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59 documents matched the search for the 2018-01-01 issue of the NEP report on Macroeconomics (nep-mac), currently edited by Daniela Cialfi.
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The debt tax shield, economic growth and inequality,
Marcel Fischer and Bjarne Astrup Jensen, from arqus - Arbeitskreis Quantitative Steuerlehre (2017)
Keywords: debt tax shield, macroeconomic growth, redistributive tax system

Youth and gender-specific unemployment and Okun's law in Germany and Poland,
Sophie Dunsch, from European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Department of Business Administration and Economics (2017)
Keywords: Youth Unemployment, Okun's Law, Poland, Germany

Did the exchange rate interventions enhance inflation in Switzerland?,
Libor Žídek and Magdalena Šuterová, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017)
Keywords: Swiss National Bank, exchange rate interventions, exchange rate passthrough, SVAR

Macroeconomic implications of oil price fluctuations: a regime-switching framework for the euro area,
Fédéric Holm-Hadulla and Kirstin Hubrich, from European Central Bank (2017)
Keywords: inflation, inflation expectations, oil prices, regime switching models, time-varying transition probabilities

Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas,
Fernando González-Laxe, José Francisco Armesto-Pina and Patricio Sánchez-Fernández, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Salaries, Galicia, National Accounts, EPA, Taxation, Salary Survey

Investing in Human Capital to Boost Growth!,
Floro Caroleo and Francesco Pastore, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2017)
Keywords: public investment, aggregate human capital, economic growth, educational reforms, 3+2 University Reform

The strong increase of Austrian government debt in the Kreisky era: Austro-Keynesianism or just stubborn forecast errors?,
Florian Brugger and Joern Kleinert, from University of Graz, Department of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Fiscal policy; Government debt; Forecast errors; Narrative economics

International Transmission of Financial Shocks without Financial Integration,
Ryoji Ohdoi, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Financial Frictions, Dynamic Ricardian Trade with a Continuum of Goods, Heterogeneous Agents, Asymmetric Countries, Credit Crunch

A New Keynesian model with unemployment: The effect of on-the-job search,
Zeynep Kantur and Kerim Keskin, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017)
Keywords: New Keynesian model, employment-to-employment flow, unemployment fluctuations, the Shimer puzzle, search and matching

Capital and liquidity buffers and the resilience of the banking system in the euro area,
Katarzyna Budnik and Paul Bochmann, from European Central Bank (2017)
Keywords: capital requirements, liquidity requirements, macroprudential policy, monetary policy

Employment Adjustment and Part-time Work: Lessons from the United States and the United Kingdom,
Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Etienne Lalé, from CIRANO (2017)
Keywords: Employment,Hours,Part-time Work,Business Cycles,Demand and Supply of Labor,

Capturing macroprudential regulation effectiveness: A DSGE approach with shadow intermediaries,
Federico Lubello and Abdelaziz Rouabah, from Central Bank of Luxembourg (2017)
Keywords: DSGE models, Macroprudential Policy, Shadow Banking, SMEs

How do the EM Central Bank talk? A Big Data approach to the Central Bank of Turkey,
Joaquin Iglesias, Alvaro Ortiz and Tomasa Rodrigo, from BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department (2017)
Keywords: Working Paper , Central Banks , Digital economy , Economic Analysis , Emerging Economies , Turkey

A BVAR Model for Forecasting of Czech Inflation,
František Brázdik and Michal Franta, from Czech National Bank (2017)
Keywords: BVAR, forecast evaluation, inflation targeting, real-time forecasting

The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks on the Volatility of Commodity Prices,
Dimitrios Bakas and Athanasios Triantafyllou, from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (2017)
Keywords: Economic Uncertainty, Commodity Prices, Volatility

The impact of health on labour supply near retirement,
Richard Blundell, Jack Britton, Monica Costa Dias and Eric French, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2017)
Keywords: Health, cognition, labor supply, retirement

Does Business Confidence Matter for Investment?,
Hashmat Khan and Santosh Upadhayaya, from Carleton University, Department of Economics (2019)
Keywords: Business confidence, Investment, Forecasting, Downturns, Directional forecasts

Macroeconomic Implications of Financial Imperfections: A Survey,
Stijn Claessens and Ayhan Kose, from Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum (2017)
Keywords: Asset prices, balance sheets, credit, financial accelerator, financial intermediation, financial linkages, international linkages, leverage, liquidity, macro-financial linkages, output, real-financial linkages.

Tax Reform, Unhealthy Commodities and Endogenous Health,
Jiunn Wang, Laura Marsiliani and Thomas Renstrom, from Durham University, Department of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Unhealthy commodities taxation, endogenous health, tax reform

Optimal Inflation with Corporate Taxation and Financial Constraints,
Daria Finocchiaro, Giovanni Lombardo, Caterina Mendicino and Philippe Weil, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2017)
Keywords: optimal monetary policy; Friedman rule; credit frictions; tax benefits of debt

Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability,
Hilde Bjørnland, Vegard Larsen and Junior Maih, from Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University (2017)
Keywords: Oil price, Great Moderation, New-Keynesian model, Markov Switching

Can the Adoption of the Euro in Croatia Reduce the Cost of Borrowing?,
Davor Kunovac and Nina Pavić, from The Croatian National Bank, Croatia (2017)
Keywords: euro, borrowing costs, CDS premium, credit rating, Croatia

Predicting US Inflation: Evidence from a New Approach,
Afees Salisu and Kazeem Isah, from Centre for Econometric and Allied Research, University of Ibadan (2017)
Keywords: OECD; US, Phillips curve, Asymmetries, Inflation forecasts, Forecast evaluation

Forecast Performance in Times of Terrorism,
Jonathan Benchimol and Makram El-Shagi, from Center for Financial Development and Stability at Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China (2017)
Keywords: inflation, exchange rate, forecast performance, terrorism, market forecast, expert forecast

The condition of and prospects for the private equity funds market in Poland (Stan i perspektywy rozwoju rynku funduszy private equity w Polsce),
Barbara Nowakowska, Piotr Noceñ, Micha³ Surowski and Micha³ Popio³ek, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Financial institutions and Services, Non-bank Financial Institutions, Institutional Investors

VAT non-compliance in Poland under scrutiny (Problem nieœci¹galnoœci VAT w Polsce pod lup¹),
Grzegorz Poniatowski, Jaros³aw Neneman and Tomasz Michalik, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics

Economic Policy and Macroeconomic Developments in Hungary, 2010-2015,
Gábor Oblath, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: Economic policy in Hungary, macroeconomic developments, international comparisons, EU transfers, institutional quality

Economic policy, the international environment and the state of Poland’s public finances: Scenarios,
Aleksander £aszek, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2017)
Keywords: Public finance, general government debt, general government deficit, structural deficit

Russia’s Crony Capitalism: Stagnant But Stable,
Anders Aslund, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2017)
Keywords: Russia, crony capitalism, corruption, macroeconomic policy, economic growth, gas and oil

More for less: What tax system for Poland?,
Stanis³aw Gomu³ka, Jaros³aw Neneman and Michal Myck, from CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research (2017)
Keywords: Economic and Finance, Fiscal Policy, Tax policy

What do aggregate saving rates (not) show?,
Alexey A. Ponomarenko and Alexey N. Ponomarenko, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017)
Keywords: saving, economic growth, credit, agent-based model, national accounts

Investigating the macroeconomic determinants of household debt in South Africa,
Anelisa Nomatye and Andrew Phiri, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Household debt; Quantile regressions; South Africa.

Ukraine: Selected Economic Issues,
Vasily Astrov and Leon Podkaminer, from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw (2017)
Keywords: monetary policy, inflation targeting, pension systems

Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments,
Hyeongwoo Kim and Bijie Jia, from Department of Economics, Auburn University (2017)
Keywords: Government Spending; Consumer Sentiment; Survey of Professional Forecasters; Nonlinear VAR; Counterfactual Simulations

Optimal Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy Interaction in a non-Ricardian Economy,
Massimiliano Rigon and Francesco Zanetti, from Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics (2017)
Keywords: Optimal monetary policy, ?fiscal and monetary policy interaction.

Central Bank Optimism as a Policy Tool: Evidence from the Bank of England,
Tola Adesina, from Birkbeck, Department of Economics, Mathematics & Statistics (2017)
Keywords: Central Bank Communication, Monetary Policy, Optimism.

The Golden Rule of Longevity,
Gylfi Zoega and Gylfi Zoega, from Birkbeck, Department of Economics, Mathematics & Statistics (2017)
Keywords: Health care expenditures, golden rule, productivity.

Funzioni economiche del risparmio per il buon funzionamento dell'economia,
Pietro Alessandrini, from Money and Finance Research group (Mo.Fi.R.) - Univ. Politecnica Marche - Dept. Economic and Social Sciences (2017)
Keywords: saving, investment, macroeconomy

Bayesian Inference for Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Markov-Switching Heteroskedasticity,
Helmut Lütkepohl and Tomasz Woźniak, from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (2017)
Keywords: Identification through heteroskedasticity, Markov-Switching models, Savage-Dickey Density Ratio, monetary policy shocks, Divisia Money

An Overview of Inflation-Targeting Frameworks: Institutional Arrangements, Decision-making, & the Communication of Monetary Policy,
Alberto Naudon and Andrés Pérez, from Central Bank of Chile (2017) Downloads

Consumer lending in Russia: prospects and risks based on household finance survey,
Mariam Mamedli and Andrey Sinyakov, from Bank of Russia (2017) Downloads

Drivers of price inertia: survey evidence,
Nataliya Karlova, Irina Bogacheva and Elena Puzanova, from Bank of Russia (2017)
Keywords: price inertia, price-setting behaviour of companies, inflation expectations, Inflexible pricing policy, survey of companies, Russia

Asymmetric effects of monetary policy in regional housing markets,
Knut Are Aastveit and Andre Anundsen, from Norges Bank (2017)
Keywords: House prices, Heterogeneity, Monetary policy, Non-linearity, Supply elasticities

The Impact of Uncertainty on Financial Institutions,
Christopher Baum, Mustafa Caglayan and Bing Xu, from Boston College Department of Economics (2018)
Keywords: financial depth; profitability; non-interest income; stability; uncertainty

A Kinked-Demand Theory of Price Rigidity,
Stéphane Dupraz, from Banque de France (2017)
Keywords: Kinked demand; Sticky prices; Coordination failures; Phillips curve.

Housing booms and busts and local fiscal policy,
Albert Solé-Ollé and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, from Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada (XREAP) (2017)
Keywords: Tax volatility, forward-looking behavior, policy myopia

Fiscal Consolidation Programs and Income Inequality,
Pedro Brinca, Miguel H. Ferreira, Francesco Franco, Hans Holter and Laurence Malafry, from Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER), University of Coimbra (2017)
Keywords: fiscal consolidation, income inequality, fiscal multipliers, public debt, income risk.

Explaining the Historic Rise in Financial Profits in the US Economy,
Costas Lapavitsas and Ivan Mendieta-MuÃ’oz, from Department of Economics, SOAS University of London, UK (2017)
Keywords: Rise in financial profits, financialisation, U.S. economy

Government Expenditure Ceiling and Public Debt Dynamics in a Demand-led Macromodel,
Rafael Saulo Marques Ribeiro and Gilberto Lima, from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (2017)
Keywords: Fiscal policy; government expenditure ceiling; growth; public debt stability; income distribution.

Combining Monetary Policy and Prudential Regulation: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach,
Michel Alexandre and Gilberto Lima, from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (2017)
Keywords: Agent-based modeling; monetary policy; financial stability; prudential Regulation.

Central bank financial strength and inflation: an empirical reassessment considering the key role of the fiscal support,
Julien Pinter, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2017)
Keywords: Central bank financial strength; Central bank capital; Central bank balance sheet; Inflation; Fiscal space; Central bank law

Income-Factor Polarization: A Methodological Approach,
Marco Ranaldi, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2017)
Keywords: Income Distribution; Lorenz Curve; Polarization curve; Income-Source Polarization

Constraints on LTV as a macroprudential tool: a precautionary tale,
José Garcia Montalvo and Josep M. Raya, from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2017) Downloads

The Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Shocks on U.S. Inequality: The Role of Uncertainty,
Goodness Aye, Matthew Clance and Rangan Gupta, from University of Pretoria, Department of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Inequality, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Uncertainty

Teaching Modern Macroeconomics in the Mundell-Fleming Language: The IS-MPR-UIP-AD-AS Model,
Waldo Mendoza, from Departamento de Economía - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2017)
Keywords: Teaching macroeconomics, Inflation Targeting Scheme, Mundell-Fleming Model, Open-Economy New Keynesian Model, monetary policy rule

Giovanni Scarano, from Department of Economics - University Roma Tre (2017)
Keywords: Stagnation, Capacity Utilization, Corporate Savings, Financialisation, Financial Crises.

Estimating the Benefits and Costs of New and Disappearing Products,
Walter Diewert and Robert Feenstra, from Vancouver School of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Hicksian reservation prices, virtual prices, Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher, Törnqvist and Sato-Vartia price indexes

The Digital Economy, New Products and Consumer Welfare,
Walter Diewert, Kevin J. Fox Fox and Paul Schreyer, from Vancouver School of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Maximum overlap indexes, Hicksian reservation prices, Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher and Törnqvist price indexes

Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates,
Claudio Borio, Piti Disyatat, John Juselius and Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul, from Bank for International Settlements (2017)
Keywords: real interest rate, natural interest rate, saving, investment, inflation, monetary policy

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