
Dividers are thin lines that separate items in lists or other containers. You can implement dividers in your app using the HorizontalDivider and VerticalDivider composables.

API surface

Both components provide parameters for modifying their appearance:

  • thickness: Use this parameter to specify the thickness of the divider line.
  • color: Use this parameter to specify the color of the divider line.

Horizontal divider example

The following example demonstrates an implementation of the HorizontalDivider component. It uses the thickness parameter to control the height of the line:

fun HorizontalDividerExample() {
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp),
    ) {
        Text("First item in list")
        HorizontalDivider(thickness = 2.dp)
        Text("Second item in list")

This implementation renders a thin horizontal line between two text components:

An Android app screen displaying two text items, 'First item in list' and 'Second item in list,' separated by a thin horizontal line.
Figure 1. A horizontal divider separating two text components.

Vertical divider example

The following example demonstrates an implementation of the VerticalDivider component. It uses the color parameter to provide a custom color for the line:

fun VerticalDividerExample() {
        modifier = Modifier
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
    ) {
        Text("First item in row")
        VerticalDivider(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary)
        Text("Second item in row")

This implementation renders a thin vertical line between two text components:

An Android app screen displaying two text items, 'First item in row' and 'Second item in row,' separated by a thin vertical line.
Figure 2. A vertical divider separating two text components.

Additional resources