Whampoa Military Academy
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The Nationalist Party of China Army Officer Academy (Chinese: 中國國民黨陸軍軍官學校), commonly known as the Whampoa Military Academy (Chinese: 黃埔軍校), was a military academy in the Republic of China that produced many notable commanders who fought in the Northern Expedition, the Second Sino-Japanese War and later the Chinese Civil War.
Flag and insignia
孫中山先生制定的校徽 Emblem of Chinese Military Academy designed by Sun Yat-sen.
國軍軍旗 - National Revolutionary Army (NRA) Flag
Lenin send him as a Comintern representative to China, to help the formation of Communist Party of China. Then in 1921 as the representative of Comintern, Henk Sneevliet (using the name Maring), met with Sun in Guangxi. He proposed to set up a military academy and train the revolutionary army, which confirmed Sun's ideas and he accepted that with no hesitation.
國父中山先生 Sun Yat-Sen/Sun Zhongshan
胡漢民 Hu Han Ming
Chiang Kai-shek and Whampoa
Borodin, who was Sun Yetsen's political advicer, and Chiang Kaishek in Whampoa Military Academy. 鮑羅廷(左二)作為孫中山的高級政治顧問,1927年在廣州和黃埔軍校校長蔣介石(左三)的老照片。
Early photos
Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek at the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924. 孙中山在黄埔军校开学典礼演讲
Sun Yat-sen visiting the Whampoa Military Academy on June 16th, 1924. Standing, from left: He Ying-qin, Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Bo-ling 孙中山主持黄埔军校开学典礼后,同蒋介石(中)、何应钦(左)、王柏龄(右)合影.1924年6月16日
Chiang and Sun at creation of Whampoa Military Academy.孙中山在黄埔军校开学典礼演讲
Teaching staff
Vasilii K. Blyukher 1924年—1927年期间,加仑任孙中山及后来的国民革命军的军事顾问团团长,协助孙中山主持军务。勃留赫尔才是他的真名。他是苏联第一批五大元帅之一,也是苏联远东地区防御日本侵略的最高将领。
Zhou Enlai.周恩來,黃埔軍校成立時任政治部副主任.
陈诚(1898~1965) 中国国民党军将领。蒋介石的主要助手。字辞修。浙江青田人。保定陆军军官学校毕业,曾任黄埔军校教官、北伐军团长、师长。后指挥蒋介石的嫡系部队对李宗仁、唐生智、阎锡山、冯玉祥等军队作战.
Gu Jutong.顾祝同(1893年-1987年),字墨三,江苏涟水人,国军将领。1916年入保定陆军军官学校第六期步科。1922年任粤军第二军参谋。1924年黄埔军校初创时任中校战术教官兼管理部主任。
Yiap Jianyin in NRA uniform.葉劍英,時任教授部副主任。
1938 Nie Ronzhen on horseback.1938年,馬背上的聶榮臻。
Distinguished graduates
林彪 Lin Biao.
Lin Biao 林彪
Du Yuming.杜聿明
Hu Zongnan.胡宗南
Liu Zhidan.刘志丹
Zuo Quan and wife.左權
See also
[edit]- National Revolutionary Army
- Chinese Soviet Republic
- 中國工農紅軍
- Comintern 共產國際
- 孫文
- Baoding Military Academy