English: Knives, forks, and spoons made from a biodegradable starch-polyester material.
The photo has been realized using the photoelasticity method, an experimental
method which gets a fairly accurate picture of stress distribution even around
abrupt discontinuities in a material.
When a ray of plane polarised light is passed through a photoelastic material, it gets
resolved along the two principal stress directions and each of these components experiences
different refractive indices. The difference in the refractive indices leads to a relative
phase retardation between the two component waves.
The setup used to photograph this photo was probably composed of:
A regular light source, with a quarter-wave plate installed to polarize the emerging light
A regular photo camera, with a quarter-wave plate installed in front of the lens
Light and camera being installed and oriented in the same direction, the two
quarter-wave plates were turned with the polarizing axis in the same direction.
Français : Couteaux, fourchettes et cuillères biodégradables en polyester à base d'amidon.
Português: Facas, garfos e colheres fabricadas com um material poliéster biodegradável à base de amido. A foto foi tirada usando o método fotoelástico, um método experimental que fornece uma imagem bastante precisa da distribuição do stress mesmo que o material possua descontinuidades abruptas.
Tiếng Việt: Dao, nĩa, muỗng được làm từ một loại vật liệu bột sợi tổng hợp có khả năng phân huỷ sinh học.
Unbekanntes Datum
United States Department of Agriculture (link) noise removed with a Gaussian blur in The GIMP
{{Information |Description=knives, forks, and spoons made from a biodegradable starch-polyester material |Source=United States Department of Agriculture ([http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/k7245-1.htm link])<br>noise removed with a Gaussian blur
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