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CAMA Working Papers

From Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
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2012-34: Matching efficiency and business cycle fluctuations Downloads
Francesco Furlanetto and Nicolas Groshenny
2012-33: Prediction Markets for Economic Forecasting Downloads
Erik Snowberg, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz
2012-32: Currency Intervention: A Case Study of an Emerging Market Downloads
Renee Fry-McKibbin and D Sumila Wanaguru
2012-31: Episodes of large exchange rate appreciations and reserves accumulations in selected Asian economies: Is fear of appreciations justified? Downloads
Victor Pontines and Reza Siregar
2012-30: Financial frictions and the role of investment specific technology shocks in the business cycle Downloads
Gunes Kamber, Christie Smith and Christoph Thoenissen
2012-29: Correlations between biofuels and related commodities: A taxonomy perspective Downloads
Ladislav Krištoufek, Karel Janda and David Zilberman
2012-28: Time Compression Downloads
David Aadland and Sherrill Shaffer
2012-27: What Drives FDI Policy Liberalization? An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati and Arusha Cooray
2012-26: Does Modeling Jumps Help? A Comparison of Realized Volatility Models for Risk Prediction Downloads
Yin Liao
2012-25: Coerced Reciprocal Dealing and the Leverage Theory Downloads
Kalyn Coatney and Sherrill Shaffer
2012-24: Information immobility, industry concentration, and institutional investors' performance Downloads
Mark Fedenia, Sherrill Shaffer and Hilla Skiba
2012-23: Bank Failure Risk: Different Now? Downloads
Sherrill Shaffer
2012-22: Reciprocal Deposits and Incremental Bank Risk Downloads
Sherrill Shaffer
2012-21: Optimal Capital Income Taxation with Means-tested Benefits Downloads
Cagri Kumru and John Piggott
2012-20: Testing external habits in an asset pricing model Downloads
Melisso Boschi, Stefano d'Addona and Aditya Goenka
2012-19: Sales, Inventories, and Real Interest Rates: A Century of Stylized Facts Downloads
Luca Benati and Thomas A Lubik
2012-18: Marginal Likelihood Estimation with the Cross-Entropy Method Downloads
Joshua Chan and Eric Eisenstat
2012-17: The Fiscal Multiplier and Spillover in a Global Liquidity Trap Downloads
Ippei Fujiwara and Kozo Ueda
2012-16: On the correspondence between data revision and trend-cycle decomposition Downloads
Mardi Dungey, Jan Jacobs, Jing Tian and Simon van Norden
2012-15: Looking Inward for Transformative Growth in China Downloads
Rodney Tyers
2012-14: Adaptive Forcasting in the Presence of Recent and Ongoing Structural Change Downloads
Liudas Giraitis, George Kapetanios and Simon Price
2012-13: Estimation in Non-Linear Non-Gaussian State Space Models with Precision-Based Methods Downloads
Joshua Chan and Rodney Strachan
2012-12: Global Fiscal Adjustment and Trade Rebalancing Downloads
Warwick McKibbin, Andrew B Stoeckel and Yingying Lu
2012-11: A theoretical foundation for the Nelson and Siegel class of yield curve models Downloads
Leo Krippner
2012-10: Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models Downloads
Pablo Guerron and James Nason
2012-09: Deep Habits in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve Downloads
Thomas A. Lubik and Wing Leong Teo
2012-08: A New Model of Trend Inflation Downloads
Joshua Chan, Gary Koop and Simon Potter
2012-07: Modelling breaks and clusters in the steady states of macroeconomic variables Downloads
Joshua Chan and Gary Koop
2012-06: Demographic Dividends, Dependencies and Economic Growth in China and India Downloads
Jane Golley and Rodney Tyers
2012-05: Modifying Gaussian term structure models when interest rates are near the zero lower bound (this is a revised version of CAMA working paper 36/2011) Downloads
Leo Krippner
2012-04: How Should We Bank With Foreigners? An Empirical Assessment of Lending Behaviour of International Banks to Six East Asian Countries Downloads
Victor Pontines and Reza Siregar
2012-03: Evidence on a DSGE Business Cycle model subject to Neutral and Investment-Specific Technology Shocks using Bayesian Model Averaging Downloads
Rodney Strachan and Herman van Dijk
2012-02: The Household Effects of Government Spending Downloads
Francesco Giavazzi and Michael McMahon
2012-01: Identifying News Shocks with Forecast Data Downloads
Yasuo Hirose and Takushi Kurozumi
2011-38: The financial accelerator and monetary policy rules Downloads
Gunes Kamber and Christoph Thoenissen
2011-36: Modifying Gaussian term structure models when interest rates are near the zero lower bound Downloads
Leo Krippner
2011-35: Enter the Dragon: Interactions between Chinese, US and Asia-Pacific Equity Markets, 1995-2010 Downloads
Richard Burdekin and Pierre Siklos
2011-34: International risk sharing and commodity prices Downloads
Martin Berka, Mario Crucini and Chih-Wei Wang
2011-33: Carry Trades and Financial Crisis: An Analytical Perspective Downloads
D Sumila Wanaguru
2011-32: Sectoral Productivity, Structural Change and Convergence Downloads
Alison Stegman
2011-31: Climbing the electricity ladder generates carbon Kuznets curve downturns Downloads
Paul Burke
2011-30: Systematic and Liquidity Risk in Subprime-Mortgage Backed Securities Downloads
Mardi Dungey, Gerald Dwyer and Thomas Flavin
2011-29: Cyclical Changes in Firm Volatility Downloads
Emmanuel De Veirman and Andrew Levin
2011-28: Time Varying Dimension Models Downloads
Joshua Chan, Gary Koop, Roberto Leon-Gonzales and Rodney Strachan
2011-27: Probabilistic interest rate setting with a shadow board: A description of the pilot project Downloads
Timo Henckel, Shaun Vahey and Elizabeth Wakerly
2011-26: A SVECM Model of the UK Economy and The Term Premium Downloads
Mardi Dungey and M.tugrul Vehbi
2011-25: Bayesian Inference in a Time Varying Cointegration Model Downloads
Gary Koop, Roberto Leon-Gonzales and Rodney Strachan
2011-24: Auction Prices, Market Share, and a Common Agent Downloads
Kalyn Coatney, Sherrill Shaffer and Dale J. Menkhaus
2011-23: Forecasting in the presence of recent structural change Downloads
Jana Eklund, George Kapetanios and Simon Price
2011-22: Financial intermediation and the internationalbusiness cycle: The case of small countries with big banks Downloads
Gunes Kamber and Christoph Thoenissen
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