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Economics at your fingertips  

Books and Chapters

Economics Study Area Special Reports West Center, Economics Study Area
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Book Chapters
81 Chapters, 67 with downloads
Forecasting Report
235 Books, 100 with downloads
Research Series
801 Books, 595 with downloads
Economic Consultancy
Books Vocat International
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
233 Books, 232 with downloads
342 Chapters, 342 with downloads
Editura Lumen
Books - LUMEN Proceedings
20 Books, 20 with downloads
Book Chapters - Educational Sciences, sports and psychology Department of Economics
315 Chapters, 315 with downloads
Books of Educational Sciences, sports and psychology Department of Economics
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Books of European Integration Department of Economics
10 Books, 10 with downloads
Books of Law Department of Economics
39 Books, 39 with downloads
Books of Marketing and Economy Department of Economics
9 Books, 9 with downloads
Books of Political Science Department of Economics
26 Books, 26 with downloads
Books of PR and Communication Department of Economics
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Books of Social Work and Sociology Department of Economics
26 Books, 26 with downloads
Re-accreditation books through AFCN - 2012 - Philology section Department of Economics
10 Books, 9 with downloads
Re-accreditation books through AFCN - 2012 - Philosophy section Department of Economics
10 Books, 10 with downloads
Edward Elgar Publishing
5497 Books, 5460 with downloads
36390 Chapters, 36371 with downloads
Effectus - Series in Finance and Law University College for Law and Finance
13 Books, 0 with downloads
Elsevier Monographs
386 Books, 386 with downloads
Handbook of Agricultural Economics
6 Books, 6 with downloads
Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook of Computational Economics
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
Handbook of Computational Economics
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Defense Economics
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Development Economics
75 Chapters, 75 with downloads
Handbook of Development Economics
6 Books, 6 with downloads
Handbook of Econometrics
79 Chapters, 79 with downloads
Handbook of Econometrics
7 Books, 7 with downloads
Handbook of Economic Forecasting
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Economic Growth
45 Chapters, 45 with downloads
Handbook of Economic Growth
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Environmental Economics
30 Chapters, 30 with downloads
Handbook of Environmental Economics
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Handbook of Experimental Economics Results
8 Books, 8 with downloads
Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications
80 Chapters, 80 with downloads
Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of Health Economics
51 Chapters, 51 with downloads
Handbook of Health Economics
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Income Distribution
14 Chapters, 14 with downloads
Handbook of Income Distribution
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook of Industrial Organization
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
Handbook of Industrial Organization
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Handbook of International Economics
51 Chapters, 51 with downloads
Handbook of International Economics
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of Labor Economics
73 Chapters, 73 with downloads
Handbook of Labor Economics
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Handbook of Law and Economics
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Macroeconomics
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of Mathematical Economics
40 Chapters, 40 with downloads
Handbook of Mathematical Economics
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of Monetary Economics
49 Chapters, 49 with downloads
Handbook of Monetary Economics
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics
27 Chapters, 27 with downloads
Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Handbook of Population and Family Economics
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook of Public Economics
34 Chapters, 34 with downloads
Handbook of Public Economics
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics
90 Chapters, 90 with downloads
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare
28 Chapters, 28 with downloads
Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Education
58 Chapters, 58 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Education
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Finance
43 Chapters, 43 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Finance
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Innovation
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Handbook on the Economics of Giving, Reciprocity and Altruism
26 Chapters, 26 with downloads
Handbook on the Economics of Giving, Reciprocity and Altruism
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Advances in Airline Economics
115 Chapters, 115 with downloads
Advances in Austrian Economics
261 Chapters, 261 with downloads
Advances in Econometrics
482 Chapters, 482 with downloads
Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth
10 Chapters, 10 with downloads
Advances in Financial Economics
131 Chapters, 131 with downloads
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
116 Chapters, 116 with downloads
Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms
114 Chapters, 114 with downloads
Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis
567 Chapters, 567 with downloads
Contributions to Economic Analysis
710 Chapters, 710 with downloads
Frontiers of Economics and Globalization
284 Chapters, 284 with downloads
International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
301 Chapters, 301 with downloads
Research in Economic Anthropology
280 Chapters, 280 with downloads
Research in Economic History
93 Chapters, 93 with downloads
Research in Experimental Economics
109 Chapters, 109 with downloads
Research in Labor Economics
296 Chapters, 296 with downloads
Research in Law and Economics
99 Chapters, 99 with downloads
Research in Political Economy
203 Chapters, 203 with downloads
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
570 Chapters, 570 with downloads
Research on Economic Inequality
260 Chapters, 260 with downloads
Emerging Markets Forum
Book Chapters
136 Chapters, 2 with downloads
15 Books, 11 with downloads
Entelequia y Servicios Académicos Intercontinentales SL
Entelequia eBooks
13 Books, 13 with downloads
Erudite HDR / Erudite Accreditation to supervise Ph.D.
8 Books, 8 with downloads
Erudite Ph.D Dissertations
31 Books, 31 with downloads
Escuela Superior de Economía
Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación de la Escuela Superios de Economía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Instituto Politécnico Nacional
79 Chapters, 79 with downloads
Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación de la Escuela Superios de Economía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Instituto Politécnico Nacional
24 Books, 24 with downloads
ESTUDIOS ECONOMICOS EEBOOK American Association of Economic Development
4 Books, 4 with downloads
European Institute for Knowledge & Value Management (EIKV)
EIKV-Schriftenreihe zum Wissens- und Wertemanagement Luxembourg
54 Books, 54 with downloads
European Institute for Socioeconomics (EIS)
Schriften des Europäischen Instituts für Sozioökonomie e.V. Saarbrücken
12 Books, 12 with downloads
European Investment Bank
EIB Economic Surveys
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI)
Reports on Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation, Berlin
34 Books, 34 with downloads
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Books Hochschule Bonn, Rhein, Sieg
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Tartu (Estonia)
125 Chapters, 125 with downloads
Faculty of Economics and Business
Shaping Post-COVID World – Challenges for Economic Theory and Policy University of Belgrade
14 Chapters, 14 with downloads
EFZG Occasional Publications (Department of Finance) University of Zagreb
30 Chapters, 30 with downloads
EFZG Occasional Publications (Department of Macroeconomics) University of Zagreb
62 Chapters, 62 with downloads
Faculty of Management and Economics
GUT FME Conference Publications Gdansk University of Technology
34 Chapters, 34 with downloads
Farm Foundation
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Wissenschaftliche Diskussionspapiere Bonn
238 Books, 238 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
2 Books, 0 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
14 Books, 12 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
3 Books, 0 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Digital Books
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
39 Books, 39 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
21 Books, 3 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
75 Books, 18 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
24 Books, 19 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
63 Books, 51 with downloads
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Books at FIEL
37 Books, 36 with downloads
Finance Discipline Group
PhD Thesis UTS Business School, University of Technology, Sydney
55 Books, 55 with downloads
Finance Press
Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility
3 Chapters, 0 with downloads
Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility
1 Books, 0 with downloads
FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
iaim Schriftenreihe: Beiträge aus dem Engineering & Industrial Management iaim Institute of Automation & Industrial Management
4 Books, 4 with downloads
iap Schriftenreihe iap Institut für Arbeit & Personal
2 Books, 2 with downloads
ifes Schriftenreihe ifes Institut für Empirie & Statistik
17 Books, 17 with downloads
ifgs Schriftenreihe ifgs Institut für Gesundheit & Soziales
26 Books, 26 with downloads
ifid Schriftenreihe: Beiträge zu IT-Management & Digitalisierung ifid Institut für IT, Management & Digitalisierung
2 Books, 2 with downloads
ifpm Schriftenreihe ifpm Institut für Public Management
7 Books, 7 with downloads
ipo Schriftenreihe ipo Institut für Personal, & Organisationsforschung
4 Books, 4 with downloads
iwp Schriftenreihe iwp Institut für Wirtschaftspsychologie
19 Books, 19 with downloads
KCC Schriftenreihe KCC KompetenzCentrum für Corporate Social Responsibility
3 Books, 3 with downloads
KCE Schriftenreihe KCE KompetenzCentrum für Entrepreneurship & Mittelstand
9 Books, 9 with downloads
KCFM Schriftenreihe KCFM KompetenzCentrum für Future Mobility
1 Books, 1 with downloads
KCMS Schriftenreihe KCMS KompetenzCentrum für Marketing & Sales Management
9 Books, 9 with downloads
KCN Schriftenreihe KCN KompetenzCentrum für nachhaltige Entwicklung
4 Books, 4 with downloads
KCT Schriftenreihe KCT KompetenzCentrum für Technologie, & Innovationsmanagement
11 Books, 11 with downloads
KCV Schriftenreihe KCV KompetenzCentrum für angewandte Volkswirtschaftslehre
8 Books, 8 with downloads
KCW Schriftenreihe KCW KompetenzCentrum für Wirtschaftsrecht
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Fondo Editorial
Capítulos de Libros PUCP / Chapters of PUCP books Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
356 Chapters, 232 with downloads
Libros PUCP / PUCP Books Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
117 Books, 103 with downloads
Books Universidad del Pacífico
126 Books, 13 with downloads
Chapters of Books Universidad del Pacífico
831 Chapters, 38 with downloads
Fordham University
Fordham Economics Dissertations Department of Economics
36 Books, 35 with downloads
Fundacion BBVA / BBVA Foundation
128 Books, 128 with downloads
23 Books, 23 with downloads
Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
Book Chapters
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
26 Books, 26 with downloads
German African University Partnership Platform for the Development of Entrepreneurs and Small/Medium Enterprises
Handbook Chapters
24 Chapters, 24 with downloads
2 Books, 2 with downloads
German Council of Economic Experts / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Annual Economic Reports / Jahresgutachten
61 Books, 61 with downloads
Occasional Reports / Expertisen
9 Books, 9 with downloads
Special Reports / Sondergutachten
26 Books, 26 with downloads
German Data Forum (RatSWD)
RatSWD Output Series
38 Books, 38 with downloads
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
IDOS Studies
107 Books, 107 with downloads
Globelics Thematic Reviews Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems, Aalborg University, Department of Business and Management
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Governance Research and Development Centre (CIRU)
6th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship. New Business Models and Institutional Entrepreneurs: Leading Disruptive Change (Dubrovnik, 2018) Zagreb
36 Chapters, 36 with downloads
7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship: Embracing Diversity in Organisations (Dubrovnik, 2019) Zagreb
39 Chapters, 39 with downloads
Government of Austria
Sozialpolitische Studienreihe Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Vienna
27 Books, 27 with downloads
Graz University of Technology
BWL Publication Series Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology (BWL)
19 Books, 19 with downloads
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Capitulos de Libros
78 Chapters, 76 with downloads
29 Books, 28 with downloads
Grupo de Investigación en Políticas de Familia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Colección Acción Familiar
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Estudios e Informes
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Page updated 2024-12-19