ERSA conference papers
From European Regional Science Association Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Gunther Maier (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 05p110: A simultaneous two-dimensionally constraint disaggregate trip generation, distribution and mode choice model - Theory and application for a Swiss national model
- Milenko Vrtic, Christian Schiller, Dieter Lohse and Axhausen Kw
- 05p109: A concept for evaluating innovation related actions under the EU Structural Funds
- Tanja Fleischhauer
- 05p108: Firm location, Corporate Structure, R&D Investment, Innovation and Productivity
- Börje Johansson, Hans Lööf and Amy Olsson
- Daniela Constantin and Luminita Nicolescu
- 05p105: The role of forestry in flood management in a Welsh upland catchment
- Graham Hall and Roger Cratchley
- Chryssanthi Balomenou, Panagyiotis Arsenos and Dimitris Lagos
- 05p103: Internationalisation of companies and local upgrading of peripheries - The Example of VW Navarre in the European automobile production system
- Martina Fuchs
- 05p102: Complexity in decision-making - the case of Maasvlakte - Connecting decisions, arenas and actors in spatial decision-making
- Marcel Van Gils and Erik-Hans Klijn
- 05p101: Programs of regional development revisited - case of the Russian Federation
- Alexander Granberg and Alexander Pelyasov
- 05p100: Sustainable Landscape Development with Regional Parks - Overcoming Problems of Landscape Multifunctionality in Urban Agglomerations
- Ludger Gailing
- 05p98: Competitiveness and regional growth in the European Union: unit labour costs disparities
- Óscar Rodil-Marzábal
- 05p96: Water - Spatial Network Pricing
- Yuri Yegorov
- 05p95: Living conditions and subjective well-being of farmers - An ordered response analysis of regional differences and changes over time
- Hild-Marte Bjørnsen
- 05p93: Regional Business Cycles and National Economic Borders - What are the Effects of Trade in Developing Countries?
- Christian Ariel Volpe Martincus and Andrea Molinari
- Andrea Bonaccorsi, Lucia Piscitello and Cristina Rossi
- 05p91: Spatial and multidimensional analysis of the Dutch housing market using the Kohonen Map and GIS
- Tom Kauko and Roland Goetgeluk
- 05p87: The Opportunities and Limits of Regional Policy-Making - some Critical Remarks on the Belgian Case
- Wouter Blomme, Tine Boucké, Carl Devos, Sofie Staelraeve and Tom Verstraete
- 05p86: Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations - Potentials and Limitations for Financing of Local Development in Croatia
- Dubravka Jurlina Alibegovic
- 05p84: Land Use mix and Daily Mobility - the Case of Bordeaux, France
- Guillaume Pouyanne
- 05p83: Practical Modelling of Trip Rescheduling under Congested Conditions
- John Bates
- 05p81: Models for Dynamic Panels in Space and Time - an Application to Regional Unemployment in the EU
- J.Paul Elhorst
- Mogens Fosgerau
- 05p76: Policy Making for Global Transportation Planning using the Delphi-Scenario Writing with a New Concept of 'Future Vision'
- Kawano Masaya and Koyanagi Kenta
- 05p75: Employment Assimilation of Immigrants - Evidence from Finland
- Kari Hämäläinen, Aki Kangasharju, Sari Pekkala Kerr and Matti Sarvimäki
- 05p72: Welfare Regimes in the UE 15 and in the Enlarged Europe - an Exploratory Analysis
- Leonor Vasconcelos Ferreira and Adelaide Figueiredo
- 05p70: Clusters and Territorial-Industrial Complexes - Similar Approaches or Different Concepts? - first Evidence from Analysis of Development of Russian Regions
- Igor Pilipenko
- 05p68: The Regional Effects of European Integration - an Empirical Analysis of Three Enlargement Episodes
- Peter Huber
- 05p67: How do Changes in Land Use Patterns Affect Species Diversity? an Approach for Optimizing Landscape Configuration
- Annelie Holzkamper, Ralf Seppelt and Angela Lausch
- 05p66: Sectoral Movement as an Incentive for Interregional Migration
- Alexander Kubis
- 05p63: Industrial Cores and Peripheries in Brazil
- Ricardo Ruiz and Edson Domingues
- 05p62: Regional Differences in Productivity Growth in the Netherlands - an Industry-level Growth Accounting
- Lourens Broersma and Jouke van Dijk
- 05p61: IMPROVING TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN CLUSTERS - LESSONS FROM THREE PORT CLUSTERS Improving Training and Education in Clusters - Lessons from Three Port Clusters
- Peter de Langen
- 05p59: Empirically Derived Suitability Maps to Downscale Aggregated Land Use Data
- Nicolas Dendoncker, Mark Rounsevell and Patrick Bogaert
- 05p58: Optimal Location of New Forests in a Suburban Area
- Ellen Moons, Bert Saveyn, Stef Proost and Martin Hermy
- 05p56: Does the Shape of a Territory Influence the Locations of Human Activities? a Numerical Geography Approach
- Dominique Peeters and Isabelle Thomas
- 05p55: The Amenity Value of Agricultural Landscape and Rural-Urban Land Allocation
- Aliza Fleischer and Yacov Tsur
- 05p51: Industrial Employment Growth in Spanish Regions - the Role Played by Size, Innovation, and Spatial Aspects
- José L. Calvo
- 05p50: Measuring Urban Sprawl - how Can we Deal with It?
- Amnon Frenkel and Maya Ashkenazi
- 05p49: Survival Chances of Start-Ups - do Regional Conditions Matter?
- Oliver Falck
- 05p46: Agglomeration Economies and Growth in Italian Local Labour Systems 1991-2001
- Raffaele Paci and Stefano Usai
- 05p42: Introducing Price Signals into Land Use Planning Decision-making - a Proposal
- Paul Cheshire and Stephen Sheppard
- 05p41: Spatial Impact of New Housing Trends in the Periphery of Istanbul Metropolitan Area
- Tuba Inal Cekic and Ferhan Gezici
- 05p39: Thresholds for Employment and Unemployment - a Spatial Analysis of German Regional Labour Markets 1992-2000
- Reinhold Kosfeld and Christian Dreger
- 05p37: Cost Efficiency of Finnish Municipalities in Basic Service Provision 1994-2002
- Heikki Loikkanen and Ilkka Susiluoto
- 05p36: Economic Co-operation of the Regions of Russia with Turkmenistan
- Vyacheslav Vashanov and Jahan Orazdurdiyeva
- 05p32: Effects of Non-Spatial EU Policies on Spatial Developments - the Case of the Netherlands
- David Evers
- 05p31: Regional Labour Productivity in The Netherlands - Diversification and Agglomeration Economies
- Lourens Broersma and Jan Oosterhaven
- 05p30: Privatization and Cooperative Management in the Provision of Public Services in the Rural United States
- John Halstead and Peter Girard
- 05p28: Regeneration of Dutch Urban Districts - the Role of Housing Associations
- Hugo Priemus
- 05p26: Escaping the “Polluter Pays” Trap - Financing Wastewater Treatment on the Tijuana-San Diego Border
- Itay Fischhendler
- 05p23: The Intra Industry Trade between Portugal European Union, Portugal Spain, Portugal-France, Portugal Germany, Portugal-Ireland, Portugal-Greece and Portugal-Netherlands - a Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (1996 2000)
- Horácio Faustino and Nuno Carlos Leitão
- 05p21: Determinants of Skills Shortages and Hard-to-Fill Vacancies in the Hospitality Sector
- Andrés J. Marchante, Bienvenido Ortega and Ricardo Pagán
- 05p19: Matrix Land Use Analysis - a Case Study of Landscape Changes in Israeli Carmel Area
- Michael Sonis, Maxim Shoshany and Naftali Goldschlager
- 05p18: Central Place Theory after Christaller and Further Explorations - in Memory of August Loesch, 15 October 1906- 30 May 1945
- Michael Sonis
- 05p17: Household Water Demand Estimation using Micro-Level Data
- Marie-Estelle Binet, Stéphanie Durand, Michel Paul and Fabrizio Carlevaro
- 05p16: RyanairÂ’s Impact on Airline Market Share from the London Area Airports - a Time Series Analysis
- David Pitfield
- 05p14: Impacts of Reallocation of Resource Constraints on the Northeast Economy of Brazil
- Geoffrey Hewings, Chokri Dridi and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 05p13: European Urban Growth - throwing some Economic Light into the Black Box
- Paul Cheshire and Stefano Magrini
- 05p12: Population Growth in European Cities - Weather Matters, but only Nationally
- Paul Cheshire and Stefano Magrini
- 05p11: European Integration and the Future of Social Policy Making
- Theodoros Iosifides and George Korres
- 05p10: Modeling the Technological Change and Innovation Activities for Estimation of Productivity Growth
- George Korres, Theodoros Iosifides and George Tsobanoglou
- 05p9: Multi-Objective Programming for the Allocation of Trans-Boundary Water Resources - the Case of the Euphrates and Tigris
- Mehmet Kucukmehmetoglu and Jean-Michel Guldmann
- 05p8: Influence of Transformation Demographic Model on Economic Development of Russia
- Maria Kopeykina
- 05p7: New Ways through the Alps The New Gotthard Base Tunnel - Impact of a Big Construction Site on a Small Mountain Village
- Simone Strauf and Manfred Walser
- 05p6: Pan-European Regional Income Growth and Club-Convergence - Insights from a Spatial Econometric Perspective
- Manfred Fischer and Claudia Stirböck
- 05p5: The Geography of Knowledge Spillovers between High-Technology Firms in Europe - Evidence from a Spatial Interaction Modelling Perspective
- Manfred Fischer, Thomas Scherngell and Eva Jansenberger
- 04p697: Modelling leadership and institutional factors in endogenous regional development
- Robert J Stimson and Roger R. Stough
- 04p693: Modelling cross-border transport: Three cases in Öresund
- Tom Petersen
- 04p692: Regional distribution of the knowledge based economy in the eu: towards an oligocentric model?
- Xavier Vence-Deza and Manuel González-López
- 04p691: The Determinants of Brazilian Pulp exports from 1980 to 2001
- Carlos José Caetano Bacha and Adriana E. SanJuan
- 04p689: Changing of the spatial development means and institution in hungary after the change of regime
- Krisztina Sóvágó and Valéria Jusztin
- 04p687: A simulation of segregation in cities and its application for the analysis of price regulation
- Wolfgang Wagner
- 04p684: New urban settlements in a perspective of public and private interests
- Marcus Adolphson
- 04p682: Regional distribution of foreign manufacturing investment in Spain. Do agglomeration economies matter?
- Angels PelegrÃn Solé
- 04p681: Territorial Marketing: A useful tool for competitiveness of rural and peripheral areas
- Anabela Dinis
- 04p680: Airline Price Competition: A Time Series Analysis of 'Low-Cost' Carriers
- David Edward Pitfield
- 04p678: The supply of transports in the european atlantic arc: a strength of infrastructures transeuropeas for the development of the regional economies
- José Antonio DÃaz Fernández
- 04p677: Port Areas Planning and effects of Port-City Barrier
- Bernardo Sánchez Pavón
- 04p676: The Model of Rural Development in Galicia: analysis and prospects
- Bernardo Sánchez Pavón
- 04p674: Evaluation of Cross-Border Leakages in Community Support Frameworks. The case of Andalusia (Spain)
- Antonio Morillas, Laura Moniche and J. Castro
- 04p667: Wages and Job Satisfaction in Portugal
- José Vieira, João Couto and Maria Teresa Tiago
- 04p660: Urban Green Space Policies: Performance and Success Conditions in European Cities
- Tüzin Baycan-Levent and Peter Nijkamp
- 04p657: Economic and Social Cohesion in the EU: a critical approach
- Juan Cuadrado-Roura, Rubén Garrido-Yserte and Miguel Ángel Marcos
- 04p652: New Constitution, New Europe: What About (Fiscal) Federalism?
- Rui Alves
- 04p650: e-clustering - an innovative approach for economic policy
- Ute Hansen
- 04p647: Economic evaluation of the spanish port system using the promethee multicriteria decision method
- Castillo Manzano Jose Ignacio, Maria Teresa Arevalo Quijada and Maria Mercedes Castro Nuño
- 04p642: The Role of Multinational Corporations in Metropolitan Innovation Systems – Empirical Evidence from Europe and South-East Asia
- Javier Revilla Diez and Martin Berger
- 04p641: Wages and Employment Growth: Disaggregated Evidence for West Germany
- Jens Suedekum and Uwe Blien
- 04p640: Regional and demographic determinants of poverty in Brazil
- Carlos Azzoni, André Souza and Veridiana Nogueira
- 04p639: Evaluating future urbanisation patterns in the Netherlands
- Eric Koomen and Jan Groen
- 04p638: The new economic geography versus urban economics: an evaluation using local wage rates in Great Britain
- Bernard Fingleton
- 04p637: To Divest or not to Divest? Social Assets in Russian Firms
- Tuuli Juurikkala and Olga Lazareva
- 04p632: Strategic Planning and Public Opinion Survey
- Oto Hudec and Natasa Urbancikova
- 04p631: The Kina Model. A tool for exploring the spatial population development in China by large scale micro simulation
- Peder Axensten, Zhongxin Chen and Shenghe Liu
- 04p627: Regional competitiveness in tourist local systems
- Francesco Capone
- 04p626: Multinational lessons from local and regional economic development agencies
- Andrew Beer, Terry L. Clower, Alaric Maude and Graham Haughton
- 04p625: Homelessness as an Impediment to Urban Revitalization: the Case of Dallas, Texas
- Bernard L. Weinstein and Terry L. Clower
- 04p621: Portuguese intermunicipal organization - Basic principles
- Rui Alves
- 04p620: Development Scenarios of Sustainability for Golf: The Algarve Case
- Antonia Correia, Nuno Videira, Victor Martins, Inês Alves, Catarina Ramires and Rui Subtil
- 04p619: Regional E-Government - some problems from Czech regions point of view
- Jan Capek
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