which are mandatory for uploading an asset to the DLS, whereas other '_art folder' thumbnails are used in different Trainz modules and menus, on the DLS web pages and if the later, are sometimes downloaded to the cache for views in CM when that asset is collected.
 • Consequently, some such thumbnails images are not often part of any cloned asset, unless it referenced the 240x180 px thumb by using a texture.txt file[2], in which case it is incorporated into the JA files of a new version, just as the _art folder images should be.[note 11]
 CAB file   Compressed Asset Base
 or 'CABinet files' 
 CAB files are a software term of art for a library of files that may be and usually are options in the install or configuration of the application. Microsoft Windows and many other applications allow user customization by adding or deleting components, such as Microsoft Media Player, accessibility assets like magnifiers, internationalization customizations for languages, audio text readers for the hearing impaired, and even system utilities like disk maintenance applications.
  • Trainz CAB file analog is the JA files, which contain all the installs' base assets distributed with the specific retail release. Unlike the offline Windows application CAB files, Trainz JA files are optimized for run-time use and fast loading, as they form the core of the releases data base containing all the built-in content.
Camera mode
 In-game viewpoints
or Camera modes 
 Cameras are Trainz-speak for viewpoint. Since Trainz UTC, 'In-World' standard camera's have four modes in Driver activated by the hotkeys: 1, 2, 3, 4] but just three in Surveyor, normal edit view and two by hotkeys: walking view (close-up) [ALT+Y] and fly mode [ALT+U]— where like the main edit camera, both aren't tied to specific object anchors, so are more like Driver's Free or Roaming Camera mode [hotkey 4]).
related: '-freeintcam' a trainzoptions.txt (ini) file command line allowing users to move the internal CAB cameras around; slide them forward or back and slew them left or right whilst the mouse controls up-down (tilt) and rotation (panning). This allows a Driver to position screen-views more comfortably for his/her driving style.
 carriage       a British cultural term for a type of popular passenger traincar often prototyped in modeling - usu. modeling a specific manufacturer or Operating Railroad's livery.
 CC or
 Content Creators   Those wonderful people that freely give a great deal of time and painstaking devotion to providing digital models for Trainz.
 These are: Route builders, Asset makers, Scripting specialists and Session writers—which activities take a big chunk of time and they ought be appreciated for fueling Trainz for over a decade now.

 chump file
.chump files 
 Compressed config.txt + data file(s)   Looking within data folders holding installed (i.e. committed) assets (Under ..\userdata\), one can observe that individual data files (such as mesh files or texture files) processed and rolled into a fast loading binary file format containing most all of the individual files one can examine in an asset opened for edit.

 CM/CMP action on asset data Content Manager action of adding content to the data base 
 The user commanded (CTRL+M) action of adding an asset open for edit or new asset in the same raw data forms into the data base. If a new asset, the asset would usually be imported and committed in one go. Similarly, DLS downloads and loading CDP files are usually auto-committed. There is a check box in the Launcher > Options menu's Miscellaneous Tab that can be set or not to automatically validate and commit CDP assets.Note: If you are downloading a route or session asset, you'll be dragging in hundreds of dependent assets, so best make sure this box is checked for big downloads! Importing defaults to auto-committing, but in some versions the same check box controls whether imports are auto-committed too.
 CM or CMP   Content Manager or
 Content Manager Plus
The Trainz utility data base manager: Trainz Windows applications to download, upload, archive, sort, and manipulate assets, including cloning and editing. CMP became 'CM 2.0' in TRS2009, CM 3.2 in TS10 and then CM 3.3 later in both's 4th service pack - since that TS09/TS10-SP4 upgrade, all CMs display the new asset Trainz-build version (v#.#) in the title bar. Hence, TS12-SP1 will display CM 3.7, etcetera.
 CMP   Content Manager Plus   Older initial all in one CM Windows application introduced in v1.5 and up versions of TRS2006 and the 3 Trainz Classics. Both Auran and N3V games are a prone to hyperbole in sales names and literature. Trainz Classics (mainly a skin change) was heralded as a 'New Era' in Trainz... which may shock TANE users a bit since they were TRS2006 with reskins and few improvements.
 CSAR   Computing  term  Conditional Search and Replace. See SAR in the glossary for details and distinctions.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 depreciated   especially depreciated tag or keyword    A depreciated practice or definition is one set aside and abandoned in future formulations. N3V's programmer's most often mis-characterize such swerves in acceptable practice as "obsolete"—which itself should more correctly be termed as obsolescent (equivalent to depreciated), for both are still valid for older content definitions.
 • To be obsolete, the practice or keyword would NEVER have correct scope or place; a subtle but important distinction.

 • One can fix many an asset successfully by satisfying now obsolescent standards (perhaps by gradually even successively incrementing the trainz-build and addressing and repairing new warnings and errors) to a lower than current trainz-build your installed CM can translate. In contrast, one can arrest such successive fix ups at a lower than current version trainz-build and locally have a perfectly good asset. It just can't be uploaded to the DLS which has input screening which enforces stricter standards than your current Content Manager.
 diff & difference
comparison file compare 
file comparison
re: diff in phrases:
'taking a diff',
'the diff showed',
'no diff'  
 diff Diff is a (type of) workhorse utility program found on many computing platforms for Comparing two or three data sets for differences. One of the early progenitors was literally DIFF, so the tool name has become synonymous with the action of looking for differences.

 Examining the differences between two folders or files using a comparison App like (Freeware) Kdiff3.exe (works well in all Windows OS versions) which can compare and illustrate variations between files or folders. Diff is the common computer jargon because there is a Unix, VAX, DEC10, and there was a 3rd-party MS-DOS utility of the same name. Some Diff utilities only compare pairs of files, others directories, and a third class, either.

 drag and drop
 (drag & drop) 
 Mouse operations   The windows operation of grabbing a data file or folder by right clicking on it and holding the mouse button while moving it over another application window or folder to transfer its contents to where it is released.
 EDR   Extended Database Repair in TS09-onwards 
 Selecting EDR from the CM ALT+F7 hotkey or options menu launches the big brother of the QDR, which forces a full thorough database self-audit, including re-error-checking installed assets, and records like ..UserData\Originals, backups and etcetera.
In the TS simulators, An even more thorough EDR mode is launchable using the TrainzUtil.exe program in the \Bin folder. If you loose power or your computer does an auto-update with CM running, just go to this method: (CM may hang, so avoid the grief.)
1) Open a CMD window
2) Navigate to the \Bin folder where your Trainz release is installed.
3) Type the Command:
TrainzUtil Repairdatabase
The command window will tell you it will take quite a while to run. Monitoring your system CPU usage during it, will show high activity, up to 98% at times. Windows opened off screen will proliferate as TrainzUtil spawns child processes.
It's Okay to go off an do something else, but avoid demanding Apps and Video heavy games (Or other high demand streaming). This is a good time to watch TV, take a walk, or read a book.
  • It takes quite a while as a result on older computers, so if tempted, make sure you have no plans for the computer for several hours; depending upon the amount of installed content, and the computer's overall system speed. On a fairly good quad-processor computer system 40-50,000 added assets runs in about half an hour in TS12, 40 minutes in TS10-SP4 (Similar content, but not the same counts, but close though) and a bit longer in TS09-SP4 for each of three principle install running during a double power outage. BOTH got new database rebuilds, so the times were consistent.


  • Comparatively, the EDR takes a much greater time than a QDR which can often run inside 5-7 minutes, even with no added content on a system, for it not only rebuilds the assets.tdx index file but also rechecks validity of content, looking for faults. That is an EDR basically opens each asset file folder, validates it for errors, then re-archives it. It is not only necessary for catching corrupted data, s.a. might occur by a power failure, but also for reintegrating code containing assets after a large upgrade, because such will almost always contain a software library change which must be tested against the asset in storage.

Best run overnight, verify your scheduler apps don't interrupt and that your scanning security utilities are disabled--the EDR is internal, and no scanning of files is in any ways useful, but just slow things down stealing resources and processor cycles from Trainz--which will be pushing your processor to the limits!.
 • In particular, disable anti-virus and Mal-ware checking and especially disable any auto updates which might reboot the system with disastrous results to Trainz.

  • [Ed-note: Disabling internet connectivity has been reported to speed the process considerably.] Ø

 Like AlCo and Baldwin in steam propulsion, GM's Electro-Motive Division of La Grange, Illinois became one of the biggest names in diesel powered locomotion with roots extending back to the Electro-Motive Engineering Corporation in 1920s, soon renamed the Electro-Motive Company (EMC). General Motors acquired first the diesel engine supplier, then EMC in a product diversification move in 1930. Using GM's deep pockets and research divisions, EMC operating jointly with GM research began turning out one major advance in railroad propulsion after another, and in 1941 during an in-house reorganization separating non-locomotive engine production from the railroad diesels, EMC and GM legally established the Electro-Motive Division (EMD), bringing research, development, production, marketing, training, and service under one umbrella and management team. Thereafter, building on EMC superb reputation, EMD continued as a popular brand of locomotives for decades - with only one real North American competitor ALCO-GE. GM sold the division to two US equity groups on April 4, 2005 - the new company was incorporated as Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc., thus retaining the famous "EMD" initials. Regardless of technical ownership, since the very beginning of utilizing practical diesel engines as the prime mover - EMD was almost always a company pushing its competitors to keep up - consequently, diesel-electric locomotives manufactured by General Motors Electromotor Division are often prototyped in Trainz.
 enumerated   strictly
 Enumerated types strictly define legal values, and proscribe undefinable values, which generate an error. category-region tag and category-classes are data fields which must satisfy enumerated values checks. Boolean values must only be a 1 or 0, or similarly generate errors.
 file extension   Computing
 OS terminology 
 Historically, Windows files were limited by storage space on early PC-computers Disk Operating System storage schemes to a total of eleven characters, three, the extension being reserved to class the type of data file, the operating system providing a period between the first eight characters (the NAME) and the three of the extension. This limitation is no longer with us, but most file types still keep their extensions very short. Two exceptions are the Trainz .chump and .texture extensions used for compressed and combined data elements.
 filename or 
 filespec or 
 OS terminology 
 Computing Jargon
 Operating system compatible name, sometimes meaning in a context can imply with an included pathspec prefix. These are references to the folders hierarchy in Windows.  For example: C:\TS12\UserData\editing\$screenshot$.jpg has a pathspec, and a filename+extension and when both are combined together as one string with meaning, it may called a 'filespec' or 'filenamespec'. In these, note the 'Spec' implies the path or pathspec is part of the string.
 era code   enumerated type in
the TrainzBaseSpec  
 Era codes are decades expressed as a full four digit year ending with zero then terminated by a small 's' character. Multiple era codes may be joined to create a legal value for the config.txt files/TBS's category-era tag. Trainz will complain if a category-era code is not defined, though if one clones a built-in Auran authored item, most will not usually have that nor several other mandatory tags defined.

 Error Fixing 
 Fault Fixing 
 See Fixing Assets
 (we have your back!)
 Process, usually of running PEVtools to update some extractable data types from the data base and upgrade an asset with concurrent edits to the assets component files; and most usually their config.txt files, which are often the only file needing corrections. Most Trainz faults consist of updating from older conventions to newer conventions and require simple text file edits and a bit of knowledge we are providing here in this Wikibook.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 GameScript   Trainz programming language enabling interactive assets   GameScript is a C-like computer language which generate GS files— Gamescript source files for inclusion in assets and the game's script libraries.
 GUI   Jargon: 'Graphical User Interface'   The three 'run-time' module we can view the Trainz virtual world or models within. They are Driver, Railyard, and Surveyor. (Content Manager is a Windows application, as some would argue are the Loader, Launcher, and Main Menus screens.) Technically all are GUIs, but control is either Trainz or Windows, so there is a teensy-tiny distinction.
 keyword   computing term   A 'Reserved word' meaning enumerated and given special scope and legal use. containers, kinds and tags are all keyword enumerated types which signify particular handling when processing their data value fields.
 bug fix 
 minor software upgrades: 
N3V's use for Trainz's lesser (more minor) software upgrades 
 Major software upgrades usually affect the data or conversion of the data in the TAD (data base), and N3V uses service pack releases[note 12] to accomplish such changes. N3V also publishes lesser upgrades using both patch and hotfix terms for the release's upgrades. Generally, N3V's patches are very targeted on fixing specific bugs, while hotfixes tweak and improve some less urgent fixes and contain an accumulation of several aspects of game function[note 13]
Abbrv: HKey  
 A Hotkey in computing is also known as a keyboard shortcut, and are usually a Key-press combination where multiple keys are pressed at the same moment, or a Operations key that is built into the software and changes or accesses some other mode. One 'almost' universal sequence ALT+F+something in Windows Apps will bring you to the File drop down menu to Save..., save As..., Open, etcetera. So Hokey gives FILES (a mode change, launch mode entry to file operations). Another two well used: ⊞ Win+E - Opens Windows Explorer; ESC suspends browser page build operationa... canceling loading that link you really didn't mean to click.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 image file     graphics files 
 Main: file types 
 data in image form, Trainz traditionally used BMP, JPG, TGA, and GIF image file types. With the advent of TANE and TRS19 PNG files and a couple of other rarer types became acceptable legal types in new assets. For others, see file types.
 im file 
 .im file 
 indexed mesh   indexed meshes are the basis technology produced by 3ds Max, gmax, and blender 3D graphics suites rendered by trainz as visual (and invisible) objects acted upon or just displayed by the Trainz software suite. The IM files replaced the older .pm file (Progressive Mesh) technology as preferred as early as within the early TRS2004 era.
 imported asset 
 importing content 
 importing content   Trainz has three modes of adding new assets to the data base. Importing means using the CM menu to access a file folder with an asset or many assets which are then read, validated, and committed. Alternatively, Drag and Drop such a folder onto CM will import the file, which applies to CDP files as well. Tip: ZIP files must be uncompressed first before importing.
  Any Trainz
code build
 Specifically meaning, Each or 'any specific' Trainz software suite version on a specific particular computer and its hard drives characterized by a stand-alone independence with it's data and software organized within its own unshared local root folder[note 14]. This author has a version for each hotfix and Service Pack of each Retail release version since TS09-SP1 and each are an 'install' since SP2, SP3 and SP4 all differ. Repeat that status as needed for TS10 and TS12, and just two releases each of the TC's, TRS2006, TRS2004 and Trainz 1.3 & Trainz UTC!
 instance or
 an occurrence of something...  In computer science a selection specification of several possibilities.
  —One mode of counting production quantities, a class of goods types in Trainz; usually used as a product class, setting up a load amount by class of product. e.g. a flat car might hold up to seven pallets of general goods; each being an instance of general goods in one allowed variation (each a C/S instance!) of its queues container—where the second usage refers to a choice in model construction of several different queue product types which might be enabled for that traincar.[3]


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 JA file  Compressed Asset Base file type   The standard Auran Compressed Asset Base (CAB file), which includes all the built-in items of your Trainz release version. JA files are configured for rapid upload into the game and tightly organized. They may be ported version to version within certain limitations. TS09 JAs, TS10 JAs can be added to TS12's bag of tricks. TANE is expected to have similar capability, otherwise route and session assets that took many man-months to create would not be forward-compatible, a hallmark of Trainz since its earliest days.
See also: Trainz/file types by extensions
 kuid reference or 
 referenced kuid
  enumerated data type
restricted to KUIDs 
 KUIDs data field of a tag listing a sub-asset (dependency) used to build the current asset in a config.txt file tag or container. Specific data key-words (tags) will specify a kuid reference, which must then also be listed in the asset's kuid-table (identifying independent asset dependencies).
 or route
 Trainz virtual worlds we create or drive in   Layout is the physical model railroading term for a model railroad assembly. In Trainz the literature and screens often call these routes, the collection of `Trainz Map boards' making up a digital world, which is organized by a config.txt file of kind map.
 Launcher   ..\bin\trainz.exe   the Launcher is the initialization software ( ..\bin\trainz.exe ) which transitions Trainz (since Trainz 0.9–to–TS12) from the Launch screen (where one can set options, enter Content Manager, goto manuals, goto the web, etc.) to the GUI modules, entering the Main Menu.
 Loader    varies, often confusedly trainz.exe   Exception is the TRS era versions wherein the loader application was named for the release short name, so TRS2004.exe, TRS2006.exe, TC.exe. This is the exe file normally linked into by shortcuts and resides in the installs root folder.
Not to be confused with 'install root..\bin\Trainz.exe, which is the launcher, which boots the Trainz Main Menu screens.
 Main Menu       
 Merscom   Software Publisher
North American Mkt,
for TD & TRS2006 
 MERSCOM had been one of the main software duplication, publishing and distribution partners of Auran in the past—notably for the TRS2006, Trainz Driver (demo) and the Trainz Railwayz TRS2006-SP1 releases. The MERSCOM games company is still a going concern[4].
 mail car    A class of rolling stock    when rails were king, valuables and small freight (Sears and Roebuck Mail-orders!) carrying cars commonly the target of robbers like Jesse James and his crew, since they frequently carried money or bullion!
 minimap   Ks: CTRL+M 
 Kd: M 
 In Surveyor, opens a map less than full screen size that one normally sizes and positions in the lower LH corner as preferred using LMBHd. It shows the surroundings from the centered-cursor/camera position, and a key feature is it selectively allows one to see labels not otherwise displayable in Surveyor or Driver (e.g. Names of triggers) Alternatively, also M in Driver, only.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 Native mode   TS2010 default mode   default to Multicore uP mode and higher level graphics card software calls in TS2010 and of TS2009 SP4 (V3.3).[note 15]

 a operating system   For most Trainz releases one version or another of Microsoft Windows; since 2011 and Trainz Mac, Apple OS X and subsequently phone and pad operating systems such as iOS and Android. Some users have reported running it under a version of Linux.
 N3V Games   subsidiary of N3VRF41L Pty Ltd 
 Possibly a joint venture with Auran Holdings, Pty Ltd.
 N3V Games holds development and licensing rights of the Trainz franchise, and appears to be a joint venture by Auran Holdings, PTY LTD who holds those copyrights, and Tony Hilliam's N3VRF41L Computing. Tony Hilliam is known to have injected funds to the bankrupt Auran Development, Pty, Ltd. ca 2007 when the company went into receivership from over extending on another video game. N3V and Auran Holdings seem to have emerged in the aftermath of the legal dealings. First known title: Trainz: The Complete Collection[5]
 NAMCON   lit. naming convention   Naming conventions are just guidelines or rules as to how a name is formatted. For example in an encyclopedia, should titles be singular or plural, and what are the rules for letter cases and international variations in spellings? Is it better to make a username of the form: 'PRR 40' Boxcar' or 'Boxcar, 40ft PRR'? These vary CC to CC, and within any organization producing co-operative output.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 image file     graphics files   data in image form, Trainz handles BMP, JPG, TGA, and GIF image file types. With TANE and TRS19 PNG files may be added as legal types, though assets which include them, require transforms to take the asset back to prior versions. For others, see file types
Paradox Interactive
 Toronto Based Software Publisher   Paradox Interactive a short lived software duplication, publishing and distribution partners of Auran in the past—notably for the re-publishing 3 DVD omnibus edition Trainz: The Complete Collection. Paradox might also have distributed the Trainz Classics release, but the cover art, etc. only lists N3VRF41L Software and Auran. The Paradox Interactive games company is still a going concern[6].
 named parameter
 or explicit parameter 
 A keyword in computing Jargon 
 Computer Science
'Term of Art' 
 A 'name keyword' in scripting encoding and decoding languages (such as wikimarkup language which builds this page) which has limited scope and which is a specific keyword (i.e. enumerated cited/used to assign a value when passing a (temporary instance) value to another process.
  • In contrast a 'placeholder parameter' (also 'dummy parameter') depends on its positional order in a que of such pass parameters. In trainz most container values are positional placeholders listed such as {nn: 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} where the R-values (e.g. a list of attachment points for all simulated digital persons disembarking a train at a station, or the very common bogeys container, thumbnails container, and kuid-table containers.
  • Both the passing routine and the deciphering or called code must evaluate the term the same, and such parameters are case sensitive. The analog in general computing is a variable which must be declared of a specific type. In the scripting application, the typing is handled solely by context and interpretation, while in the compiled computer languages, the typing corresponds to allocation of physical memory and the typing also constrains the types of operations allowed on the data.
 Computer Science
'Term of Art' 
 A computing software term referring to a 'definable keyword' for the manipulation and control of the variable value. The parameter may just be allocated and defined locally (a loop counter in a string parser function) or by passing it into another part of the software as an input—such as placeholders (next) and named parameters (above) covered herein.
  • The receiving (passed to) code is normally a function or module which then further processes or acts on the passed data, normally without any ability to alter it in the calling code.
 pass parameter   Computer Science
'Term of Art' 
 A computing software term referring to sending a value into another part of the software as an input, normally a function or module which then further processes the passed data.
 placeholder parameter
 dummy parameter
 dummy keyword 
 computing term
 Computer Science
'Term of Art' 
 A dummy or placeholder is a reference made in a sequential order, so one whose data is evaluated in that 'place' in a list's 'read order'.
 • These (numbered 0, 1, 2,...,nn) are often seen in various Trainz Containers such as the names of the subcontainers in the thumbnails container or kuid-table container. Many Trainz containers and especially Trainz's sub-containers defining data for initializing an array are placeholders ('Ph') usually represented by the set {Ph: 1, 2, 3, ..., nn}— for all Trainz data definitions values are pairs of the form 'keyword' (whitespace) 'Data'. These commonly seen plain vanilla dummy keywords can be replaced by a single text label at the user's discretion, provided it contains no whitespace characters.
 Path, path,
  or PATH 
 just pathspec\... 
system path  
 MS Windows or other OS path (disk location) from some reference folder 
 reference to folders hierarchy in Windows; C:\TS12\UserData\editing\$dummyScreenshot.jpg for example has a pathspec, a filename and is when all together a 'filenamespec' (also 'filepathspec') combining both levels of organization.
 usually used to signify a 'relative sub-folder' (from the 'local root directory') ; 'The Home Folder' of that Trainz' install directory so '..\TS12\bin' and '..\bin' would mean the same in usage context.
'..\TS12' means what ever the '..'=initial_pathspec is the way you installed Trainz (i.e. where TS12 is installed on your computer). See also namespec below.
Peter Villaume
Peter Villaume (PEV)
 Peter Villaume (PEV) is a really talented programmer and CC (engineer, actually) situated on the opposite (or Sydney) side of Australia from N3V & Auran Holding's small town location on the Gold Coast near Brisbane, and wrote quite a few Tools to help maintain and update Trainz content (assets) when N3V Games began changing both the Trainz data model and the way CMP & CMs detected and claimed faults. His images2TGA {console version) was bundled with TS2009 by N3V Games. He's also been involved in AssetX technical issues; but aging and becoming less active ceased hosting his tools on his own website in mid-2013 when the task was taken over by Trainz forum guru Shane Turner on his help site.
alt: PEV-tools   general use, Asset updating freeware suite that in later Trainz can fix many error conditions, generate shadow meshes and convert old fashioned v1.x PM to IM mesh files. See Setting up PEVtools and PEVtools pages.
 pm file 
 .pm file 
 progressive mesh   early mesh types produced by 3ds Max, and gmax 3D graphics modeling software suites rendered by Trainz as visual (and invisible) objects acted upon or just displayed by the Trainz software suite. About 2003, IM files replaced the older .pm file (Progressive Mesh) technology as preferred mesh organization for Trainz.
 • Peter Villaume (PEV) wrote the utility tool program PM2IM that converts the old PM files into the IM files.
 • PM2IM.EXE will also 'strip' an IM file mesh file of illegal (non-English character set) glyphs so the asset will function properly.[note 16]

 prototype   Railroad modeling term   The actual operating Railroad Company (road company), or it's rolling stock assets being modeled.
 • A prototype route (map) is a layout, probably DEM generated, based on an actual division or region involving the prototypes Era, and surrounds.
 • Prototype Heraldry are the logos and color schema for it's operating rolling stock.
 • Similarly any building or asset (such as a city hall, train station, bridge or port) can be modeled on it's prototype's design, such as signals used by the eras AT&SF, PRR, B&O, NYC, or B&N road companies; highway signage, bill boards and everything not made up without a real world basis.
 QDR   Quick Database Repair   Selecting QDR from the CM ALT+F7 hotkey or options menu launches the little brother of the Extended Data Base repair, which forces a quick partial database self-audit, including cross-checking installed assets, filenames, and inventory check it's references to the record like ..UserData\Originals, backups and etcetera.
  • It takes a short while (10-30 minutes) but may reconnect files in Assets.tdx, 'open for edit' or those you may have added in other folders as a result; comparatively the EDR takes a much greater time, even with no added content on a system.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 Asset Root
 asset's root or
 asset's root
 local Install's ..\editing subfolder of any Trainz installation usually where Content Manager opens a sub-folder in the Trainz' Installation's ../editing sub-folder;
or sometimes means a users or CC's archive or WIP source folder before importing it into his uploader CM Installation.
In each case the folder defining all of that asset.
Note: Many veteran Trainzer's, esp. CCs keep a second (backup) or third (plain jane) Trainz install to test dependencies on a 'bare' version before uploading.
 Drive Root folder
 Root folder
 local root or
local root folder
  Installed base subfolder of an
hard drive  
 Roots, are the top of a hierarchy of related child folders. In a drive, C:\ is normally the drive root, but not the Windows root which is C:\Windows.
For Trainz, the root is where you let the installer software put a Trainz version when adding the software to your computer. Conventions were C:\Auran\subfolder and later C:\N3V, or D:, E:, or F: hard drives (HDD) with like names. Some put Installs directly off the root of the HDD such as for example: 'F:\$TS12-SP1+hf3' or 'D:\TS09-SP2' , both actual folders on this computer at the moment!)
Hot user tip: Putting Windows and Trainz versions on the same HDD will slow things down, as will installs on the same HDD as the Windows TEMP (cache folders) directory.
 recommit   an asset open for edit   A redo of committing an asset, normally after editing in changes.
 CM action/mode   Reverting a file/asset refers to restoring an asset's files to a pre-change (backup) version using RMBh+d action. A File opened for edit will automatically be deleted when reverting, as if the edit never happened. This can be used to steal a texture or modify an old to a new kuid (Clone manually) and the older version will be re-indexed and used as if no edit had affected the item. It is also useful to test whether a change will validate and/or commit successfully, and can be delayed[note 17] so the changed asset can be tested in the GUI's as well.
 Rules and 
 Driver Commands 
 Trainz Interactive software  A command in a Driver session encapsulated in a little graphic rectangle with icons representing (fronting for) a re-entrant scriptlet in Trainz extensible GameScript language. The only significant difference is the Driver Commands can be dynamically added to a AI Drivers Command queue in Driver, while rules are used to write the session progression—script the scenario.
 fm SAR 
Term (Jargon) 
 lit.:Conditional Search and Replace and Search and Replace, (aka, 'Find and Replace'); variant GSAR=Global Search and Replace (all or nothing, more risky that you may change something you shouldn't than one by one. Use REGEX to narrow risk significantly.
 Scenario   Driver module Scenarios   scenarios were modular interactive scripted software elements which acted as a adjunct to Trainz Driver, and provided the first game experience offering task challenges, scoring, and switching operations. Crude ability to load and load trains off-camera enabled distribution of cars and then picking up the same during the same gaming session. Sessions supplanted use of scenarios as the TrainzScript module was not directly integrated into the game, whereas the session editor was part of Surveyor.
 • Support for Scenarios will not be continued after TS12's service packs.
 Service Pack   Major software upgrade
Main topic coverage: Service Packs
 A computer science term referring to the way data and often new program code are organized and released to (normally) self-update (install) a piece of updated computer software. Windows XP for example had three major Service Pack releases over a lengthy period. Various Trainz release versions, those incorporating the most new technology and changes in the data models have had as many as four.
 session   Sessions= modern Driver module activities similar to driving a scenario   Trainz Sessions are GameScript based Driver module 'scripted game play activities' that create an interactive game play episode with tasks, conditions, and standards set by the Session creator.
 Set notation
{xxx: val-0, val-1, val-2, ..., val-nn}  
 list of 'xxx' typed things are:... values list   example: {tag: category-era-0, category-era-1, category-era-2, ...}
 character array 
 text    an sequence of characters in computer science. Text: characters in some organized order with a meaning. A string is a primitive (basic) data type, generally stored in an array of characters.
 String array   Wikibook term
special container
 data class name 
 Several Trainz legacy tags or keyword's which had numeric suffixes for each declaration have been superseded by defining those values within a quoted string and delimiting (separating) them from the next by 'use of a semicolon' ';'. (See name-xx, category-region-xx, category-era-xx etc. versus username-xx explanations.)
 structure or
 data structure 
 data structure   A computer science term referring to the way data is organized internally in a piece of computer software. Trainz containers and Kinds are higher level Trainz data structures, while simple tags are simple keyword-value paired data values with proscribed enumerated keywords, having a corresponding 'key meaning' in the self-definition of a digital model (Assets).
File:Trainz Routes CDROM patcher control screen publically crediting N3VRF41L Publishing PTY LTD-likely the 1st N3V Trainz project release.JPG
2007's Trainz Routes was likely the 1st N3V-N3VRF41L Publishing PTY LTD- Trainz project release.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 TAD   Trainz Assets
 Where all the goodies bundled or off the web are kept in your Trainz Installation to feed CM, Driver, Surveyor and Railyard. Today's Trainz run a program called TADdaemon in the background to handle multi-tasking activities, including internet interactive gaming.
 TADdaemon   TAD + daemon   A Trainz Asset Database transactions manager added to Trainz in TS09-SP4 and begun and mostly debugged in the TS10's during the same 2008-2010 years.
 • The most important thing to know about the TS09&TS10's TADdaemon is you need to give it 30-45 seconds (to finish its bookkeeping needs) and completely shut down after closing any Trainz install completely—and esp. before rebooting[note 18]or powering down the computer![note 19]
 • Be sure to 'Click on it' to read the above immediately preceding long explanatory NOTE!; Then just Click there on the note to return here!
 • The second most important thing, is that if still active, that 30+ seconds long window was designed to give you time to quit CM and Launch the run-time GUI's, in which case, Trainz will have a handle on the current database state and will load much faster [8].
 • After the avoidable data base crashes from the TS09/TS10 TADdaemon, the TS12-SP1 and Trainz Mac releases all need only a brief 5-6 seconds delay before one can safely shut down.[8] The Quick launch capability was however retained, though this editor[9] prefers keeping CM open and active while running Surveyor or Driver for it's better filtering.
 English jargon: something unsettled yet   lit. To Be Determined or To Be Determined Later, this later form carrying the connotation the tabling of some issue or feature is both by design and intent. Alternatively may mean: To be Defined or Defined Later.
 • Many societies, whether they be business, government, or social, know the best way to eat an Elephant is one bite at a time. Starting is half-done is a truism in allocating scarce time resources, and many decisions can be deferred (such as what might go into blank lines on this table) until a fuller picture of needs is determined, or time is available to address teh topic.
 abbrev for
 The TrainzBaseSpec
 lists common tags and containers
 Fundamental 'parent data set' defines allowed and seen in any asset KIND config.txt file which every self-defining asset or element needs to bootstrap itself in Trainz. The TBS contains the set of defines which are common to and legal in all assets.
 • Some tags are optional, and some KINDs hardly ever define such—often true for building block traincar parts, such as bogeys and hitches, etcetera. Many older content items, for example often do not contain a description string, nor thumbnails container.
 or The TC's
 or TC.exe
 Trainz Classics or the
 TC1&2 Exe file 
 The three Trainz Classics were a desperate attempt for the struggling Auran_Development who'd over-invested in their Fury MMORPG PC video game[10] to raise cash by publishing 'Auran partner's 'High Quality' third party payware content.
 • The same period of financial turmoil saw Tony Hilliam, his family, and his then N3VRF41L Software (now N3V Games)[note 20] inject cash into Auran[note 21]
 • The TRS2006 spinoffs starting with Trainz: The Complete Collection (TCC) and the sparse-in-BI-assets with regional focii such as TRS2007, TRS2008, and all three Trainz Classics. Both classics 1 and 2 were so sparse of built-in content and the complaints & pushback so vocal, the North American distributor Merscom almost immediately combined them into one TC1&2 version.

 abbrev for
 Trainz Classics 1&2
 or TC1
 or TC2
 main: Trainz Classics 1&2    means Trainz Classics 1&2 general shorthand, most widely distributed together by Merscom so grouped by that title. Spurred by nearly dead sales, the TC1&2 release had combined content of TC1 and TC2, so both a futuristic fantasy (Modula City) layout and a North American (New York regional) flavored Railroading Theme, but as TC1 and TC2, each were very sparse of built-in content generally sporting only those assets of it's built-in content.
 • The TC's were a trainz-build version up (TBV 2.7) up from TRS2006, but the JA files of the parent version could be readily copied and added to any of the TC's.
 abbrev for
 Trainz Classics 3
 main Trainz Classics 3    The last of the TRS2006 spin-off versions in this book & general shorthand for Trainz Classics 3 collection, a Trainz Classics release with a British Railroading Theme. TC3 began the process of new developer N3V Games evolving both the data model, especially impacting definitions for locomotives and the JET2 game engine, while supporting easier to configure Options menu entries for newer wide screen monitors.
 • See JA's adding note above in TC1&2. TC3's TBV is v2.8 and featured the payware route Settle & Carlisle, which as updated versions now sold as DLC.


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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 train   railroading term
usu. Loco and consists combined 
 Manipulating digitally modeled virtual trains is what playing in Trainz Driver is all about. Strictly speaking, a collection of rolling stock or train cars, is a consist, an administrative term of art in railroading, the name or identity by which an operating company manages and tracks products and their containers, it's traincars carrying such, to and from the destinations and sources of said cargo.
or The Complete Collection 
+ 'Trainz Routes'
 Formal retail release name of Trainz: The Complete Collection omnibus published by the new Trainz franchise management, N3V Games, via Paradox Interactive under licensing from the remnant of Auran, ca. fall 2007 —repackaged the matured 3 CDROM collection with bundling Trainz UTC + TRS2004-SP4, TRS2006-SP1 and the Trainz Routes (extra content CD) together for distribution.
 • The evidence based on version packaging is that TCC was the first release version distributed by N3V Games, then N3VRF41L Software.
 The TR's or
 The TRS's
 Versions using JET2 game engine,
  including the TC's.
 collective term of convenience, up to 2007, sometimes seen by some as Trainz Golden era, by which the speaker means the hey-day of the Auran Trainz forums.
 Here, Mostly in this book, The TR's or The TRS's: refer to the versions with similar technical capabilities in the run-time GUI modules Driver and Surveyor (regardless of skins), so begin with TRS2004.exe versions and end with the TC's to TC3, spanning the five years 2003-2008 before TS2009's release.
 The TS's
 The TSes
 TS2009, TS2010, & TS12   collective term of convenience, quick shorthand for the three versions released by N3V Games which resumed progressive building of new features onto the base JET2/TRS2006 technology. Comparatively, The TC's, are minor modifications of The TR's techs.

 TLC   American slang   lit. Tender Loving Care—here in the TWB, generally meaning or referring to: 'something' (an asset, usu. a route or session) which needs a lot more work to be acceptably up to the societies grade and standards!
 • A corollary: Don't put things up on the DLS which aren't up to snuff! Share things you are proud of while learning with Dropbox or other cloud services, but don't stress the communities patience with you, nor damage your reputation with premature uploads of junk!
 'Trainz Life-Cycle Policy 
    in this book, shorthand for the controversial and user community disliked Trainz_Life-Cycle_Policy, or at least the heavy-handed implementation of it requiring assets being uploaded to conform to a higher trainz-build level than necessarily (formerly a tech-level tracking system, now perverted to become a retailing tool) needed by the asset's configuration and component parts have need of. Many if not most assets, not requiring or using a tiddly change in the Trainz script libraries, the data models work fine with much lower TB values. Auran/N3V is merely hoping to force people to upgrade to newer generation Trainz releases—so dictating they must buy new computers and video regardless of age, financial circumstances and personal choices.
         in this book, shorthand


Tm to Tz

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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 trackmark   Main article: trackmarks    Trackmarks appear in surveyor and on the Map view (when enabled) as little three-D diamond shapes-most used as way-points; navigation locii like those one might set for in Marine GPS navigation systems.
 • In the Earliest Trainz releases they were used so that users could manually place consists on the Map before Driving a route in freeplay (there were no sessions yet), and morphed in Trainz 1.3 also into way-points, which a scripted assets could use to designate routing through-points or stops for AI-driven trains.
 • With the advent of the expanded interactivity of the TRS's, two variant trackmark types were added to the original red trackmarks (violet and yellow) used respectively to assign a track-class priorities (1st–3rd) and as Track Direction markers—both biasing routing choices by a train's AI-Drivers. In the latter case, the directional indicate a path can only be navigated in one direction (one way streets, in effect) by AI Drivers.
 traincar   rolling stock
 base KIND
 The term 'traincar', while understood to native speakers of English, is slang that translates badly to certain other languages[11] and so is a Trainz term, more than an internationally used railroading term.
 • The widespread use of the term in Trainz discussions, generally synonymous with rolling stock (an acceptable international term![11] But in Trainz mainly a Search and Sorting 'Category' in CM's Search Pane) is due to the fact it is a Parent KIND for both locomotives and freight or passenger vehicles. Even drivable road vehicles, such as some MOW trucks or Trainz Cars (automobiles) are based on traincar as the starting asset kind.
 Trainz 1.x   steps from Beta release Trainz CE to eventual Trainz 1.3   The 2001 simulator which wouldn't quit despite Microsoft's wishes—after 3 service packs in October 2001 to June 2002. Focused not just on game driving activity its Surveyor is the module/tool that makes Trainz special and the Surveyor versions of today look much the same as the original with some different skins/themes and a few improved Surveyor tools options like layers, Pick lists and other incremental changes.


 Trainz Objectz   3rd party TRS2004 utility   Trainz Objectz was a third party authored utility to manage Trainz assets and files in the TRS2004 era, when the Trainz Asset Data base used a directly accessible folder system based on KUIDs. It was perhaps the inspiration for Content Manager Plus (and subsequent CM's) which, along with a new file structure, effectively made it applicable only to Pre-TRS2006 family releases.
 Trainz UTC    Trainz UTC    formal release name of 'UTC', Trainz: Ultimate Trainz Collection, version bundled and upgraded Trainz 1.3, with scenarios introducing TrainzScript and some extra routes and content. Scenarios scripts lead to Scripting and Trainz interactive features (railcars and industries).
         in this book, shorthand TBDL
 Trainz Routes       A 2007 CDROM 'extra content' release of numerous small routes when Auran, impoverished by Fury was desperately trying to raise cash.
 TR04    TRS2004    Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004, in this book, shorthand, often also T'04.
 TR06   TRS2006    Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006, or after it's exe launcher: TRS2006. As Seen some on the forums since TS10 and TS09; and in this book, shorthand; often also T'06.
 TS09    TS2009    TS2009: World Builder Edition or formally: Trainz Simulator 2009: World Builder Edition, ca. 2008-2011[note 22]
 TS10    TS2010    TS2010: Engineer's Edition or formally: Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition, ca. 2009-2011
 general shorthand
 general shorthand
 formally: Trainz Simulator 12 and also metal boxed commemorative set: Trainz 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition or informally: TS2012: 10th Anniversary Edition[12]

 or WB 
 Trainz Wikibook   lit. Trainz Wikibook—this resource so many have taken time to put together for the Trainz societies.



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Term Meaning Comments, clarifications, or notes
 unary value 
 Math and computing term   A unary (lit. from Latin: un+ary), is a single term, or a parameter (variable) "consisting of, or affecting, a single element or component; monadic "[13] as opposed to binary, trinary, or quadary elements. Even placeholder parameters in Trainz are always binary operators, a tag and a value. Pass parameters in Wikimarkup templates although placeholders or named parameters, are always unary--they have only the one part.[14]
 Trainz UTC 
 Ultimate Trainz Collection   Trainz v1.5 general shorthand for the important version that solidified scripting in Trainz, and provided a well written collection of *.doc files about the Trainz data model (The 2nd Content Creator's Guide or CCG) and documented much other How-To which with further development later in TRS2004 gave Trainz interactive railcars and industries.
 whitespace character 
  computer codes    whitespace characters are defined in computer science as binary values representing the 'end of line' (or 'newline') code, the 'tab' and 'vertical-tab' codes, the 'carriage-return' or 'return' code, and most often, the 'space' code.
Note none of these mark a page when printed, and each moves the place the next character code is placed.

Notes and Footnotes

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  1. RMBh+d won't work with all in-game cameras—the Tracking Cameras (3 key mode) are not user controllable should you be viewing a train from one of those; but like the external camera mode (2), the - & {{{1 }}} keys allow sliding the view up or down the length of the train.
     • Panning and movement behavior under the Free Camera (4 mode) may vary for you depending upon how your Options are set in both Surveyor and Driver.
  2. This is a tool by Jelte Jansons to assist users downloading using the web-based version of the Download Station. Due to security changes at N3V's end because of Eastern European software piracy episodes, the tool no longer works correctly.
  3. CDP - Content Dispatcher Pack - these files contain assets that can be installed into Trainz usually by double-clicking the file or by using the Import CDP command in the File menu of Content Manager if using TRS2006 or later.
  4. TADdaemon - Database transactions manager was developed as p/o TS2009 tech, and has the role of safeguarding the database from abrupt events, such as a loss of power. It also allows multiple activities, so running CM 2.0 (even multiples with differing filters!) and Surveyor or Driver SAFELY at the same time, and even updating, repairing and otherwise changing content that will then shortly afterwards become available in Surveyor is what this resource enables. Early problems with the software were eliminated in both TS09 and TS10 in their respective SP4 updates.
  5. IIRC, seen in early Auran Manual s.a. TRS2004 &/or TRS2006's literature.
  6. LARS - Logistics and Resources System, and also the name of the author of the assets/SYSTEM originally only found on TPR
  7. New route builders should check these out. Along with Yarn and Yarnish roads, since these aren't limited by particular track counts, can contain junction divergent tracks, tracks at angles and can be on sloped terrains; using ATLS tech makes many difficult to model crossings possible and in fact, all crossings somewhat easier to faithfully implement.
  8. The rough config, with its assigned KUID, possibly already stubbed in or allocated (Planned? By some, to a scheme by type groups).
  9. 'committed' is the traditional term, the software house that developed TANE for some reason denoted this as 'submitted', and stole the hotkey for opening a asset for edit in explorer as the submittal hotkey! An alternative theory is the TANE & TRS19 development mimic the MAC version of TS12 because the N3V chief programmer is a big Mac fan.
  10. One can 'read as a new asset input source' an altered asset, such as when promoting a kuid to a kuid2...:1 form. Since the folder is not in the edit list, it will be relatively safe, but it's best named differently than its asset-filename or username tag values. The safe play is to keep a second work-in-progress folder such as ..\edithold—a new sister-folder for \editing!
  11. This explains why so many BI assets lack images in the CM Details Pane... they were directly referenced, so stripped, versus those indirectly referenced by texture.txt files.
  12. Many service pack upgrades have been known to take over 16 hours on slower computers. Only add a SP when you know you won't want to slow the computer down, and shut down most all other processes as well!
  13. examples of hotfixes combining several fixes and adjustments of minor bugs:
     • Over exuberant dig holes, plus a menu fix, plus minor mode change, plus tree auto-height adjustment, plus rendering of joined map base boards, and such like.
  14. The TANE and TRS19 releases separate data folders from software code directories (folders) — an much asked for feature by the user community. The separation means each software suite segment can access the same database content, not just port it over into a new folder — effectively just copying most of it. Asset auto-changes because of a new software need or feature are rare, and small in number, making it easier to segregate those assets updated in the software folders and leaving the predecessor database unscathed... a new, more polite and respectful departure for the programmers, but it saves a lot of disk space for Trainzers running many installs, for whatever reasons. (Compatibility checks, archives based on a version, or a favorite route and session etc.)
  15. TS09—TS10 was used to make a transitional implementation of the AURAN JET 2 game engine to TSMac1 and thence to the AURAN JET 3 technology of TS12, which pushes 32 bit computer capabilities to the limit, and was why the improved features promised for TS2009 didn't arrive until SP4. N3V needed more time with it's small programming staff to make all the necessary engineering adjustments to transition the product line to the Mac computer's OS-X OpSys and to take advantage of newer Windows computer improved technologies.
  16. On IM file mesh Stripping: Characters of filenames are strictly enumerated, so certain Unicoded representational codes make their way converted into English UTF-8 as Non-Conformal Names creating illegal texture references in most languages.
     • The key criteria for this syndrome is the asset seems to have perfectly valid textures on inspection, but CM reports it can't load either the mesh or texture, or both. Running PM2IM directly (or from the CMD prompt) lets you launch into the application, use the menu to select the stripping mode (not a default) and load the suspect file. Stripping and re-save of the .im file mesh occurs immediately.
  17. Delay time before an asset is no longer able to be reverted depends upon your backup settings in the Launcher>Options menu. Backups are by date groups, so a setting of 3-7 is reasonable for users with unpredictably sporadic Trainz time; but it means assets should be tested in the GUIs soon after an change edit is made or the backup data might be lost and reverting would become impossible.
  18. Before rebooting after quitting Trainz with a TADdaemon, it is best to use SHFT+ALT+ESC to open and watch its entry in the Windows Task Manager, and wait until Task Manager deletes its process line.
  19. As a transactions manager TADdaemon also allows one to run CM and even multiple times the same CM safely whilst Driving or running Surveyor!
     • The CM's filter tabs will 'interact' and have a mild conflict, but if one sets a static filter up on the first, and a different filter up on the second, Surveyor and the CM's co-exist quite handily. The secret is to only change the filters on the first one launched (which is in control of the data), so 1st define a filter for the second to use and after launching the second, select only that filter and stay with it without alterations therein. Shut the 2nd down first, and all will be peachy keen.[7] (Just don't count on that first CM's 'Current Search' to be unchanged if you refresh!)
     • See also Forum thread: Validating-why-N3V-keeps-loosing-customers-and-what-to-do-about-it
  20. N3V is later shorter form of logo 'N3Vrf4il' or NeverFail Computing)
  21. The exact story and timing on this is unclear and mostly nobodies business but the principles, but in 2007 competitor N3V (N3Vrf4il or Never fail—the name in a certain font and coloring scheme looks cute forming a logo), buy into Auran which had to lay off virtually the whole staff and entered bankruptcy seeking protection from it's creditors. Credits from early trainz releases show Tony Hilliam as an Auran employee or consultant.
     • The Trainz community noticed for the old web server and websites, including the very active Auran.com forums went dark for about six weeks, a traumatic event in the Trainz community, one result being various groups of people got together and created many of the non-Auran forums Trainz sites like Trainz Pro Routes.
     • When the servers came back, the new management team was headed by Tony Hilliam and N3V had acquired publishing rights to the Trainz franchise's various software releases.
     • It appears Hilliam, his family, and his investor associates then later acquired development rights as well as publishing rights, giving TRS2006 the GUI modules facelift with it's ugly bright red brick color theme and after resuming development eventually resulting in TS2009.
  22. TS09 and TS10 were in joint development at the same time. TS09 was released when the technical aims of TS10 were more difficult to accomplish on a broad basis than anticipated. TS10 and TS09 both pioneered different advances in the software, and gradually merged in capabilities, with their respective fourth service packs (SP4). The two releases share many content items, but TS10 introduced new routes, tutorials, and user menu system, as well as advancing the tech into the JET 3 game engine. Both made better use of newer graphics cards capabilities and enabled Trainz to exploit multi-core CPUs. In co-development, the two shared a number of TBV code levels (tech levels) and the five versions span the TBVs 2.9-3.3 (SP0-SP4 for each). The last software update, Beta Tests for Aero Trainz or Multiplayer were only available on TS10-SP4 code builds.


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  1. Shane Turner's Blog: Useful Trainz Abbreviations, accessdate=2016-04-25
  2. Explanation to Fabartus and other's in user group Yesterdayz-Trainz' from former version manager James Moody by email during autumn of 2014
  3. Dictionary.com definition
  4. Mercom games url: [1], distribute TRS2006 releases. URL valid on 2015-0815
     • Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 on PC February 2, 2006
     • Trainz Railwayz on PCs October 8, 2007
     • Trainz: Driver Edition on PC September 19, 2006
     • source and dates by Merscom at url given.
  5. Trainz: The Complete Collection: This boxed set has N3VRF41L Pty Ltd's logo prominently on the packaging. Published 2007. Pictured in collection on Trainz 1st Page. That edition may be the first released by the new (probably interim, provisional) Auran operations head, Tony Hilliam, proprietor of N3VRF31L during the Auran bankruptcy.
  6. Paradox Interactive games url: https://www.paradoxplaza.com/games, & etc. valid on 2015-0815
  7. On running multiple Trainz CMs: Conclusion of observations by informal but systematic "TS12 Stress Tests" by Computer Engineer Fabartus, June of 2014.
  8. a b Dec2013 email from (then) versions manager, James Moody to Fabartus on Trainz technical matters for the N3V Wiki and WB.
  9. Editor, computer engineer, and route builder Frank Bartus (Fabartus)
  10. From Auran and N3V Games combined history/article
  11. a b The author, Fabartus, got into a several days long discussion on properly naming categories under internationalization NAMCON guidelines on the Wikimedia Commons website over the use of the term—and lost the argument (gracefully).
  12. Simulator Central ('Official') title: Trainz 10th Anniversary Collector's edition, accessdate=2015-0907
  13. unary. Dictionary.com. The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing. Denis Howe. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unary (accessed: September 18, 2014).
  14. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): via Dictionary.com, "unary," in The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing. Source location: Denis Howe. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unary. Available: http://dictionary.reference.com. Accessed: September 18, 2014.